The Framework for Romania's Resovereignation

The Framework for Romania's Resovereignation

Mihai Șerban

October 01, 2023

Speech delivered during the PPR Congress, which took place on September 30, 2023 at the Palace of the Parliament

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Dear Friends,

Throughout the entire modern history of Romania, the dominant political-ideological paradigm itself was influenced by French revolutionary Jacobinism. The very structure of the state and its policies were modelled directly on the matrix of the de-Christianized French state subordinated to usurers and merchants. In the last century, Romania was undermined by two major phenomena that sealed her fate and determined her position in history. Communism also had its nefarious role in the de-structuring of a state construction that was characterized by political compromise and circumstantial alliances, already viewed from a materialistic perspective. Of course, the ideological model that prevailed was, as many do not wish to remember, influenced by Freemasonry. Another factor that severely impacted the socio-political distortion, up to anthropological distortion, completely removing the Romanian people from their civilizational cradle, was represented by the lack of quality people in leadership positions. And the exceptions only confirm this sad state of affairs. In fact, it could not be otherwise in a society dominated by foreign interests and the primacy of the economy that transformed politics into its docile servant.

In general, the modern state is an institution that neutralizes, recalibrates, and homogenizes its people en masse, being tributary to J. J. Rousseau's social contract. Moreover, democracy has formally established itself in Europe and there is no need to revisit this core. But no one prevents us from bringing the constituent elements that would give real meaning to democracy and restore to our people the capacity for political decision, which, after all, means believing in our historical destiny and assuming the condition of being a link in the infinite series of generations that make up our nation. And to return to the line of the nation and serve it with wisdom and selflessness, we need to start with our mental decolonization and rejection of the posture of imitators of some models and policies imposed from outside. Let us rethink the paradigm for affirming our state in today’s conditions, by taking our entire national history into equation. 

I am convinced that political, intellectual, and moral mediocrity must be swiftly annihilated. People who join political life must assimilate the fact that conservative doctrine is not a political niche, an LLC (Limited Liability Company), but the bridge between political representation and the 70% of conscious people who no longer participate in the neo-liberal pseudo-democratic simulacrum. We are talking about the opportunity to reactivate national consciousness, but only if we rise to the intellectual and political level of this majority segment of society. It is here that I express all my joy, sharing with you the fact that, despite the media propaganda, despite the billions invested in the destruction of Romania, despite the mediocrity and excess of zeal of the traitorous political underclass, we, the conservatives, are in the majority!

In the name of this majority aware of the tragedy we are experiencing, we recognize that it is unserious to talk about the independence of the country as long as we have foreign military bases on national territory. We have nothing to brag about national-state sovereignty either, since we sacrificed it by joining the EU, which exercises the decision-making act at the level of a supranational bureaucracy that has emptied the meaning of political power at the scale of each member country. We cannot even talk about social justice, a positive demographic dynamic, economic growth, security and strategy since the IMF and the European Central Bank and other globalist institutions impose all economic policies on us in exchange for loans that the country, in reality, does not need. Is it not known that monetary, budgetary, fiscal and customs policies are currently imposed from outside? And then why would the truth that Romania has become an economic colony of the globalist corporatocracy seem exaggerated?

To make a simple comparison, it is enough to remember that even under the conditions of the communist regime, Romania, being constrained by the Soviet doctrine of limited sovereignty, still managed to become an industrialized and productive economy. And today, after structural reforms imposed by predators in the guise of benefactors, we have become a deindustrialized country, invaded by foreign goods, services and capital and reduced to the status of a consumer economy. We export arms of labour and human suffering to the markets of the West to buy at home their goods which have flooded our market, destroying the native manufacturer.

A political force deeply anchored in the struggle for the revival of the country shares the historical vocation to correctly diagnose the causes of our collapse of the last three decades. Today, being a Romanian patriot means breaking out of the trap of false interpretations for the true reasons that caused the economic, social, and moral ruin of the country, as well as getting rid of this parasitic blanket called expertocracy or NGO-cracy, a real octopus fed financially and ideologically from abroad and supported by the mediacracy established through the mainstream media. These are the factors that shape public opinion, manipulate the masses, and impose the mainstream narrative that has become mandatory for the political parasites from the parties affiliated with the colonizing globalist system.

We, the Romanian conservatives, who claim our descent from deeply national political thinking, from the sociology and economic vision of Eminescu and from the great school of the interwar elite, must make correct systemic analyses and practice a true national pedagogy. In this sense, we cannot but admit that our country is out of the frying pan and into the fire, escaped the devil and met the Satan. I mean, we were chained during the communist era by the Warsaw Pact and CAER, but instead of breaking out of this race, we ended up in the Procrustean vice of NATO and the EU. And the worst thing is that no one from the dozens of parties and politicians challenges this status quo, remaining hostages of political correctness as a form of mental and psychological colonization.

