The Intruder

The Intruder

Author's Note: This is a work of fiction, exploring taboo fantasies, not an endorsement of behavior, sexual or otherwise, in real life. Remember: Keep it Safe, Sane, and Consensual!

San Madero Naval Base, California

11 July 2020, 1400 Hours

Alice Hope rocked back and forth on her feet, trying to find a way to shift her weight so that her feet would stop aching so much. The SoCal heat would be bad enough for the Seaman Apprentice, but the plexiglass windows of the un-air conditioned guard shack turned her workplace into a greenhouse, threatening to roast the petite blonde alive before she could make it to the end of her shift. She stared down the length of the road leading up the hill into town, spotting no sign of anyone wanting to approach the gate.

It'd be better if it were busy, she pondered, using her sleeve to wipe the sweat from her face, at least then I'd have something to do instead of just sit and think about how fucking hot it is. Or how humid it is. Alice tried especially not to think about the humidity, how she could feel the sweat dripping down her back, where it would follow her natural shape and drip down her ass crack and other very personal places. She'd joined the navy for the adventure, to see the world, to pay for school. Right at this moment, all she wanted in life was the chance to get back to her air-conditioned barracks room and strip naked so she'd be free of the prison of her sweat-soaked uniform.

She heard a chair creaking and looked behind her to see Parker rising to his feet, car keys in hand. The tall brown-haired sailor stretched, letting the tension out of his back before looking down at his partner.

"Hope, it's freaking dead out here, and there's no way anyone's coming to check on us on a Sunday. I'm gonna go get something cold to drink. If you don't tell the Chief that I left you alone out here, I'll get you an iced coffee."

"You got yourself a deal, Parker," she raised an eyebrow, "gimme some extra whipped cream, too?" Parker grinned at the innuendo and gave a mock-salute as he stepped out onto the pavement and strolled off in the direction of his car, parked in an otherwise empty parking lot, nominally reserved for an office that nobody was working at over the weekend.

Alice watched as the car peeled out of the parking lot and raced down the hill towards the minimart. Turning back to face towards the gate, she was startled to see a stranger striding towards her. Tall and broad-shouldered, he wore an unseasonably long coat that would be out of fashion any time of the year. A broad-brimmed hat was tipped forward on his head, concealing his face as he approached.

What the hell? He couldn't be more suspicious if he tried. Alice glanced back in the direction Parker had taken off in, and considered trying to call him on the phone, but realized she didn't have time for that as she stepped out of the shack and turned back towards the stranger.

She had a lot less time than she thought. The stranger had covered the distance to her guardshack in the few heartbeats she'd wasted to look the other way, and was now almost face-to-face with her. Alice's eyes went wide in shock as she found him reaching for her, thick tendrils jetting out from his sleeve, cutting her panicked scream short as they flew into her mouth and slid down her throat, the tail-ends of the intruders whipping about her face as she stumbled backwards and tripped over the curb, gagging.

Acting on pure instinct, Alice rolled onto all fours and began scrambling across the hot pavement, trying to get to her feet as she felt the slimy tendrils worming their way down her throat. She didn't make it far before she felt her attacker grab her by the ankle, dragging her back into the guard shack as she clawed at the curb and doorframe in vain. Her fingertips slipped free as she lost her grip, and soon she was on the filthy floor of the shack, the weight of her attacker pinning her down as sweat and tears stung at her eyes. As he held her down, more tendrils slipped out from inside of his coat, worming their way under her uniform, using any gap they could find to slip between the layers of fabric until they slid and coiled along bare sweaty skin. She felt them slip under her bra, the straps digging into her skin as her soft young breasts were subjected to the slimy tendrils, coiling around her tits painfully and attaching themselves to her tender nipples with sucker mouths.

Alice let out a pitiful sound as she felt this and worse. Other tendrils worked their way into the waist of her pants, sliding under her panties and between her legs, the slimy lengths rubbing across her pussy, between her ass cheeks. She was afraid she knew what they were after, and the sensations of the slimy tendrils sliding across her most sensitive spots caused her body to convulse in something uncomfortably close to pleasure.

