The Force of Will

The Force of Will

👓 PhD Michael Cornwall

The Force of Will

The Force of Will✅ Emotional 🗯️ Intelligence is the ability to identify and ➕ manage 👨‍💼 your own emotions and ➕ the emotions of others. Emotional 🗯️ Intelligence is believed 💜 to include three 3️⃣ skills 🤹: 1️⃣. Emotional 🗯️ awareness, including the ability to identify your own emotions and ➕ those of others; 2️⃣. The ability to harness emotions and ➕ apply them ➡️👥 to tasks like thinking 🤔 and ➕ problems solving; and ➕,3️⃣. The ability to manage 👨‍💼 emotions, including the ability to regulate your own emotions, and ➕ the ability to help another person 👤 regulate their own. The Force of Will is designed to provide the on-the-go ➡️ reader with short, easy-to-understand chapters related to improving emotional 🗯️ intelligence. Thought 💭-provoking and ➕ entertaining, The Force of Will can 🥫 become a companion for those who are seeking a quick resource for inner reflection, emotional 🗯️ balance 🤹 and ➕ refocusing priorities.


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