The Dirty Mind Of Young Sally

The Dirty Mind Of Young Sally


The Dirty Mind Of Young Sally
Copyright © 2022 Moviefone Media LLC

Copyright © 2022 Moviefone Media LLC

Main Details
Released in 1970 | Color
Runtime: 96 min (Something Weird DVD Version)
Rated: X
Production Co: Boxoffice International Pictures | Global Pictures
Distribution Co: Boxoffice International Pictures (1970) (USA) (theatrical) | Cinépix Film Properties (1975) (Canada) (theatrical)
Directed by Bethel Buckalew (as Bethel G. Buckalew)
Written by Bethel Buckalew
Starring: Colleen Brennan (as Sharon Kelly), George 'Buck' Flower (as C.D. LaFleure), Norman Fields (as Cliff Bradley).
Produced by Bethel Buckalew
Original Music by Vic Lance
Cinematography by Boris Swenning
Plot Summary
The voluptuous, sultry, foxy owner of a pirate radio station manages to always stay one step ahead of the police who constantly try to put her hot roadshow out of business for good.
Also Known As
Der Fummeltrick der jungen Sally (Germany) | Erotic movie (Italy) | Innocent Sally | S... comme Sally (France)
She's radio's answer to Fanny Hill - turn her on and she'll turn you on! Her throat will really get you up... in the morning!

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Sally runs a mobile "pirate" radio station--which she operates from her van--where, in her sexy and sultry voice, she encourages her listeners (mostly teenagers) to use the music she plays "to ball by". She also takes calls from her listeners and even offers herself as a prize in a contest. Her show is so popular it winds up "turning on" large numbers of the local population. The authorities, of course, can't allow that to happen, so they send out the cops to find her and shut her down.

95 mins 

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Harry Novack sexploitation comedy, with barely any plot to get in the way of the sex hijinks. At 96 minutes (quite long for something like this) the borderline hardcore sex scenes actually get a bit boring after a while, but there’s still plenty of fun to be had here. Novack regular and red-headed beauty Sharon Kelly is the star here—her large, beautiful breast get plenty of screen time, she indulges in a surprise office catfight, screws George “Buck” Flower in the back of a van, and can turn men on just by talking into a microphone. Surprised this one wasn’t designated as a “dirty” picture, as it’s filled with real sex and earns its title and x-rating.
“The Dirty Mind of Young Sally”, US-Sexfilm von 1973, mit Colleen Brennan in ihrer ersten Rolle. Sie sollte in den 70ern in einer ganzen Reihe von Softcore mitwirken, 1975 dann auch bei Russ Meyer, ehe sie sich in den 80ern ins Hardcoregeschaeft begab.
Hier spielt sie die Betreiberin eines Piratensenders. Von einem Wohnmobil aus erzaehlt sie erotische Geschichten. Die Polizei ist ihr dicht auf den Fersen, und die Menschen in der Umgebung werden durch ihre Stimme angeturnt, lassen sich mit ihren Partnern losgeloest gehen. Okay und das ist dann die typische Porno Basis – nur ohne Porno. Ausschliesslich in der Natur oder kleinen Zimmern sehen wir eine Abfolge ziemlich langer Sexszenen, in denen weitestmoeglich gegangen wird. Hab ehrlich gesagt die…
Porn star Colleen Brennan(SASSY SUE,THE YOUNG SECRETARIES) brightly shines in the title role of this Bethel Buckalew(THE PIGKEEPER'S DAUGHTER,BELOW THE BELT[1971]) sexploitation feature that has Brennan as a renegade deejay of a travelling illegal pirate radio sex talk show that the police officials of Southern California are attempting their very best at permanently shutting down as she and her electronics expert George "Buck" Flower(THEY LIVE,VILLAGE OF THE DAMNED[1995]) travel across various towns to broadcast as her programs get the listeners into a literal sexual frenzy with a police detective(Norman Fields[FLESH GORDON,HEY! THERE'S NAKED BODIES ON MY TV!]) avidly pursuing after her,unaware that she has a trap set up for him to fall into her lustful charms in order to save…
I like to think this particular piece of sexploitation served as the inspirational spark for movies like Pump Up the Volume or Captain Midnight.
One of a kind, irresistible soft core (not that soft either) staring Sharon Kelly, from time when young girls had naturally large firm breasts. Sharon is a travelling radio artiste who, despite being chased all over by the cops, manages to broadcast three shows a day. These consist of her talking dirty whilst playing with herself, or her engineer, or even a competition winner. Young teens then gather around to listen in and perform along with her, on the beach, at their club or in the back of their car. Essentially therefore the ‘plot’ allows for multiple activity and minimal dialogue. Just as well because although Sharon is excellent, those around her range from average to unbelievably poor. It matters…

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