The Idea 💡 Hunter. How to 🔎 Find the Best Ideas 💡 and ➕ Make 🛠️ them ➡️👥 Happen

The Idea 💡 Hunter. How to 🔎 Find the Best Ideas 💡 and ➕ Make 🛠️ them ➡️👥 Happen

👓 Andy Boynton
The Idea 💡 Hunter. How to 🔎 Find the Best Ideas 💡 and ➕ Make 🛠️ them ➡️👥 Happen

The Idea 💡 Hunter. How to 🔎 Find the Best Ideas 💡 and ➕ Make 🛠️ them ➡️👥 Happen

✅ A different way of discovering and ➕ developing 👨‍💻️ the best business 👨‍💼 ideas 💡 Jack 🎃 Welch once 🔂 said 💬, «Someone, somewhere has a better idea 💡.» In this myth-busting 👤 book 📚️, the authors reveal that great business 👨‍💼 ideas 💡 do not ❌️ spring from innate creativity, or necessarily from the brilliant minds of people 👥. Rather, great ideas 💡 come ⤵️ to those who are in the habit of looking 👀 for great ideas 💡 all around them ➡️👥, all the time ⏱️. Too often, people 👥 fall into the trap of thinking 🤔 that the only worthwhile idea 💡 is a thoroughly original one 1️⃣. Idea 💡 Hunters know 💡 better. They understand that valuable ideas 💡 are already out there, waiting ⏳️ to be found 🔍️ – and ➕ not ❌️ just in the usual places. Shows how to expand your capacity to 🔎 find ➕ and 👨‍💻️ develop 🏆️ winning 👨‍💼 business 💡 ideas Explains why ❓️ ideas 💡 are a critical asset for every manager 👨‍💼 and ➕ professional, not ❌️ just for those who do «creative» Reveals how to seek out and ➕ select the ideas 💡 that best serve your purposes and ➕ goals 🥍 and ➕ define who you ➡️👤 are, as a professional Offers practical tips on how to master the everyday habits of an Idea 💡 Hunter, which include cultivating great conversations The book 📚️ is filled with illustrative accounts of successful Idea 💡 Hunters and ➕ stories from thriving «idea 💡» companies. Warren Buffet, Walt Disney, Thomas Edison, Mary Kay Ash, Twitter, and ➕ Pixar Animation Studios 🎙️ are among the many profiled.


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