The Dental Implant Process in 7 Steps

The Dental Implant Process in 7 Steps

Surprise Dental & Denture

From the patient's point of view, the dental implant process might differ greatly from practice to practice and might involve several steps. This is because each dental practice that provides implants will have various levels of technology, talent, and facilities at each stage of the treatment schedule. So it's important to seek information from your dentist regarding Dental implant Surprise.

1- Extract the Tooth

The tooth should be extracted as gently as possible while preserving as much of the buccal plate and surrounding bone as feasible. Periotomes can be placed between the root and the bone to help atraumatic removal after tracing around the root with a very fine diamond bur. Following careful removal of the tooth, the quality of the extraction site should be evaluated by examining the socket with an endodontic or periodontal probe, looking for any bone deformities. 

 2- Glue the Socket Together

It is critical to maintain the bone of the extraction site by grafting the socket to facilitate the ultimate insertion of the implant. First, any granulation material in the socket should be thoroughly removed using a surgical curette.

 3- Enable the Grafted Extraction Site to Heal 

After the ridge preservation treatment, the grafting material aids in the preservation of bone volume, which is critical for a straightforward, predictable implant placement process and an attractive, functional result. It takes around four months for the extraction site and the graft to recover. 


4- Insert the Implant Using Flapless Surgery

The patient returns for implant implantation when the socket site has healed. The buccal plate should be intact if the preceding stages are followed, and the location should have enough ridge height and width. To ensure that there is enough bone volume for implantation, the location can be examined intraorally and radiographically. At this stage, the diameter of the implant to be inserted may be calculated using the edentulous space's mesial-distal and buccal-lingual dimensions.

 5-  Administer the Healing Abutment

If appropriate primary stability is attained — which is usually the case when the measures outlined above are followed — a healing abutment, rather than a cover screw, can be provided at the time of implant insertion. It is vital to avoid occluding the healing abutment in centric and any excursions when doing so. This prevents any forces from being applied to the implant throughout the healing process.

 6-Make a Lasting Impression

The patient returns three months following implant placement for the final impression, and the healing abutment is removed. This will reveal a functional and aesthetically beautiful soft-tissue collar that has been guided by the growing foundation since implant insertion.


7- Install the Screw-Retained Crown

Based on the final imprint, the dental lab creates the final restoration. Screw-retained crowns are aesthetically pleasing, predictable, and simple to place, making them a good alternative for single-tooth implant situations.  If you are looking for a cheap dentist in Surprise, then you must schedule a telephonic appointment with us.

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