The Davidito Book

The Davidito Book


The Davidito Book

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Iconography, Artwork, Ephemera and Visualizations of Religious Cults and New Religious Movements
Iconography, Artwork, Ephemera and Visualizations of Religious Cults and New Religious Movements
The Family International: The Story of Davidito, 1982
Note: Due to the extreme nature of this publication, I will not be displaying the entire book. There are certain things in this area of research that I cannot tolerate and do not wish to exploit, out of respect for the victims of this pernicious and contemptuous cult. To see and read more go to
The Story of Davidito (Ricky Rodriguez), commonly referred to as the Davidito book, was a 762-page book published by The Family International in Spain in 1982. It consisted of a compilation of a publication series known as the Davidito Letters, which were circulated from about 1975 until 1981.[1] According to the Pubdex, 2700 copies were printed and distributed to Family Homes around the world. It was intended to be an example of child rearing. The early years of the second generation were influenced by the style of childcare in the book, and sexual liberties were a part of the second generation’s childhood to varying degrees, depending on the commune.
While the stated intent was not to harm the children, the support for and advocation of pedophilia ultimately wrought harm to many children. The Family later ordered this book to be heavily sanitized and, eventually, destroyed completely. In 1997, The Family published a revised version titled Dito: His Early Years. Davidito, the example case here, ultimately murdered one of his former nannies mentioned here and subsequently took his own life in 2005.

In Reply to: Questions for James posted by Observer on November 03, 2005 at 18:27:41:
James, this won't be easy viewing, but it's part of Family history you can't afford to remain uninformed about. This site shows candid photos from the 'Story of Davidito' to show that Ricky was indeed abused & that Maria had a part in it.

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