The Judgment Closet

The Judgment Closet

Distinct between judgments and decision making, as meant by A Course in Miracles (ACIM), is tricky until we learn to recognize a judgment as a judgment and how the ego pieces judgments in the mind. After that, it becomes a question of reverting to the decision maker, which comes before judgment, to create a new choice. If you are confused, it's no wonder since a judgment is activities like a determination with the twist of the ego added to it.

The Course asks us to have a little readiness to learn the principles and then go and apply that learning how to undoing the ego. All we've been doing is mindlessly using the decision maker to choose the ego's judgments and we now needs to do the other by denying, which is choosing to give up, those ego judgments.

What ego stuff we keep hidden is like a huge walk-in closet in the mind. There are shelving, shelves and compartments of fragmented judgments and when you try to emerge, there's a barrier called the entranceway which is fear and guiltiness. You don't have to break down the entranceway but instead return into the closet and examine the wardrobe of thoughts (judgments). The key comes from giving up everything in the closet as this turns on the light of Love and dispels the darkness.

Like any person cleaning out their closet, when closely examined with credibility, the judgmental wardrobe can be seen as an outdated and no longer valued system. We don't replace the wardrobe as the Law of Attraction suggests (replace one thought of the ego with a better thought of the ego). It's about giving up the entire ego wardrobe if you want to go home.

Decision Making:

Keep in mind that you make decisions all the time and it's really why the Course is aimed at your choice maker. All choices either lead to saying yes with the ego's judgments (interpretations) or providing them with up. This prefers a side in the split mind to think as the cause for experience. "Agreeing" with a side is actually (1) the purchase of something for the closet; or, (2) to throw something out of the closet because you no longer value it.

While the ego tricks you into assuming you have to select from what's in the closet and increasing the closet (fragmented judgments), that is really choosing between facets of the ego like a summer and winter wardrobe. The "one or the other" ego thought system actually means any aspect (season) of the closet or throw it out entirely because you don't are interested. It's two different internal Teachers that don't mix regardless of the season.

Distinguish means, "To perceive or point out a difference" and there is a difference between decisions that lead to judgments and decisions that lead to providing them with up. Let's discuss these two aspects.

Discriminating: Judgments of the Ego

This is of judgment is, "The ability to create a considered decision or come to a conclusion. inch All judgments would then begin as a decision but the ego twist is to put a conclusion or meanings on the decision (decisions with meanings) which show up as thoughts, feelings, emotions, actions and things.

The ego loves the word "discriminating" added to judgment because it means, "perceiving or judging an improvement between people, places and things. inch It's a way to fragment and why ACIM says the ego grows on differences and specialness. If things were the same in the ego world, discriminating and its associated pieces could not exist.

In the judgment closet, the christ you have to return into the mind that chose the wardrobe to discern your location making the decision or choice to agree with something in the closet. This puts your choice maker back as the buyer (by agreeing) with the ability to decline a purchase (give up a judgment or a fragment judgment) and throw it out.

Discernment: Giving up Judgments

The ego hates the word "discernment" because it means, "To use perception, in the absence of judgment, with a view to obtaining spiritual direction and understanding. inch Absence of judgment means an absence of working out meaning.

What is called the "tiny crazy idea" was a determination. Originally, it had no meaning and has been chuckled off. Only when meaning was applied and decided made it happen be a discriminating judgment that led to the associated consequences.

Your choice maker in the mind comes before meaning (judgment) and it is there you have to stop and consider what you are saying yes to add to the closet:

Agree with in conclusion or model of ego, and you have agreed with the ego's meaning as your cause and effect.

Agree with not buying into a meaning (judgment or a fragment) by joking it off, is to remove that issued meaning and provide in the judgment to the Holy Spirit for His model.

The other point of the Course is that you don't have to make decisions alone. You can return through the judgment closet before, during or after an agreement. By taking the judgment off the holder, which is looking at it, you use your choice maker to choose to ask for assist in deciding.

The moment you admit you don't know how to decide and have for help is considered a Holy Instant. In the mind, where the strength lies, you are deciding and joining with the Holy Spirit to be your Teacher, or interpreter, for perception and discernment. This removes the "ego knows best. inch

The main way we get ourselves into trouble is getting back together our mind first by thinking we know best (ego knows best) and by not even being happy to ask for help deciding before a determination is made. Also, if we won't wait for the answer, we're using the ego who loves to rush into judgment.


All the t-shirts in the closet are one set of judgment pieces. Some are long or short-sleeved, different colors and fabric, buttons, zippers, collars, program plans and even the tails will vary. Discernment requires you look at each one and decide whether to keep it or throw it out of the judgment closet.

How that looks in thoughts is really not hard. I have a red shirt. I have a bright red shirt. I have a long-sleeved red shirt. I have a bright, long-sleeved red shirt. I have a long-sleeved red shirt with a frayed hem. I have a bright, long-sleeved red shirt with a straight hem. You get the idea.

Before you think I'm crazy, read all those individual sentences and feel them. Look at the images and associated feelings. Each one has a slightly different meaning. That is how the ego pieces judgments. You made decisions (have, red, shirt, bright, long-sleeved, hems, etc. ) and you attached meaning based on each one and how they are put together.

The ego will try to tell you these are all the same but discernment says otherwise. If you want a susceptible to end in your life, you'll have to give up all the associated shirt pieces. While they all come from fear and guiltiness, it is your agreement with them that made the purchase (cause and effect).

The Closet:

You'll be happy to stand in the judgment closet of your mind and reevaluate the judgment wardrobe when the weight of the judgments becomes too packed and excruciating. Everyone has to go through the closet at some point.

Keep in mind that anything beyond initial perception as recognition of something you know (ego) can easily go into judgment (conclusions) if you do not stop in front of them with the decision maker and make a decision to get help. There's no rush and you can afford to await for the answer. We are always perceiving with ego or Holy Spirit and instantly, you can change the Teacher by doing this.

Your choice maker is the onlooker of the proceedings without any judgment (before meaning is attached). As you pull things (judgments) out of the closet, they will all have meanings issued because they've happened in the past, or could happen in the future. The function of the decision maker is to decide (choose) in the now to look at the judgment wardrobe, and give up those judgments (decisions with meanings) to the Holy Spirit for a new model and nothing more. Anything else leads back to judgment.

The solution is within you and you must be the one who acts ongoing through the judgment wardrobe. It is never too late to take something down, and instead of passing it around, throw it out. Because you are still in Oneness in the mind, you really cannot make decisions alone. You can simply make the option "now" to not make them alone.

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