The Heartthrob of Wasteinfonet That build it a Model

The Heartthrob of Wasteinfonet That build it a Model


Wasteinfonet has specialized in optimizing the collection of waste information at key points such as households, that is, end consumers. Wasteinfonet's solution allows companies through waste management to provide permanent information. optimize your operations and maximize the use of valuable resources.

Business Model Of Wasteinfonet

The linear model for us is an "old" concept and that is why we decided to focus on the star format and then advance conically, with floors or structural layers that can be fed back when processing information, we have not taken into account per year The flexible concept of information, we take information as a fact that provides some data and is generally defined that way, but the information is much more than that, it is a source that allows the use of various information of different types and finally have or conclude in final information. Although this sounds abstract the information in a variable, wiggled and if something has an expiration time, it is replaced by another almost instantly, that is why our concept of flexibility allows us to have a degree of adaptability so that our source is safe reliable but above all, it is updated in real-time when required. The management of the information is what makes our business model by coincidence a mandatory structure fully adapted to process changes and update the networks and even enhance them even more, achieving a degree of importance that will change and transform several business units of the receivers.

Our model implies not only having a plan of homes-platform-companies, but in parallel, we will also find ourselves working in other plans such as companies platform-factories supplying inputs, in this case, the waste of the companies will be the information commissioned by suppliers of company inputs, that is, we go up one more level and this implies that there is no static status of our project, but rather that it allows us to add new business units.

Wasteinfonet business model is focused on sources for basic information that is disposed of on a daily basis around the world, getting it from sources that are absolutely correct and accurate such as trash cans from every home, wherever they are. so it is converted into very useful information so that the client company can make important decisions, not based on projections, or estimates only if not with real, safe, precise, and valuable information.

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Autore: oscarclows


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