The Green March - 2

The Green March - 2

The Green March

Fear: Mass Psychosis - this is what is happening as part of the plandemic.

Coupled with social engineering trends towards selfishness, comfort, weakness, lack of moral fiber, cowardice, sloth, avarice, psychopathy, hedonism, nihilism, individualism, miseducation, lack of logical reasoning and deduction, lack of training on how to think and analyze, lack of responsibility, all these and more combine to this current recipe of disaster.

No wonder that the few of us who resisted this onslaught are still unable to grasp basics such as solving problems should always be done at the root of the problem not at its leaves. If you have a tree, it is the root that affects everything else including branches, and the peripherals are the leaves. Fixing the leaves without addressing the root, is not possible, and so it is with problems and their causes.

The same with symptoms and disease: disease has to be tackled at its root causes, not simply treating the symptoms. Western medicine always deals with treating symptoms, thus causing more problems. So it is not surprising that westerners fall into this same trap when dealing with life and its problems.

The plandemic isn’t solved by talking of “vaccine” details or masks or lockdowns or temperature guns or sanitizers because the entire thing is solved at the root from which it all this insanity stems: the PCR test.

Likewise the reason we got into this worldwide situation where a small private company of staff of a hundred called WHO "World Health Organization" which corrupt body many have renamed World "Hoax" Organization, can play the Piper’s tune and dictate to the world's governments the health narrative, the reason they can do this is not because of Gates or Clinton and their financial sponsorship with vested interests in "vaccines" nor is it Tedros with his dubious history, but because of the lack of a people's World Health Committee which is absent because of a lack of legitimacy and enactment because of a lack of a World People's Congress which is missing because of there being no national People’s Congresses of Britain, Nigeria, Germany, Ukraine, Japan, Australia, Bolivia etc which are all absent because there are no basic People's Conferences which is the root of that problem namely power.

If people around the world, instead of repeating endless fruitless history of demonstrations, which never bring actual results or solve problems, if instead of wasting time "feeling good" by going on a "demo" and achieving ultimately nothing else, if instead of this they used such events to organize themselves into People's Conferences and confer among themselves passing resolutions, in other words legislation, instead of leaving it to political misrepresentatives, if they were to do this then we'd have all the required legislation banning PCR tests because of their unsuitability, and then all the other issues relating to "corona" fall away.

If people took this step of organizing People's Conferences, thousands around the world, making up millions of people, would pass legislation and organize People's Committees for Health, all of which would make up their National People's Committees for Health, all of which would make up the World Health Committee, and would implement, that is execute, the resolutions of the millions who have gathered in People's Conferences. The legitimacy of the World Health Committee would be indisputable, comprised of many experts, and directly accountable to the World People's Congress, which collates all the resolutions of the basic People's Conferences, and all issues relating to health at a world level, such as pandemics, would be handled by the World Health Committee, passed down to all the local People's Health Committees, and monitored by and directly accountable to the People's Conferences to carry out their resolutions.

The root of the lack of that obvious and only solution - in fact final solution to the problem of Power - is the lack of individuals willing to exercise their right to power by failing to gather in non-group non-party non-sectarian People's Conferences and at the root of that is a lack of knowledge because of a lack of education because of a lack of ideological movement to drive that education. Again that starts back at the individual. The Revolutionary Committees are there but are alone in that analysis which is too obvious to us but everyone else's eyes glaze over and "tldr;" etc which again goes to the negative qualities mentioned earlier: lack of moral fiber, sloth, carelessness etc.

See how important it is to go to the ROOT of problems and address them at the root?


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