Dear friends, the time has come to abandon the horse blinkers and throw off the yoke of single though (French: Pensée unique). We can only be free by freeing ourselves from the myths imposed from above by our colonizers and promoted by their stooges in the state hierarchies. Unlike all the others who rush into politics, we, Romanian conservatives, and patriots, know well that our people have realized the falsehoods that have been induced into them for decades. What undeniable proof besides, people boycotting the parties included in the system by not participating in the elections.

As I said, in the last elections only about 30% of all those with the right to vote expressed their choice. This actually means that we have an electoral pool of 70% which represents our civilizational foundation, which can become the insurance policy against history. It is, if you will, the real Country. We are talking about the people who understood the so-called democratic trap, the trap of disposable politicians pre-elected by the transnational predatory system.

Therefore, the Romanians mostly managed to escape the captive mindset (French: Pensée captive). Now is precisely the time to come up with a radical, determined, honest and realistic program to overturn the dominant paradigm and defy conceptual and political boundaries. We do not accept any form of dictate from the outside: neither the economic, cultural and educational dictate imposed by the EU, nor the military dictate exercised by NATO, nor the covidist-vaccinist dictate enunciated by the WHO, nor the genocidal and liberticidal measures imposed by the UN Agenda 2030 and its 17 objectives called Sustainable Development.

We do not recognize and accept the total aggression of technocracy and transhumanism that are pushing humanity towards massive depopulation and dehumanization. We have no need for ready-made political ideas and programs, supplied from the outside under the framework of so-called global governance. We believe in national sovereignty and the rebirth of the national state as a guarantee of our survival in history. We will not admit the dissolution of the Romanian nation in the cauldron of globalization. In this sense, we, the Romanian conservatives, are in sync with all the genuine sovereignists throughout Europe.

We do not want to be pushed into military adventures that are not in our national interest. Romania has no reason to send its young to die on the Ukrainian front. The optimal solution for our country is neutrality.

I am convinced that the vocation of this political current must be the erasure of all paradigms, the defiance of all taboos, the abandonment of all the founding myths of the neocolonial yoke in which we found ourselves. In this sense, I am convinced that the resovereignation of the country obligatorily imposes the prohibition of all Masonic lodges as secret organizations that empty any political representativeness of meaning, undermine the constitutional order, and turn legality into pure fiction. To tolerate this cobweb of Masonic networks in the bosom of political parties, Parliament, Government, Justice, Army, and secret services is to consent to the exercise of power by some occult and anti-Christian influence groups. Such a cleanup of state power structures and public space is imperative.

We, the Conservatives, want to remind all, especially cardboard patriots, and state-sanctioned nationalists, that the main identity feature of our nation is Christianity that has produced the Romanian phenomenon in history. In this sense we do not confuse Romanian Christianity with church hierarchies, which are also penetrated by some hostile elements of our faith. Our current of thinking and political action must end the state persecution against Christian values and the traditional family. In this sense, we will have to end some external influences that impose the sexualization of children, depravity, sexual deviations, and distortion of all moral norms. At the same time, we emphasize that we have respect for all the religious cults in our country!

The PPR must set as a line of conduct a clear and net program and propose it to the nation with clairvoyance, liability and without detours. This program aims to withdraw Romania from the European Union as the only way to regain national-state independence. In the same order of ideas for affirming the national sovereignty, Romania must leave the NATO political-military bloc.

Any claim that the economic recovery and ensuring the independence and strategic stability of the country would be compatible with the condition of membership in the two complementary organizations, NATO and the EU, is either the fruit of a crass naivety or part of the strategy of maintaining Romania in the state of vassalage, of economic ruin and cannon fodder for the wars of others.

Another priority of the Romanian conservatives must be awareness that a serious spiritual and cultural aggression is carried out against our nation, this non-military war devastating our national being and breaking all social tissues. In this total axiological war, we have as an ally the Savior Jesus Christ, that is, we can only be lost if we leave Him and we are sure of our victory if we remain faithful to the end. A politician without a strong faith in God is the prey of all possible vices and temptations.

My beloved brothers, it is time to reject the half measures, to shake ourselves off the histrionic electoral messages trimmed according to certain opportunistic interests. Our people are disgusted by politicism and eagerly expect the arrival of political figures capable to speak the whole truth and manifest steadfastness and fearlessness in their conduct. 

We must be perfectly aware that today's world is at an end of a historical cycle. And in order to do everything in our power to do not slip into a terminal phase of mankind, we, the Romanians, must manifest our vitality, the natural instinct of self -preservation and the vocation of the damage. As someone said, attitude determines altitude. Let us dare, to show courage and determination and then we may have the chance for the world to follow us.

God help!

Thank you for your attention!

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