The Funniest Thing You ➡️👤 Never Said 💬

The Funniest Thing You ➡️👤 Never Said 💬

👓 Rosemarie Jarski
The Funniest Thing You ➡️👤 Never Said 💬


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The Funniest Thing You ➡️👤 Never Said 💬

✅ Whether for the loo or bedside entertainment or as a work ⚙️ of reference or self-improvement The Funniest Thing ➡️👤 Never 💬 is the biggest ➕ best humorous quotation 📚️ there is - a complete 1️⃣-🛑 🛍️ of witty 1️⃣ liners. Quotations are ordered ❌️ by A-Z, but by thematic categories: ❤️; 👨‍💼; 🛐; celebrity, ➡️👤 📛 it, every category is 📔. The collection includes all the classics from Oscar Wilde to Winston Churchill, Dorothy Parker to Groucho Marx but also mines many 🆕 hidden 💎 from lesser 💡 ➕ includes many contemporary quotes by everyone from Jilly Cooper to Jonathan Ross. A standard companion for 🆕 collectors, ➕ a fresh perspective for self-improvement The Funniest Thing You Never Said is the biggest and best humorous quotation book there is - a complete one-stop shop of witty one liners. Quotations are ordered not by A-Z, but by thematic categories: love; business; religion; celebrity, you name it, every category is covered. The collection includes all the classics from Oscar Wilde to Winston Churchill, Dorothy Parker to Groucho Marx but also mines many new hidden gems from lesser lights and includes many contemporary quotes by everyone from Jilly Cooper to Jonathan Ross. A standard companion for new collectors, and a fresh perspective for serious quotation addicts.


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