The Hagal Rune

The Hagal Rune

The “Hagal” Rune According to Guido Von List


 hagal = the All-caring [hegen], to enclose [einschliessen]; Hail [Hagel], to destroy [vernichten].

A Seventh I know, if I see a Blaze

High around the men’s Dwelling;

However wildly it may burn, I will bring it to Rest

with taming Magical-songs.

Hagal! – The Inner-feeling [Innerlichkeitsgefühl], the Consciousness [Bewusstsein] of his God to be embraced with all his qualities, produces a high level of Self-confidence in the Power of one’s own Spirit. And this gives Miraculous-powers, which are inherent in all persons. This is a power which can persuade a strong spirit to believe in it without any doubt. 

Christ, who was one of these rare persons (as was Wotan) said: “Verily, verily I say unto you, if someone were to say to this stone: move yourself away! – and he believes in it – then this stone would lift itself away and fly into the sea.” 

Borne through this consciousness which has no inherent doubt, the chosen one controls the physical and spiritual realms, which he contains comprehensively, and thereby he feels himself to be All Powerful. Therefore: “Harbor the All in yourself, and you will control the All!”

-Paraphrase from The Mystery/Secret of the Runes [Das Geheimnis der Runen] (1908)

by Guido von List

* NOTE: According to List, this Rune is the neither a vowel, nor a consonant, instead it is the “Aspiration sound” (to aspirate means the pronunciation of the letter “h” at the beginning of a word, so it is to make the H-sound while inhaling).

The “Hagal, Halga, Galga, Gilg” Rune According to R.J. Gorsleben

Letter H and Number 7. The Rune of Salvation: Hagal, holy [hagla], Galga, Lily [Gilg]. “The cohesion of the world”. 

Its Ur-word is Ewiger Wechsel meaning “Eternal Change”.

“A seventh I learned, if the hall is burning

With fire around bench and comrades;

However bright it burns, I will banish the blaze,

As soon I sing the magic chant.”

The Hagal Rune is hiero-glyphic (which means holy script-wise), and pictographically, the Hag-All or All-Hag, caringly surrounds everything (the universe): “Allah il Allah”, “Wal-Hall”, the God-All, the One-All, the MAN-All, the man-All, the human-All. 
In its negative aspect (also called Hagel), it is represented by the tipped Rune; it signifies death, destruction as well as air, wind. In the Nordic realm, Hagal is represented as a swastika or X-shape and is said to be the picture of a procession. 
In the Germanic realm it is seen as a gate that leads to the realms of salvation. On the parchment of the Wessobrunner Prayer, this Rune appears in the place of the syllable ‘Ga’ (the God-syllable) and is therefore a sacred symbol.


The Hagal Rune represents the cross of the world, with the radix, the root, the hub in the middle, in the point of intersection of its branches, around which the world turns on its axis (spiritually as well as physically). As microcosm, it represents the human being, as macrocosm, it is the universe in its largest conceivable expansion. As a symbol, it is self-image and the image of the human being; it is the extent of one’s physical and spiritual self. It is understood as meaning ‘valuable’ and ‘spiritually important’, it is the human being and the world itself.

The Hagal Rune is the Rune of humanity, and especially the Rune of Adam (of the androgynous first human). It is the symbol of creation, of the world circle, of the wheel of the world. Indeed the Hagal Rune can also be thought of as consisting of the Man-Rune and its reversal, the woman-Rune or Yr-Rune. 

These Runes (Man & Yr) also be consider as corresponding to the Celestial and the Terrestrial, Heavenly and Earthly, the macrocosm and the microcosm, the cosmos and humanity.

