The Gibur Or Gibor Rune

The Gibur Or Gibor Rune

The “Ge, Gi, Gifa, Gibor” Rune According to Guido Von List

Wotan himself speaks of the mysterious eighteenth rune: 

ge, gi, gifa, gibor = Gift [Gabe ], Giver [Geber ], God [Gott ]; gea, geo, Earth [Erde ]; gigur, Death [Tod ], etc.

The eighteenth I will eternally never tell to a woman or maiden:

it forms the best end to the lays — which only one of all knows,

except for the lady who embraces me in marriage

or who is also a sister to me.

The highest knowledge, of the primordial generation of the All, can be known and comprehended only by the nuptually bound divinities of united spiritual & physical power. Only these understand the thrice high holy secret (of constant generation, constant life, and uninterrupted recurrence) and are able to perceive the mysterious eighteenth Rune. 

However, the eighteenth Rune is actually a fyrfos, and harkens back to this sign in both name and meaning. Thus, the intention of the skalds (poets) to vigilantly guard the fyrfos as their exclusive innermost secret (and as the sigil thereof) can be seen. Only after yielding to certain pressures did they reveal another sign which partially replaced the fyrfos. This sign can sometimes be seen as a substitute for the eighteenth rune [see the symbol on the right].

“Gibor-Altar” is still included in the location name ‘Gibraltar’, it was a Halgadom (temple site) consecrated to God, “the All-Begetter” [Allerzeuger!]. God is the giver, and the earth receives his gifts. But the earth is not only the receiver, she is also in turn a giver as well. 

The primordial word (or Ur-word) is “gi” or “ge” and in it resides the concept of “arising”, but it also signifies “being” (in the concept of the gift), and the “passing away to new arising” (in the concept of going/walking). This Ur-word (“gi” or “ge”) can now be connected to other primordial and root words. 

With the Ur-word “fa” (as in: gifa, gefa, gea, geo) it refers to the “giving” earth. 

With “bar” (Singing) or “bor” (Spring/Source/Well), it refers to the “Gift-Spring” God [“Gabenborn” Gott]. 

With “gi-ge-ur”, it refers to the Gift that goes back to the Primordial source (or ‘Ur-Gift’), as well as to “Gigur”, the Gift destroying frost giant, who becomes a personification of Death and, later, of the Devil. 

With “Gigas” (“gi-ge-as”: the Gift that goes out of the mouth, out of the source), the Geige(Fiddle/Violin) is understood. 

The fiddle is the old skaldic (poetic) magical instrument of awakening that introduced Gesang(Song/Chant), and since bar (singing) also means “Life”, this explains why the fiddle/violin was one of the many symbols for rebirth. It is for this reason that the fiddle/violin is often found in graves as a sacred gift. 

Flutes and fiddles/violins enticed people to dance, to the excitement of love, and were banned by the Catholic church since they served as magical instruments in order to arouse the human fyr, fire, of love. Then the Catholic church replaced the Wotanic symbol of awakening with the Christian symbol of awakening (the trumpet of judgment). 

The personal names Gereon and Gertrut are rooted in the primordial word ge, meaning ‘rebirth’. Gereon is, in turn, God incarnate in the All as the All Spirit, World Spirit or Human Spirit. And for this reason the meaning of the Ge Rune is closest to that of the fyrfos. 

The difference between the two interpretations lies in the fact that the idea of the Ge or Gibor Rune seeks exoterically to approach the comprehension of the idea of the divine from below upward (in a certain sense from the level of humanity outward) while the explanation of the fyrfos seeks knowledge of the Nordic God esoterically in the innermost level of man himself, and finds it. 

Thus it is known, as the spirit of humanity, to be unified with God from the standpoint of the concept of the binary, and it will attain certain knowledge from inside out, as well as toward the inside from the outside. 

Here again the exoteric and the esoteric are clearly distinguished, and the fyrfos is recognized as a secret exoteric sign of high holiness, which is represented exoterically by the Ge Rune. So, while the exoteric doctrine teaches that man emerged from God and will return to God, the esoteric doctrine knows the invisible cohesion of man and divinity as the binary. And so it can be consciously said: “Man, be one with God!” 

