The Cursed Belly Ring

The Cursed Belly Ring


The Cursed Belly Ring
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This content is intended for mature audiences
The Cursed Belly Ring Part 9 Published: Jul 17, 2013
The shop keep stared blankly for a moment, her mind trying to make sense of the sight before her. A pair of incredibly fat girls stood, barely dressed, stuck in her doorway, both screaming obscenities at her as they tried frantically to free themselves from the door jam. "YOU BETTER BE ABLE TO-" "-CAN'T BELIEVE YOU CHARGED ME-" "-I'LL SUE YOU SO FAST-" "-GET YOUR HAND OFF MY-" "-DAMMIT I TOLD YOU TO LET ME IN FIRST!" "-AAAAARGH I'M GOING TO KILL-" This had been going on for a minute or two. Annette and Shannon had come to the conclusion that their belly rings were, in fact, somehow responsible for their sudden weight gain, and upon realizing that the rings were purchased from the same store and person, wasted no time in paying a little visit. In their zeal, the two ladies had made the mistake of trying to enter at the same time and were now firmly wedged in the entrance to the store. It was just as well, had they actually been able to get inside they might have outright killed the shop keep in their rage. Instead they'd have to settle for screaming until they were blue in the face. The shop keep, admittedly, didn't have quite the same level of patience. Once the initial shock of the situation had worn off she reached out and grabbed the hand of the girl who happened to be the furthest inside the door and, with a few firm tugs, managed to pull her free of the doorway. With a dull, low "thwoop" sound both girls tumbled inside in the shop and landed with a loud thud on the floor. With both Annette and Shannon inside, the shop keep then set about locking the door and closing the blinds to the shop, granting the three of them some privacy. Weather it was for the sake of the two barely dressed young ladies or her own, it was difficult to say. "Oh... my god," Annette gasped and panted for breath. "I told you to let me in first didn't I?" "Why should... you get... first dibs?" Shannon wheezed. "Excuse me?" The shop keep spoke up for the first time since they'd arrived. "I'm sorry, can I help you two with something?" "You!" Shannon growled as she struggled to her feet. "Help us? HELP US?" asked Annette. "Is there a problem?" The shop keep asked again. "You bet there's a problem!" Annette shouted. "THESE!" On cue, both Annette and Shannon grabbed their bellies and lifted them up towards the shop keep. "You sold us these belly rings a few days ago and they turned us into total blimps!" The shop keep flinched slightly, not at all expecting to have two enormous bulges of fat thrust upon her. A careful examination of the bellies finally revealed the belly rings in question however. They were difficult to see, practically lost in the vast expanse of belly and deep navels, but sure enough there they were, both sparkling and glittering in the light, and both instantly recognizable to the shop keep. "Oh dear," she sighed. She looked up from the belly rings to both of the girls wearing them. Although the added pounds made it difficult, she was finally able to recognize both girls as the customers who had bought the rings from her a few days ago. And from the stretched out, torn, and frayed remnants of their costumes she could only assume they had been at a performance of sorts up until now. "Perhaps you two should explain to me just what happened." The explanation took a bit longer than she was expecting. Annette and Shannon would interrupt one another constantly and then argue about every single small detail of the story. From what the shop keep could gather, Annette had been practicing with the belly ring on for a few days leading up to their contest, while Shannon didn't wear hers until the day of. Then, during the contest both girls had ballooned up a considerable amount and, once hidden away from prying eyes, learned that their belly rings were the cause of their sudden weight gain after a couple of tests, thus explaining their enormity now. The shop keep rubbed her temples. "Once you realized the effects the belly rings were having, why did you keep dancing?" "Well, I WOULD have stopped except Shannon decided she had to try it out herself!" "Only because YOUR dance somehow led to ME getting fatter too!" "So you decided to just make us both even fatter by doing your own dance?!" "If I'm going to be a enormous fat pig I'm not going to be alone!" "Man I'm glad I kept dancing then! You deserve to be a goddamn whale!" "LADIES," The shop keep raised her voice, silencing Annette and Shannon quickly. She sighed again and walked over to the register. "It seems I made an error in judgement selling these. Particularly to you," she pointed at Shannon. "I warned you against buying that belly ring, didn't I?" "Well... yes..." Shannon answered, "but you still sold it to me anyway!" "Only because you started throwing a tantrum," the shop keep responded. "You were going to frighten away all my other customers if I didn't!" Shannon looked away sheepishly, her face turning a bright red. "Okay, then what about me?" Annette interrupted. "You told me this belly ring would help me win the contest. How is making me a total butterball supposed to help me win!?" "Had you used the ring as I instructed it wouldn't have," the shop keep replied. "What, you didn't-" "I DID," the shop keep stopped Annette mid protest. "Or at least I tried. But you weren't listening at all. Especially after I told you the price. You didn't want to hear anything after that! I tried to tell you to only wear it sparingly, but you wouldn't have any of that. You wouldn't buy the second ring either, which would have saved you both a lot of trouble AND bloating, and you probably didn't even notice the instructions I left at the bottom of the box did you?" Annette grumbled. Now that she thought about it, she did remember the shop keep attempting to tell her how to use the belly ring and that it'd be problematic if she didn't buy both belly rings herself. But she could hardly be blamed for that. I mean who would have actually believed this junk? Or that there'd be instructions on how to properly use a belly ring? "Wait, what the hell, who cares?" Annette snapped back. "Who even sells magic belly rings like these to random customers? If you knew something like this could have happened you shouldn't have sold them to us at all!" "Yeah!" Shannon popped in. "You're still responsible for this!" "And? What do you expect me to do about it?" She shop keep eyed her possible exits nervously. Sensing her intentions, Annette and Shannon quickly moved into position to block her means of escape and closed in on her. "You're going to refund our money for starters," Annette grinned mischievously. "And THEN you're going to change us back!" Shannon added. The shop keep gulped. "Well... I suppose we might be able to work something out here..."
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some one recommended me this wonderful! Shannon is just my type   

