The Envion media battle — a late April fool’s joke from Trado GmbH?

The Envion media battle — a late April fool’s joke from Trado GmbH?


The propaganda battle over Envion continues. Ultimately, the courts will have to bring light into the mess.

(lese hier die deutsche Version)

On 2nd of April 2019 Trado GmbH published this article (archive: deutsch | english). EnvionWatch strongly objetcs most of the statements made in the article. The article once again twists the facts (it’s not the first article of its kind) and tries to take things out of context. According to the FINMA report, it was not Michael Luckow who was specifically exonerated, but ALL of those involved. This explicitly includes Board members Matthias Woestmann and Cyrill Stäger.

Excerpt from the FINMA report

The legal misconduct described in the FINMA report relates to elements in the prospectus, in particular the terms of the tokens, the right to collect money from the public and explicitly the discrepancy between the number of tokens issued, which totalled 127 million instead of 86 million (permitted). EnvionWatch demands the publication of all documents and investigation reports relating to token creation. Serious accusations that Trado produced illegal tokens and profited from insider trading are still valid.

The EnvionWatch authors point out that they are following Trado’s challenging of the FINMA investigation report with great interest. Just as Trado’s widely announced challenging of the liquidation went nowhere, these latest efforts will presumably come to nothing as well. Trado has so far made a name for itself only with big words. The list of broken promises is unfortunately long (see previous EnvionWatch articles).

It doesn’t depend on talking, it depends on doing. (loosely after Goethe)

Trado’s assertion that the duties of the former board of directors of Envion AG, led by Matthias Woestmann, were not “fully discharged” is also false and can probably be further assessed by publishing the complete FINMA report. We therefore demand that the complete FINMA report and the underlying investigation report be made public (with necessary redaction if needed).

Matthias Woestmann vs. Michael Luckow

“FINMA’s press release is aimed exclusively at Envion AG and the ICO process, not at the persons.”

There is no sufficient evidence to prove the allegation that Matthias Woestmann’s task was to draft a “watertight” prospectus that “met FINMA’s requirements for an ICO tailored to the project”. The FINMA report passes the responsibility for this on to the three law firms involved (DE, CH and US). Trado and Michael Luckow’s allegations are obviously attempts to shift blame onto others. Besides many questions remaining unanswered, including why Mr. Luckow hid during the ICO and why Trado is not mentioned anywhere in the prospectus.

Arguments such as ‘Woestmann did not comply with the duty to appoint an auditor to Envion AG, which ultimately led to the liquidation of the company’ are more than misleading. It was Trado that refused to hand over ICO data to Envion AG and this was the real reason why auditors eventually stopped cooperating. It seems to be a hobbyhorse of the Trado actors to twist things over and over again in order to try to pull their own necks out of the noose.

The responsibility of Trado, Michael Luckow and his team for a multi-million loss to 37,000 investors is becoming increasingly obvious. They now have to answer for this in several proceedings. At the latest, in September 2019, when the first civil actions of investors will be brought before the regional court in Berlin, it will become legally binding and unmistakably provable. The misdemeanors and machinations of Trado and its mouthpiece Laurent Martin will then be made public.

These and several other pending proceedings against Trado and its managing director show the full extent of the corner into which the founders have finally maneuvered themselves. We stay tuned…

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