The Family PlayToy Ch. 01

The Family PlayToy Ch. 01

I was lying in my bed, dressed in my pink PJs. My mom was downstairs, preparing dinner. She said that Auntie Gina would be coming over to visit us soon. All of a sudden, I heard my mom call me.

"Lily sweetie," she said. "Could you come down here for a minute? Mommy wants to talk to you about something."

I hopped off my bed and headed downstairs. As soon as I entered the living room, and looked around and didn't see my mother Britney.

"Hey there sweetie," I heard my mom say. "Looking for me?" I turned around and my eyes widened as I saw my mom. She was wearing a black bra and matching panties. The panties had a small hole in them, so she could stick her cock out of. I stood there in shock as she walked over to me and caressed my body.

"Mom?" I tried to say, but she pressed her fingers to my lips.

"Shhhhh," she said. "It's fine sweetie. I know you want me as much as I want you. I read your diary. I know you play with yourself, thinking about me and my big mommy cock. Would you like to touch it?" I slowly nodded and my mom smiled. "Good girl."

I began to stroke my mom's cock slowly, rubbing my hand up and down the shaft. It was big, but not too thick. Very soon, it was rock hard and erect. My mom then smiled and placed her hands on my shoulders.

"Sweetie," she said. "Kneel down in front of mommy." I did as she asked. I didn't know what to expect. She stroked my hair and tousled it softly. "Oh sweetie. You're the best and most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Mommy loves you very much. Now open your mouth."

I did exactly what my mom said and felt something enter my mouth. I had my eyes closed. I opened them and I saw the sight before me; my mom's cock was in my mouth. Instead of pushing me away, my mom tousled my hair and moaned my name. I whimpered softly as I sucked and slurped noisily on her cock. She patted me on the head.

"You're doing so well sweetie," she moaned. "Oh god baby. Keep on sucking on mommy's cock. Ohhhhhhhh yessssss. You're a natural little cocksucker. You're getting hard as well, aren't you baby. Sucking mommy's cock is making you hard."

Mom was right. My cock, which was previously flaccid, was now fully erect and straining against my PJs. I was using my hands to stroke my mom's cock until she pushed them away.

"Sweetie," she said as she placed her hands on the back of my head. "Why don't you stroke your cock while mommy fucks your face? Be a good girl and let mommy facefuck you deep and hard."

I nodded and began to whine more as my mom's cock stretched my mouth open more. I slipped my hands down my pants and began to rub my own cock. My mom looked down at me and smiled.

"Awwwww honey," she said. "You're such a dirty little girl. Look at you. On your knees, sucking your mother's cock and stroking your own cock. You are doing so good." My mom tilted her head back and moaned louder as her orgasm began to build. "Oh fuck baby. Mommy gonna come soon. Mommy is gonna glaze your young throat with her seed. You are going to gulp it all down. Here it comes baby. Oh shit. Mommy's getting closer. It not to far away now. Oh my darling daughter. I love your cocksucking skills. Ohhhhhhhh fuuuuccccckkkk baby." With that comment, my mom unloaded her entire load into my mouth and throatfucked me as she came, coaxing more of her cum into my mouth. She finally released her grip on my head and began to pat me on the head. She slowly withdrew her cock from my mouth.

I couldn't believe this just happened. But, I still swallowed all her cum in my mouth and smiled at her. She smiled back at me and pushed the hair away from my face.

"You're a great little cockwhore baby," she said before she proceeded to kiss me on the head. "Now go to your room and get dressed. Your aunt will be here soon. I have left you a cute little outfit that you are going to wear when auntie Gina gets here. Have fun." I headed to my room and I looked at the outfit and my eyes widened.

The outfit was a black cat costume. I changed into it and immediately shook my head. The outfit was small, not too tight, but still not my size. Suddenly, I heard my mom speak into my ear.

"Now don't you look sexy," my mom whispered into my ear and began to suck on my earlobe. "Sweetie. Aunty Gina just texted me saying she might be a little bit late. It's a lot of traffic on the highway."

"Mmmmmm," I moaned as my mom caressed my body. I leaned my head back against her neck as she licked up and down my neck. I shivered in pleasure and ecstasy. She then placed her hands on my shoulders and turned me around to face her.

"Turn around sweetie," she said. "Let me have a look at you." She smiled as she looked at me. "Wowwwww. You look incredible. Beautiful, magnificent." She leaned forward to kiss my lips. "And incredibly sexy. Tell me who are you?"

I looked up at my mom's face and smiled. "I'm Mommy's Little Cocksucker," I said. She smiled and patted me on the head. She then proceeded to lead me to the bed and laid down on it. I watched in excitement and anticipation as she unbuttoned her pants and began to pull them down along with her panties. Finally, the guest of honor popped out of her pants, rock hard and throbbing. She pointed at it, and without any hesitation, I crawled over and began to suck on it slowly. She moaned softly as she rubbed my head and neck.

"You are doing so good baby," she said. "Mommy's Little Cocksucker is doing soooooo gooooood." She tilted her head back and began to moan louder. "Oh fuck baby. Mommy's gonna come again. You're even better than my other half. Oh fuck sweetie. That's it. Keep on sucking. Don't you fucking stop sucking. Just keep sucking. Oh fuck." She looked down at me and smiled as she saw what I was doing now. I was still sucking on her cock, but I was also using my hands to stroke her shaft and play with her balls.

I kept sucking and slurping noisily on my mom's cock, bobbing my head up and down on it. I then felt her hands on the back of my head pushing my head down on her cock.

"Mommy's Little Cocksucker," I heard my mom say, with a little smirk. "That sounds like a great name for you. Let's see how far you can take mommy's big cock?"

I felt her cock being pushed further down my throat, causing me to gag. I tried to push her back, but she grabbed my arms and pinned them to my head. "Oh baby," she moaned as she humped my face. "Your tonsils are rubbing against my cock. It feels soooooo gooooood. Mommy's gonna come soon. Here it comes baby. Mommy is gonna glaze your throat with her seed. Here it cooommmmeeessss." My mom rocked her head back and screamed as she unloaded her entire load into my throat. I tried my best to swallow it all down, but it was too much for me to handle. As her orgasm subsided, she released her grip on my head and withdrew her cock from my mouth. I gagged and puked out a little bit of cum. She smiled and patted me on the head.

"That was amazing sweetie," she said as she tucked her now flaccid cock back inside her pants. "By the way, Auntie Gina is waiting downstairs. She has been wanting to talk to you about something special. You think you can help her with her 'little problem'?"

I gulped. What did my aunt want from me?

To be continued...;u=13187

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