The Industrial Revolution and the Individual

The Industrial Revolution and the Individual

The industrial revolution transformed people's work patterns, life styles and living standards to a whole new capacity by leaving an enduring imprint on societies fundamental way of life. Although industrialization brought stronger economies, it also changed individual's lives. It was the basis of many drastic changes. The process of urbanization is a critical element to explore. People left the country to move in the city to work because more jobs were available in cities with the growth of factories. The family structure also had significant changes. People would relocate more often. Women and children would also work causing problems at home. Industrialization also caused huge health concerns. Safety was issue from all the noise, pollution, dangerous machinery, and unreasonable bosses. The idea of workplace alienation altered traditional means of labour. Hard work, nature, and pride no longer existed as mindless robotic work took over. Workers were wage slaves getting paid very poorly for long hours of work. The days with the seasons dictating work schedules were over. Industrialization was a new era of time which altered society in a way that forced a culture of change upon the individual.

Before industrialization most people lived in the country. The primary means of work was in agriculture and farming. Industrialization started in Great Britain during the 1750's. The three main industries were textiles, steam power and iron welding. It started in Britain because they were a super power. They had good inventors and had technology that the rest of the world could not match. With industrialization came the factories which replaced the old ways of production. People from all over the country came to the city to work in the factories. These were at the time the best employment opportunities. By the early 1900's Europe was almost completely industrialized. This caused a huge boom in countries economies because the countries national income would double every couple of decades. This revolution made the west even stronger. The technological advancements changed everything. Society began not only making better textiles, steam power and iron welding methods but they also had better; glass making, mining methods, transportation such as railways, and waterways.

Industrialization sounded good but it came with a sacrifice. It was not always good for the individual. However, it did have benefits as it was still extremely important as it played an integral transitional role in the advancement of society.

The concept of Urbanization plays a vital role on the impact of the individual during the industrial revolution. Urbanization occurs when cites population growth is accelerated. The industrial revolution played a huge role in that. Industrialization requires a lot of people and a lot people need jobs so they move to the city that is suddenly able to provide jobs.

The first main cities to gain massive population growth were Leeds, Manchester and Birmingham. Many good things came from this as people lived close to where they work. The economic growth allowed the country to expand, leading to nationalism. People knew more about the news and were more experienced. They saw more and had further opportunity to be successful. Before this time if you were lower class you had no chance of moving up. People had a greater purpose now, by having the ability to be part of something bigger. The general public could get an education which was never available before. People became smarter and now the average person could read and write. Also since the metropolitan areas were now all the main power centers, business and trade became priorities and technology boomed. They figured out new ways to generate ideas which has transpired to today. To make things better, faster, stronger, more efficient and easier all started with technological advancements from this time pollution control in textile processing industry. This affected the individual because they had to endure the hardships during this change. However over time the stress that the individual had to undergo improved as inventions improved the quality of live. One of the most critical inventions was the steam engine and steam power. From this the steamboat, trains and other machines that run on steam were created. There also many problems with urbanization. Overpopulation happened at times when there was not enough room to house people. Also there were many poor land and crops due to everyone leaving their farming jobs. There was higher crime rate in heavier populated areas. Problems such as these were eventually realized and addressed. Solving them took many years to get laws passed and ways of enforcing them. With these problems and solutions came new jobs like urban planning, and employment lawyers, and health and safety standards that further improved quality of life for the individual through change on society and the individual.

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