The Great Reveal. (Everything happening now is to provoke an opposite response)

The Great Reveal. (Everything happening now is to provoke an opposite response)


"What's actually happening" right now may well be the opposite of what it appears to be on the surface:

You know the theory of "The Great Reveal", right? They are are censoring & silencing us to get as many shots-in-arms as possible before finally revealing that the shots are, indeed, seriously harmful.

This will lead to global frustration with national governments to bring about their end as well as a fundamental change to our economic system. (But not the change they are telling you to expect.)

The long term strategy of deimmunization will be massively profitable. Biden warned "In 15 years, every hospital bed in America will be filled with Alzheimer's patients." Then FDA passed the first new Alzheimer's drug in 18 years with incredible controversy:

Not a single member of the prestigious panel voted to approve this new Alzheimer's drug, and 3 of them stepped down and went to the press in protest. They said it's a $56,000 per year medication that only treats symptoms --- and yet there's no proof or reason to believe it actually does anything for Alzheimer's.

This "Alzheimer's drug" may be intended to treat the symptoms of prion disease caused by the shots, or to treat "Covaids" or whatever the long-term symptoms actually are. (ADE, etc.)

This mass deimmunization will be the process by which wealth is extracted from the masses, as their savings which would otherwise pass to their children is paid instead to the pharmaceutical industry.

The biggest pushback from people against this theory is: "That only works in the United States. Much of the world has a nationalized healthcare system which would pay for the drugs."

In the end, it doesn't matter who pays as long as the drug companies are paid (and as long as lifespan is reduced.) It serves two goals.

That said, consider how the government's deliberately incompetent response to Covid-19 is resulting in crippling debt which may eventually break nations. Now add to it the idea that 60-90% of citizens will need medication (forever) to treat the long-term side-effects of the vaccines.

This unprecedented strain could break the national healthcare systems of many countries which would result in privatization and eventually direct wealth extraction as people trade in their savings for extended life.

Here's the punchline:

The "incompetence show" we are seeing from governments all over the world is intentional. It is meant for citizens all over the globe to lose confidence in their governments so they'll be ready to replace them with "something else."

This is evident from every aspect whether it's the response to Covid-19 which makes no sense (mandating shots which don't work and make things worse) all the way to the censorship & silencing of dissent... But also the "woke agenda" and the weird "gender confusion" being pushed in schools and throughout media. Everything. None of it is "real" -- it's all designed to make us angry and push us in the opposite direction. That's why nothing makes sense.

What I'm really getting at is "The Great Reset" may not be real, at all. This system of "global socialism" may be a farce. A fake. Articles like "[Welcome To 2030: I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy And Life Has Never Been Better]" are meant to provoke us toward a polar opposite response.

EVERYTHING about Democrats and "The Left" is meant to turn you against them. The censorship is there to make us feel isolated and alone even though our opinions are actually mainstream... (The majority don't want a system of vaccine mandates, health passports & surveillance, social credit scores, quarantine camps, forced vaccination. This is all to SCARE US and push us in the opposite direction.)

Consider the way they are hiding "dislikes" on YouTube. They don't want us to know (yet) that we are actually the majority opinion.

They are setting up a swing to the opposite direction. Democrats are queuing up a total collapse of the economy and making us hate "The Left" (people who were traditionally on the side of workers and before now were skeptical of corporations.) The goal of the current power structure is a permanent end to Democrats and "The Left" while pretending to be representatives of both.

So right as the economy completely collapses, conservative governments will be voted in all over the world. (Republicans in the US). Governments will be crippled by debt, so with conservative deregulation and privatization --- public systems and public land will be sold off to corporations.

Want a specific example? Remember how Biden is putting an end to private for-profit prisons? Yay. Sounds great... Except what that really means is a government buyout of private prisons at a premium while prices are high. Now fast-forward to when the nation collapses under debt... In the next phase of privatization -- the same prisons will be sold back to the same investors at a fraction of the original price.

Get it? This will be a MASSIVE transfer of wealth... And that's only one example. Imagine this happening far and wide. Imagine our national parks sold off to corporations. Many conservatives already support this. Okay, great... Now imagine our national highway system sold off to private investors and they turn into expensive toll roads. All public systems turn private. Costs increase and services decline.

Do you get where this is going?

It could go to an extreme... To the point our fire departments are privatized. Our police departments. (You've already heard of "defunding the police" to prepare us for this.) What about our military? You may have noticed over the years more and more use of private security such as Blackwater in Iraq & Afghanistan wars...

This "socialist left" movement of The Great Reset isn't real. None of it. The "woke" agenda. The vaccine mandates. ALL OF IT is meant to swing us in the polar opposite direction, for a future where government is all but eliminated.

And for those of you who think that's a great thing? Consider that what's happening right now (Covid/Reset & vaccine mandates) is a result of monopolization:

What do Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, Apple, Google, New York Times, Reuters, FOX, CNN, and MSNBC all have in common? Their top investor is "Vanguard Group, The" and that means they have shared board members across all those companies. But it doesn't stop there. Damn near EVERY major corporation is controlled by the same people. This documentary really puts it into perspective:

Long story short:

Everything is the opposite of what it appears. The entire "woke left" propaganda being shoved down our throats is perpetrated by organizations that are pushing us toward the opposite direction. The vaccine mandates are meant to turn us against our national governments.

The turning point will happen when the harmful nature of the shots is revealed... All at once, nearly all people in every country will turn against their national governments.

Public healthcare systems will collapse under the costly weight of so many people damaged from the shots.

And I'll wrap it up with this... Who do you think will be held accountable?

The politicians? Sure. But these are mostly just FACES of power. You didn't think Biden had any decision making power, did you? The real power is hidden on the other side and will remain in power after puppets like Biden, Trudeau, and Dan Andrews are removed.

The pharmaceutical manufacturers? No, they made sure they have indemnity.

The healthcare providers? No, that's why they make people sign those forms when they take the shots, exempting them from liability.

It will be the SMALL BUSINESS EMPLOYERS who mandated the shots that suffer legal recourse for the damage done. Lawsuits from people who were coerced by small businesses to take the shots will sue them, and the businesses will lose.

After a few small businesses are bankrupted by losses from the lawsuits --- this collective liability will force small businesses to sell out to the same giant corporations that sponsored this global coup, or they'll end up in bankruptcy where they'll be bought out for pennies on the dollar anyway.

While it's impossible to predict with certainly or specificity --- what I've outlined is one very real possibility for the future.

So no, we are NOT seeing a "global socialist takeover." Quite the opposite, actually. This is the ultimate false flag attack, where the threat of "global socialism" pushes us in the opposite direction to support elimination of national governments that leads to deregulation and monopoly control over once public systems --- by the same investment groups responsible for what is happening today: The Vanguard Group, BlackRock, etc.

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