Thus, in the Eddic song, Wotan’s wisdom allowed him to poetically interpret the individual runes in concealed forms and implied the magical songs (or invocatory formulas) connected to them, without actually communicating them, thus preserving the skaldic (poetic) secret. However, he revealed enough that their sense can be rediscovered, since he confidently concluded:

“Now have I ended the high song here in the hall of the High One,

needful to the earthly, not to the Giants.

Hail to him who teaches it!

Hail to him who learns it!

For salvation, all ye listeners, make good use of it!”

-Paraphrase from The Mystery/Secret of the Runes [Das Geheimnis der Runen] (1908)

by Guido von List

The “Gibor, Gi, Ge, Gifa, Gea, Geo” Rune According to R.J. Gorsleben

Letter G and Number 18. The G Rune: Gi, Ge, Gifa, Gea, Geo. Gibur, Gyfu, Gifu, the concealed swastika, fullness of divine powers of grace and splendor, the guild of the opponents of Loki (the Nordic Devil) at the meal of Egir, the Cup of the Grail [Graal ]. 

It does not have an Ur-word. 

Between the 17th and 18th stanza of the Rune song by Wodan (the Divine poet), there is an intermediary stanza:

“And should these stanzas, oh son of men

be unlearnable to you for a long time

Grasp them, when you experience them

use them, when you hear them

Blessed you are, if you retain them!”

After this admonishment, Wodan continues with the 18th Rune (the last Rune of the Futhark).

“An eighteenth I learned, but I would never

allow this to be known to a woman or girl

Because everyone knows his best things for himself

That which leads to the end of the songs

Only the one who is in my arms

as married wife and as sister knows it.”

The Rune is called Gea, geo = Earth, but also gibor = gift, the one who gives, God. It stands for the swastika. In this shape, it is the four-foot, the fyrfos, the fire-foot, the creator of fire. 

In its other shape, it is the Cross of St. Andrew, the two pieces of wood in the shape of a cross: Ask & Embla (the Nordic Adam & Eve), the first humans.  Ask or Askr literally means Ash Tree (a hard wood), and Embla is Elm Tree (the soft wood). These two help the “thridi ” (the third one), the Try , the Tyr , the turning, and then the four is created: the fyr , the fire of life, love.

The Giver-GIBOR-Rune contains the multiplying symbol of the crossing, of the crucifixion, of multiplication, of the wedding [Vermählung] of two forces, which have their origin in the One Basis, Odhin , and which wants to get back to the One (which they find in the child or works). Words, which carry this meaning are: “bride-groom”, Gamma (the Greek letter G), Gammon (the celebration of the birth of Mohammed), Gamos = wedding, Genesis = creation, generation, generate, ingenious (procreating spiritually), genital, Geed (Spear) as a phallic symbol.

The Giver-GIBOR-Rune and the Cross of St. Andrew have found many uses in the art of heraldry using this shape. Besides the simple arrangement of its X-beams in the shield, it is also found as two crossed spears or swords, and occasionally also as pure GIBOR Rune in the ornamentation of a coat of arms. Also the swastika, where it appears openly or concealed, such as in the Maltese cross or the cross of the Johannites, also belongs to the GIBOR Rune.

The Giver-GIBOR-Rune brings the highest knowledge, about which Wodan says: The Ur -procreation of the universe is only consciously known to the spiritual and physical powers that are tied together through marriage and siblings (brotherhood), the secret of continuous procreation, of continuous life and continuous death, which means the uninterrupted chain in the cycle of eternal returns.
Gibor is the giver and Altar is the All-Tyr, All-Zeus, All-procreator; therefore the name “Gibraltar” is a “giver-altar”, a place of wedding, upon which heavenly and earthly testimony of the procreative forces is given. 
God as Giver is the gift-giver and “Gea” is the one who receives, the Earth that, again, gives the gifts: Gea and Gifa. God and the Earth are one, because everything from the Earth (including man) comes from God and will merge with God once again. The ancient teaching recognizes the inseparable connection of the human with his Divinity.  The Rune calls to us: “Human, be one with God!”

