The I.s Have It.

The I.s Have It.

👓 Angela Baltimore

The I.s Have It.

The I.s Have It.✅ Through a series of transparent stories, hard taught lessons, and out-right inspirational moments of authentic advice, The Is Have IT! will discuss relationally, situationally and interpersonally how the sum of all parts of your life equals the whole of you become. It might bring you to tears, to face moments of brutal honesty, or cause you to take heavy doses of self reflection- but it will all go down smooth and with a lot of fun. Most importantly, you will have the opportunity to think about who you are, who you are meant to be and how to start the journey to be your best self. Enjoy the passages, ponder the lessons and accept the affirmation provided herein. Now start reading...Annettes Twin has so much to tell you...


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