The Fa Rune

The Fa Rune

The “Fa, Feh, Feo” Rune According to Guido Von List

 fa, feh, feo = Fire [Feuer ], Fire-Procreation [Feuerzeugung ], Fire-Borer [Feuerbohrer], Livestock [Vieh ], Property [Besitz], to grow [wachsen], to hike/migrate [wandern], (to destroy [vernichten], to shred [fetsen, fetzen]).

"The One (First) promises to help

You helpfully

in Struggle and in Misery

and in every Need/Necessity [Not]."

The Root-Word “fa” (which is symbolized as the “Primordial-Word [Urwort]” in this Rune) is the Basic-Concept of [1] “Arising”, of [2] “Being” (Doing/Acting, Working, and Ruling), and of [3] “Passing-Away to new Arising”. Thus it represents the Impermanence of all Existence and the Firmness of the “Self” in constant Change.

This Rune therefore holds the skaldic Consolation that the only true [purpose of] Wisdom is for the Development of the Future life [or what should be Ascending], while only the Fool mourns for what is Sinking [or that which is Descending]: “Generate your Happiness, and you shall have it!”

-Paraphrase from The Mystery/Secret of the Runes [Das Geheimnis der Runen] (1908)

by Guido von List

The “Fa, Fe, Feo” Rune According to R.J. Gorsleben

Letter F and Number 1. Fa or Fe Rune, Cattle/Livestock, back line of the cattle, as that which is fertile based on youthful energy and which procreates itself. 

Its Ur-word is Lenkung meaning “Direction” as well as Steering, Guidance, etc. 

“The first one promises to help generously;

In sorrow, sickness and pain:

In eternal change, man goes forth;

From death to new creation.”

It is the father-Fa-tor-Rune, procreation in the material and spiritual realms; it means (pro)creation of fire, drilling of fire, domestic animals, property, growth, wandering; its demonic energies mean also destruction, shattering, running away.

The stem FA, Fik = testify/beget/procreate, Father [Vater], Priest [Pfaffe], Pope [Papst ], Abba; fire [Feuer], Spark [Funke], Leader [Furor], to make fire [fachen], Fever [Fieber ]; Fat [Fett ]; zeal/enthusiasm [Eifer ], create [schaffen ], Fiber [Faser ], Thread [Faden ], Yeast [Hefe ], to stick [haften ]; to fall [fallen ]; Puppet [Puppe ], Bumper [Puffer ], Pipe [Pfeife ], take care of a sick person [päppeln ], babble [pappeln ], from this comes the Poplar Tree, to grasp [fassen], to catch [fangen ], solid [fest ], to pack [packen ], to patch [patschen ], Whip [Peitsche ], Feud [Fehde ].

According to the Indian book Dzyan, which is possibly the oldest document of humanity (according to Blavatsky’s Secret Doctrine), which contains the Ur-creation myth: “Fo-hat” is the Ur-procreating energy in nature, bio-electricity, it is “That, That, That” [Der, Die, Das] ! That which embosses the Ur-ideas of the world spirit into matter, the element of Ur-procreation “Fo-hat”.

The root word fa = beginning, it is at the beginning of the Futhark Runes, it is the basic concept, the preface of the trinity of becoming ([1] arising, [2] being and [3] passing away), the preface of the ring of that which is happening, of the eternal return of the “fator” (maker, father). 

Fa is the Rune of procreation, the Rune of the man or of the father, pater (in Latin), faire (‘to make’ or ‘to do’ in French), fare (‘to make’ in Italian), fasing, fashing = to procreate, Farren, Fasel (babbling), fa-st-en (to fast), and thus includes the end result of procreation. Latin: fa-cere = to make, fa-mily; Fa-Ma (Father and Mother principles).

-Paraphrase from The Peak-Time of Humanity [Die Hoch-Zeit der Menschheit] (1930)

by Rudolf John Gorsleben

The “Fa, Fiu, Fe, Feo” Rune According to Kummer & Other German Authors

(F) The F- or Fa-Rune, Fa-tor = Father [Vator]. Fa, father, pontiff, spark, fever, thread, fiber, grasp, catch.  Fa is the basic concept of the trinity of [1] arising, [2] being, working, managing, becoming, birth through fire, [3] passing away, returning to new emergence: the eternal Return of the Fa-tor [die ewige Wiederkehr des Fa-tors ]. 

Fo – Buddha, Froh, Freya, Fuotan/Vuotan = Wotan, the father of the Asir. 

Fa is the man-begotten, the Father-rune; also the fire-generated, the creative cosmos. The all creating; the purest Love that constantly works creatively. Primordial-Fire [Ur-Feuer ]; Fire-Procreation [Feuerzeugung], the fire-begotten magical Might/Power [die feuergezeugte magische Kraft ] that creates everything. Fire, the salamander or fire spirits. Change of all kinds, shreds, slash, cut through, wear through.

Fa is the permanence in the impermanence of everything existing.  Fa, torch, phallus, the light of the spiritual, and the physical generation that emanates from it. To procreate, fathering (to generate); Procreation in Spirit and in Matter [Zeugung im Geistigen, im Stofflichen ]; fire-making, the fire-master. Possession, livestock, waxing, hiking/migrating. 

The reverse, inverse or ‘demonic’ of the Fa-rune is: inhibition, counteraction, antagonism, reluctance, selfishness, greed, lechery, contamination…

Kummer says that the Fa-rune is associated with the sign of Aries and is under the planet Jupiter. – Numerical value 1.

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