The person who has become rigid from an overestimation of the intellect (which can never give higher knowledge) has separated themselves from the Divine Ur-Ground [göttlichen Urgrund ]. Even though we have a highly progressed knowledge of nature in individual situations, we often trample all natural laws under our feet… 

The GIBOR Rune is composed of the IS Rune and the tipped over Sal or SIG Rune, therefore it means Sal-Is, the Sun-Being, the Sal-Self, the Heil-Self of the Salig ones, of the blessed ones or holy ones (saints). 

As the full symbol, the swastika is the Ur-symbol of the “Christos”, the Haristos, the holiest one, the first one. 

GIBOR = giver, the God rune X, which also has the name of Fyrbock, fire-buck, fire god, light god. “Be aware of God, the giver!”

-Paraphrase from The Peak-Time of Humanity [Die Hoch-Zeit der Menschheit] (1930)

by Rudolf John Gorsleben

 The “Ge, Gibor, Gibur” Rune According to Siegfried Kummer

The G-Rune, Gibor, Gibur, Gi, Ge, Gifa, Gifu, Gypu, Gigur, Gea, Geo, Gebo. Geo = Earth; God, God’s rune; Gift, Giver; God’s gift.

Gibor – the Rune representing the Fyrfos, the Swastika, the fire of Love, constant re-creation and eternal rebirth.  Gibor is the rune of the inflow of the All-Father: the harmonious vibration in the universe which turn itself into Gibur , the eternal human heart. 

Giboraltar, the altar of the All-Father, the Giver. The Giver-Rune, wherein is contained the X-Cross [Malkreuz ], the crossing, the marriage of two Selves [Ichs ], two Inner Beings, of two powers. It is said to harmonize the relationship with the sister or brother soul (the twin-soul).

The Gifu Rune (X) stands for Marriage, Augmentation/Increase, and Gathering/Procreation-Union/Generating-Combination [Zeugungsvereinigung ]. 

The X-Cross [Malkreuz] is a symbol of “the earthly (human) generation and creative power”. It binds the forces of “You & I” in sacred marriage. It leads to “cosmic consciousness”, to the “seeing of God”, to the “unio mystica“, to “becoming one with the cosmic Ur-Ground (the Primordial Cosmic Cause)”. 

The Gifa Rune holds the secret of the “sisterly Lover [schwesterlichen Geliebten ]” (as Wife and as Sister); the Union with the Sister-Wife or Brother-Husband, with the Spiritual Companion (like Osiris & Isis). The only person to whom the knower may entrust high and most high Wisdom. 

It is said to be Strengthening to the Procreative-Force [Zeugungskraft ] and, therefore, teaches the Transmutation of the Substances-of-Procreation [Zeugungsstoffe ] into the Spiritual. 

In its highest implication, this rune points to becoming one with the All-Forces [Allkräften ], and to achieving/arriving at the Divinity [Gottheit ]. 

God-All or God-Everything [Gott-Alles ], Symbol of the god Gibors (the Begetter [Zeugenden]) and Gea (the earth, the recipient, the woman giving birth – Gefa, Gifa). 

Gibor also points to Poison/Toxin, to Donation and to Gift/Giving; it is the Gift-Spring [Gabenborn ]. 

It activates the cosmic streams and strengthens the earth’s current (the terrestrial magnetism), whereupon the sun’s netting and the lower half of the body respond with the use of deep tones. High notes affect the pineal gland and the upper parts of the body. 

Gibor is the Eternal in human hearts.  Gibur Arahari! “Man, be one with God!” or “Give us primordial power, Soul of the Sun, Arahari! ” 

Kummer does not give a reverse, inverse or ‘demonic’ of the Ge- Gibor- Gibur-rune and says that it is associated with the sign of Virgo – Numerical value 18. Speisberger says that the meaning of its number (18) is fraud and false friends; wisdom and wise action protect against fraud and false friends. Thus, this rune can provide protection against evil and adversity.

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