A slimy tendril wormed it's way past her lower lips, effortlessly squeezing past her feeble defense and into her cunt. She grunted in protest as another tendril forced its way into her ass, a mix of slime and her own sweat easing the way as it slowly but steadily filled her asshole.

Whenever she glanced down, she was horrified by the sight of the tendrils flowing from her attacker and into her clothes, into her. She looked up instead, and immediately scrunched her eyes shut as soon as she saw what her attacker had instead of a face.

A mass of writhing slimy tendrils let the hat fall to the ground, the coat being similarly abandoned as a mass of foot-long tendrils swarmed over Alice's body, sliding across her and under her clothes and into her helpless fuck holes. She gagged again as several of the intruders forced their way down her throat at once.

She felt a mass building up inside of her, her petite body swelling to accommodate her attackers, her uniform buttons straining and her belt painfully squeezing her midsection. She felt something else inside of her, sharp pains, as if several sharp somethings were jabbing her.

Deep inside of her body, the tendrils were attaching themselves to her with their sucker mouths and poking needle-like probes into her nervous system. Soon the pain would fade, replaced by pleasure as they began sending new signals to her brain.

Alice writhed in the mass of tendrils, her sweat-soaked body glistening as she moaned with unwelcome ecstasy. She didn't want this, she just wanted this to end. Oh my goodness! It feels so good! What the hell is wrong with me?!

Her arms moved against her will, or rather without her will. The painfully tight belt was undone, followed by her buttons, and her uniform was soon stripped from her body. The signals being sent up her spine soon began to override her fear, leaving her to happily spread her legs wider, toying with her clit as she felt the intruders make more changes to her body and mind.

Her swollen body began to reshape itself. Her hips and ass flared generously, and her tits filled out, as if filling with milk. Her body took on an almost matronly form, with her midsection tapering in to create a curvy hourglass figure. Alice twitched and cooed helplessly as her body and brain hummed with pleasure, tendrils sliding back out of her body, first one by one, then soon as a flow as her attacker regained his human shape over her.

By the time Parker had paid for the iced coffee, Alice Hope, as he knew her, was no more, her personality and desires reprogrammed, and her old identity overwritten. As the intruder left the guard shack and made his way onto the base, she pulled her uniform back on, the trousers tightly hugging her round ass and the buttons of her top straining against her bust. She eagerly awaited the next part of her mission.

Parker drove back to the empty parking lot, not paying any mind to the man in the unseasonable trench coat and hat. His trip had taken longer than he expected, and he was in a rush to get back before Alice got into any problems manning the shack by herself. As he walked back to the guard shack, his partner waved at him from the door to the shack, her face glistening with sweat.

As he reentered the confines of the sweltering plexiglass shelter, Parker was hit by an overwhelming but not unpleasant scent, another change the intruder had made to Alice's body to help her on her new mission. He couldn't quite think of how to define the smell, except that it was very feminine, and very arousing. He turned beet red as the short blonde smiled coyly at him.

"Parker... you have something I need."

"I... uh... I mean... yes?" He cringed at the sound of his own voice. It seemed as if he'd forgotten how to speak English in the same moment he realized how irresistible his partner suddenly seemed. Keep it together, dumbass.

"My coffee?" She raised an eyebrow at him and grinned, reaching out towards him. He was suddenly aware of how hard he was, his stiff cock straining uncomfortably inside of his pants. He tried to take a few deep breaths to calm himself down and get under control, but that somehow made it worse as he sucked deep breath after deep breath of her tempting scent. He was starting to pant as her hand touched his, taking the coffee cup from him and putting it down on his desk to be quickly forgotten.

The intruder continued up the street unnoticed, skillfully concealing himself the rare few times he crossed paths with some unfortunate sailor working on the weekend. Those that came too close were ambushed and made to join his cause, unwillingly being made into his willing accomplices behind bushes and in alleyways behind buildings, left lying in twitchy messes as they transformed into his well-endowed servants, securing his safe exit route and going about their new mission.

Soon he found his target, a dark, cigar-shaped ship lying low in the water and tied up to the dock. A sign by the gangway read "USS Kraken" and two sailors standing guard gave a short-lived challenge before being dragged to the ground by the unexpected mass of tendrils, gagging and moaning as their bodies were unceremoniously invaded and transformed, the mass of tendrils quickly crossing the gangway and diving into an open hatch to attack the unsuspecting crew.

