The Ill Effects of Wii Play Station Games and What to Do About It

The Ill Effects of Wii Play Station Games and What to Do About It

It seems that up to ten people a week are being hospitalized with injuries caused by playing NINTENDO WII GAMING CONSOLE games, prompting doctors in Britain to issue warnings of the dangers associated with the Wii video game system. "There has been a 100 percent upsurge in patients complaining of Wii-itis," says, Dr. Dev Mukerjee of Broomfield Hospital, Essex. "Most patients are admitted after playing tennis or running games which involve sudden movements, resulting in tendon stretching or tearing." "It is possible Wii-itis can lead to rheumatism or arthritis later in life. Patients frequently have inflammation of the shoulder or wrist," said Dr. Mukerjee. Another common injury is the Wii-knee, blamed on the bending of the knee from using the Wii special platform and some movements ranging from yoga to strength-training moves. In extreme cases, the kneecap could be dislocated or pop out of joint. Doctors commonly treat Wii-knee with cortisone injections, icing, and anti-inflammatory painkillers. Treatments can last up to three months. In addition, it is very vital that you learn proper form when first taking on a new sport. Novice players will develop improper stroke patterns from long term use of the sports games, that may potentially effect their capability to excel in those specific activities later in life.

Here are a few tips to prevent Wii-Injuries:

First: Warm up and stretch before each session and do not over exert yourself. Remember to stretch and allow your system to cool down after each exercise.

Second: Work inside your limits to get a good experience from the balance board also to prevent hurting yourself.

Third: Give more info in between games. Play games 3 or 4 4 times a week rather than everyday, and be sure to pace yourself between games.

Fourth: Consult your Doctor about beginning a routine that involves different exercises and pressure on the joints (specifically knees, back and elbow). Ask what suggestions he/she has regarding this kind of exercise.

Fifth: The very best for last. Avoid it... get off the sofa and go ride a bike, play tennis, or find an activity you enjoy!

Finally: Realize the Wii Play Station and balance board are physical games that require practice before fully exerting yourself. The Wii games were created for fun and you must find the proper balance between your fun part and the exertion part... you'll be having a far greater experience.

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