The FBI infiltration of National Socialism

The FBI infiltration of National Socialism


Recently there's been a heavy presence of fake National Socialists, who use the occult to sell the image of being dangerous and evil.

Below is from one of their books, which I will not name for the sake of keeping readers safe. It discusses taking up extreme viewpoints so that the normal public will see you as dangerous. That can be Islamic terrorist, Communist, or in our case, they learn about National Socialism.

Training on how to fake being far right to appear evil

Now, they can't just jump in when Christians are already present, so in order to stop this they push out any Christians from groups, and when they find other Christian groups they attack them. One common method is they send in their shock troops to spam these group chats, and the DM's of the people involved with gay porn, and in many cases, gore.

Gay porn spamming operation

When doing this, they run off any and all Christians who are either new to the movement, or haven't been brought over yet. They love joining fresh, non WN or NS groupchats just to solidify the message, and they add our symbols to these operations so that whenever Christian NS and WN try to recruit they recognize the symbols and see us as one of them.

This man, Matthew Scott Meelhuysen, aka "Drengr", ran a channel on telelgram called "Hatelab". He also helped run many other channels such as Coronachannews, Bowl Patrol, kryteia, The Futurist club, and more. He also ran a channel called "Christianity is White, goy", where he subverted many Christians by directing them towards this channel.

The young man in question above was also dating a Mexican female while he promoted a concept known as "Race first", where in his desperation of Christians not giving in to his gay porn spamming operation, he instead made Christians feel guilty that they choose their religion over Satanic Satanists who attack our faith constantly.

This is the symbol of the Order of Nine Angles, a group that hides among groups and appears to be evil by posting gore and threatening and dark images. Pay attention to this one for just a moment.

This is from Hatelab's channel. Notice that it was posted from their very own channel? This was before Matthew ran off and hid after being caught by another channel on telegram.

Here is another poster on Quora who promotes the Occult. Notice that he knows about O9A?

Now compare that to another member, Thomas Goldberg, who was at one point banned from Quora. His old channel at one time posted that he knew about Atomwaffen division, another O9A group that originally started out as a mixed of Christian and Pagans but was quickly taken over by Satanists. (Note, this is why you don't ally up with pagans because they invited them in).

Here is one of the members who brought in O9A into Atomwaffen Division.

His name is John Denton.

But it gets even more crazy. Not only was he a fake NS, he was doing all of this for an FBI asset named Joshua Caleb Sutter, who made up many of the occultist books that lured many naive young men into joining the occult.

There is the link to the article. This is known as "Cointelpro", where the feds send in assets to control and/or destroy a group that they disagree with. It is highly unconstitutional and was supposed to be discontinued, or so we thought. The loophole is informants can do all of the work for them as the FBI themselves aren't allowed to do it.

In short, this is what this entire operation is about, a federal controlled move to destroy any NS and WN groups that pop up and is essential that you practice good opsec, and have a strict Christian only membership, and only have very small members.

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