The double Hag-all Rune is the symbol of the reincarnation, of the resurrection. But it is also the “spine” with the twelve dorsal vertebras of Adam Kadmon, who fills out the world with his body and spirit. The spine of the heavenly body of the zodiac, the twelve-part zodiac of the Heavens. “Take care of the universe and care for it within yourself and you are ruling the universe!” Thus, Hagal is the Ur-scaffolding, the spiritual Ur-Christ or the Christ-Uhr (Uhr = clock/time), the time of God, eternity. “Behold, I am with you every day”, says the Christ-Uhr, the Ur-Christ, the Son of God, “I am the beginning and the end…”

Double Hag-All

The Ur-shape of the word Christ is indeed Aristos or Haristos. The Greeks and many others, have replaced the H (or aspiration sound) with a K, G, I, or Ch (a throat sound). All languages have taken over this Ur-word Hari (meaning ‘the High one’) and made it into “Chri-” or “Kri-”. “Har” = “Aar”, the superlative of which is the Haristos, the “Christos”. In Indian, one of Vishnu’s names is Hari; One of Vishnu’s incarnations was as Krishna). In Hebrew Hari became: Heres or Hammah (meaning the Sun). In Arabic the word was changed to Haris, with the meaning of maintainer, protector. In modern Swedish, Hari means “herein” or “in this”. 

Numerous artifacts show this Chrismon or Krismon, this Harimon (Hari-Man or Ar-man), already in pre-Christian times, and as such on a coin from the time of Ptolemy III which is dated to at least at 1000 BC. The Chrismon originated from the Christ-all-siegel (the “crystal seal”) of the high and holy Rune name of the Lord: Arahari , which came to its Runic-image expression in the Hag-all Rune (this we will explain below).

Let’s understand that, in the Kala (the Nordic Kabbalah): Christ, Christos, Charistos, Haristos, Aristosare related to Ar or Aar, the eagle and the symbol of the Sun. They are also related to the term Ar-yan, which is runically written AR-I-AR: (with the second AR Rune reversed or flipped). These three Runes together are understood as meaning: 

This brings us closer to the mystery of the son of man and of God. If we twist and turn the AR Rune around the IS Rune axis, then we get 4 different positions which make the Hag-All Rune. These four AR Runes would be read as “AR-AR-AR-AR”!

If we attach the sounds of the Hag-All and of the IS-Rune (the H and I) to the four AR Runes, then we get the array of sounds, which we want to pronounce loudly: “AR-AR-AR-AR-H-I”

By means of partial contraction and reversal of these Rune sounds: we receive a word. This word speaks out the name of the Highest God: “ARAHARI”. If we add still another Rune, then we get the Runic Ur-image of the “monogram of Christ”:

This symbol is composed of the X-cross (which means ‘the world’ or ‘the universe’), and the Pard Rune (the Rune of the Son) which is the half of a BAR-Rune (the Mother-Rune). 

It is no coincidence that the Hagal-Rune is called “the head of the Aesir”, “the head of the Aristos”, of the Haristos (which means ‘the Highest One’). Jesus was an Essene (a word which reminds us of the Aesir, the Nordic gods). Here the God-self or Divine-self (the IS-Rune, the Rune of the self) was nailed to the X-cross of the God-All or Divine-All (the world or universe). 

Investigating this Rune more closely, as consisting of the IS-Rune and the X-cross (the cross of Saint Andrew), we receive more information. This X-cross is composed of two lines: the ascending Bar-line and the descending Balk-line:

This mystical grouping, related with the crucifixion, originated from the content of the ideas of these Rune-symbols. The “Is” Rune (the vertical line) and the “Sie” Rune - (the horizontal line) is also called IS-SIE. Laid on top of each other, they result in ISIS: + the god-human, the All-Christ, the Krist-All. 


Now, let us consider the other crosses at the Crucifixion. The right criminal is the 

 IS Rune, intersected by the Bar- or life-line and forms the Rune of wedlock or marriage (Ehe). The left criminal (the one who is unwilling to improve) is the IS-Rune intersected by the Balk- or death-line and is forming the Not-Rune. 

The contrast (the law of polarity of all life) comes into play here. By way of crossing (or the action of two energies, like fate and free-will), there is always tension.
As we have mentioned, the Hag-all Rune speaks the name Arahari : Aar = ‘Sun’ and Hari = the High One; which, in the Greek language, took the form of the so-called “monogram of Christ” (that contains the initial letters of the Greek word Christos):

The X (Greek letter Chi ) and the P (Greek letter Ro ), as “monogram of Christ” 

still leads us to a further symbol. In the Greek mythology we know the Centaur Chiro-n. What is a centaur according to the mythical image? A man-horse, a horse body and legs with a human torso, arms and head. 