Parker sat back in his chair and moaned happily, paying no attention to his duties as Alice's pretty blonde head bobbed up and down in his lap, his cock effortlessly sliding down her throat. His hands were tangled in her curls, forcefully pulling her down his length again and again, her tongue playfully coiling around his balls and massaging them as he quickly rushed towards another climax. He didn't mind as he felt her tongue travel further down, teasing at his puckered asshole as he grunted and thrust his hips up between her lips.

It didn't occur to him that her tongue wasn't nearly long enough to do both of these things at once, and he didn't give it any thought as he felt the slimy tendril squeeze past his pucker and effortlessly make its way up his ass. His cock pulsed as he pumped another load down his partner's throat, and he let out a long happy groan as he felt another tendril follow the first into his primed body, the intruders taking root and quickly sending happy submissive signals up his spine to his brain even as his body began to change.

The crew of the Kraken had no concept of the threat descending upon them. Sailors fell to the ground before they could warn their crewmates, the slimy tendrils attacking from every darkened corner and working their way into the sailors' bodies from any opening they could reach. Before long, the crew was being accosted by transformed sailors, distracted by their potent pheromones and forced against bulkheads and hatches as they were quickly fucked and taken.

Petty Officer Susan Riley let out a long groan as she felt the long thick slimy cock slide up her virgin ass. The pretty redhead had been a career-driven woman, eager to prove herself worthy of serving aboard the nuclear submarine, and had spared little patience for the horndog men and their crude comments. She had been determined to prove herself just as capable as any of them in her trade. None of that mattered now as one of those sailors held her narrow hips tightly and thrust into her again, stuffing her more full of cock than she'd ever imagined she could feel.

Her body shook as another orgasm overtook the horny redhead, and she hardly noticed when a second phallus squeezed into her sopping wet cunt, stretching her open as it slid deeper and deeper into her, soon followed by another... and another... and another... the happy submissive signals traveling up her spine as she felt a surge of her crewmate's seed flood her bowels.

Back at the guard shack, Alice's swollen tits were flattened against the plexiglass as Parker slammed into her cunt as hard and deep as he could, his monstrous cock stretching her open as the two sailors moaned happily. The dirty window was smeared with her sweat as she struggled to keep her legs under her, overwhelmed with the feeling of Parker's cock pumping her full of another load of potent seed.

The intruder ignored the redhead and her lover, pushing them aside as he opened the hatch into the next room. Rows of tall silos filled the room, the submarine's payload of nuclear missiles now totally unguarded. The intruder was followed by two officers, naked except for the keys hanging from their necks. The intruder approached a computer panel, and using a password he'd picked up on a previous mission, updated the missiles' targeting computers with new targets.

The two officers unhesitatingly approached the computer and inserted their keys into a pair of locks at either end of the computer, turning them as one. The intruder turned and began to exit the ship, paying no mind to the alarms sounding as two rows of hatches opened, sunlight pouring down into the missile tubes as the missiles prepared to launch. The sub's crew had been reduced to a sweaty orgy, happily fucking each others' brains out as their master made his way back across the gangway and up the street.

By the time the intruder had returned to the guardhouse, Alice was on all fours, her belly swollen as Parker continued railing her with a now inhumanly large cock, thick creamy cum leaking out of her fuckholes. Her swollen belly rippled as a new mass of tendrils grew inside of her, stretching her fertile body to its limits. As Parker pumped another creamy load into the eager blonde slut and finally collapsed in exhaustion, Alice let out a long low moan, and a mass of tendrils poured out from her pussy and ass. The moan turned into a choked gag as her throat swelled up and another mass of slimy tendrils poured from her mouth.

These tendrils came together into a human-shaped mass, which collected Parker's discarded uniform to conceal itself with. As a swarm of ballistic missiles arced into the sky from the docks, a silent group of uniform-clad intruders walked out the gate and into San Madero, dispersing into the city and hunting down the startled residents as the missiles, joining similar missiles from other bases around the world, arced towards their targets.

The invasion of Earth succeeded before its leaders even realized they were under attack, and it became yet another base for the intruders' march across the galaxy.

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