The KING of Study Timers

The KING of Study Timers

Luis Letona

⭐ Información de Anking original:

The KING of Study Timers

Add-on Betas

Add a Pomodoro Style Timer to the top bar of Anki and keep track of your studying!



  • 3 numbers are now allowed instead of 2 in the timer settings
  • Fixed the button size for 2.1.36+
  • Set the config button focus to the "ok" button by default
  • The config is now in a new AnKing toolbar menu instead of the tools menu
  • other minor bug fixes
  • The 3.4 update of this add-on (9/3/2021) introduced a small fix so that it doesn't overlap with the AMBOSS add-on
  • The 3.6 version of the add-on (3/4/2022) allows for updating to 2.1.50 and fixes an issue where the placeholder on AnkiWeb will overwrite this beta
  • The 3.7 version fixes a few bugs 


A few notes

  • You need to be on Anki 2.1.22+ 
  • There is a menu within the Anking menu that has all the controls for this add-on
  • There are lots of things you can customize in the config (like colors, which type of timer you want, if you want it to track stats, keyboard shortcuts, etc)
  • If you find any problems, please email us directly rather than comment on here so that we can better troubleshoot it
  • You can, however, comment on here what you like about it :) A LOT of time went into this and we will try to make it better (but we're still very much amateur coders)

As always, please let me know if there are any issues! I'm still working on this add-on based on ideas that you all have given me so far


If you find a bug, please submit an issue on Github (preferred) or email us

Report Page