Therefore, with the Greek letters Chi and Ro we can justify the name of the Chiron in a monogramistic sense better than the name of the Christ. In Chiron we recognize an initiated person who teaches the noble youth all wisdom. Many great men have been disciples of Chiron according to legend. Through the Nordic Kabbalah (the Kala) we can disassemble this symbol into: Ross-man (horse-man), Hross-Mann, the Kross-man, the Cross-man: the Christ.

But we also know the monogram of Christ, the Hag-all, as the “wind rose”, Wodan’s wind-ross (wind-horse) named Sleipnir (the breath of the world). The wind-ross (wind horse) therefore is the Kreuz-ross (cross-horse), the Ross-kreuz (horse-cross), the Cross (crux) in general. From the ross to the rose is only a little jump in the language of the mysteries, and we arrive at the “Rose-cross” or “Rosicrucians”. One of the secrets of the ancient mystery orders, was to veil their wisdom under these mysterious images, in order to protect the higher knowledge from the misunderstanding of the masses…

-Paraphrase from The Peak-Time of Humanity [Die Hoch-Zeit der Menschheit] (1930)

by Rudolf John Gorsleben

The “Hagal” Rune According to Kummer & Other German Authors

(H) The H-Rune, Hagal, Hag-All, All-Hag, God-All, Walhalla, Allah, World-All, Man-All. Hag, hegen (to care for), einhegen (to hem in), to salvage.  Hag-All, to enclose, to hide within one’s self, to include everything (all-inclusive), the key to all Whispering-Runes, to the great and holy All (or Universe).
Hagal is also called the Seven Hag Cross, the Old Sevener, Sieber, the seventh, the seventh knower. It is the Rune of the holy seven: the seven senses, the seven tones and the seven colors; the Rune of harmony, of the eternal wisdom in the divine, all-encompassing Self [Ich]. 
The Hagal-Rune is the World Rune, the World-Tree, the World-Cross, around the midpoint (center or navel) of which the whole spiritual & physical world revolves (microcosm & macrocosm). 
The Hagal-rune is also the symbol of the World Wheel, the male & female circles of the twelve zodiac houses wherein the high 13 is hidden. In his ordering for runic exercises, Kummer places the Hagal-rune 13th, in order to indicate that, in this position, the wise aspiring magician unlocks their pure, true, spiritual guide who is the mediator between the macrocosm & the microcosm.
Hag-All, the whispering All, the all-murmur that opens all the doors of knowledge… Hag = All (enclosing All) and this includes God, the All-Father, in the innermost Self [Ich] and leads to the Holy Grail, to the Divine Child or Son.

Hagal also reveals in the spatial direction of the snow crystals, Kristos = All-Krist, Christ, the carpenter’s son, son of the God of the universe and builder of the world, Krist-All, reflection, cosmic universe.

The Hagal-rune is also found in the hexagon and in the six-pointed star, the star of rebirth, of sex, of ascending & descending life in the Yggdrasil world-tree with its three upper branches (becoming, being and passing away) and its three roots (pointing to the past, present and future).

The Hagal-rune is the most perfect rune; it is manly and womanly (masculine and feminine), it consists of the Man and Yr runes, the Is rune, and the Ge-rune (the multiplication cross or X), but also the Not and Ehe runes. 

All eighteen runes of the Futhork, all the fine-energy streams of the microcosm & the macrocosm, all spatial directions and forces of the heavens and the earth can be felt in the Hagal-rune position. But whosoever cannot and does not want to sacrifice themselves will never reach the All-Father, that is why Wotan says on the World-Tree:

“I consecrated myself to myself”.

The Hagal-rune, the male-female unity, the rune of the universe, is also called the head of the Aesir, which means the highest initiation. Another deeper mystery of the Hagal-rune lies in the ancient, original concept of the androgynous sexual instinct of the divine powers. 

The Hagal-rune is the rune of the currents of space, of the air. It contains the great mystery of the art of breathing, the highest spiritualization and de-materialization. 
The reverse, inverse or ‘demonic’ of the Hagal-rune is the Hagel-rune and means destruction, annihilation, death, hailstorm, wind; tension-fracture, hatred, black magic, the un-protected descendants sink into the dark.

Kummer says that the Hagal-rune is associated with the sign of Libra – Numerical value 7.


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