The Great Expansion. The Ultimate Risk that Changed the NHL Forever

The Great Expansion. The Ultimate Risk that Changed the NHL Forever

👓 Alan Bass
The Great Expansion. The Ultimate Risk that Changed the NHL Forever

The Great Expansion. The Ultimate Risk that Changed the NHL Forever

✅ Alan Bass does an incredible job of going through the era and describing these vital events that changed the game. -EDWARD FRASER, THE HOCKEY NEWS To the degree that expansion has changed the league since 1967, its surprising that no ones gone in-depth to see what faced the NHLs six newest teams. Bass does, and gives any hockey history nut their fix! -BRYAN THIEL, HOCKEY54.COM Alan Bass has captured the history of the biggest turning point in NHL history ... Bass brings both the highlights on the ice and all the important maneuvers behind the scenes to fans, including what happened and why. Full of in-depth analysis and interesting and never before heard stories, this book is a must for any hockey fan. -BRAD KURTZBERG, AUTHOR OF SHORTHANDED: THE UNTOLD STORY OF THE SEALS Alan Bass has produced a well researched and thoughtful look back at the NHLs original expansion ... this book is a must for all those interested in the history of pro hockey in North America. -BRUCE SCOOP COOPER, HOCKEY HISTORIAN, AUTHOR, AND BROADCASTER It was March 1965 when Clarence Campbell, president of the National Hockey League, emerged from a long board meeting and announced that the NHL would double in size beginning with the 1967-68 season. Fans loyal to the Original Six were furious. Owners were irate. In The Great Expansion: The Ultimate Risk that Changed the NHL Forever, hockey expert Alan Bass profiles the...


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