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The Cursed Belly Ring Part 7 Published: Jul 8, 2013
After her run-in with Shannon in the hallway, what Annette really needed was for the rest of the night to go perfectly. No more set backs, run-ins, delays, none of that. Reality, of course, has a funny way of never going quite the way we want it to, as she found herself presented with an all new problem upon changing into her costume. "Mmmph! Come on ya stupid..." Annette grunted as she attempted to pull her dancing pants up over her more than generous hips and backside. She cursed herself mentally as she slowly and painstakingly tugged the sheer fabric around her curves. Not once had it occurred to her that she'd have trouble fitting into her dancing costume with the added plumpness to her body. She just barely managed to pull the waistband of her pants up high enough to cover the majority of her butt, and would have to use her hip scarf to make sure the rest of it was covered. Her sequined bra was likewise a struggle to squeeze into, and in the end copious amounts of breast flesh where bulging from the cups when she finally managed to close it in back. After what seemed to be an eternity, Annette surveyed the damage in the dressing room mirror. With the way her pants tightly hugged the curves of her thighs all the way to her knees and the generous muffin top and bulging breast flesh she sported, it was obvious that the outfit was a bit too small for her. With the way she was bulging out all over Annette felt more exposed than she'd have liked. And yet, she had to admit she didn't look all that bad either. Better yet, the outfit, while certainly tight in some places, didn't do much to restrict her movements. "Still," Annette thought to herself, "it wouldn't hurt to warm up and put it to the test." Not wanting to miss hearing her turn called, Annette simply hummed a simple dance tune to herself as she went through some basic exercises and motions. Nothing too fancy, just enough to warm up and loosen her muscles for her actual performance. A shimmy here, a shake there, and a belly roll or two. She slowly ramped up the complexity to see how well the outfit would hold up under the movements. Thankfully, it held up quite well. After some time, she wasn't sure how long, she brought her warm up to a close. "There," she panted lightly. "That should be enough! Just gotta wait my turn now." It'd still be a while before she'd go up before the judges, but Annette wanted to be sure she had plenty of time to get everything perfect. All that remained were her hair and make-up at this point. Annette undid her hair clippings, allowing it to cascade about her shoulders and with a bit of brushing, clips, and hairspray, styled it in a fashion she felt suited her. As Annette applied her lipstick in the mirror, her eyes wandered down her body, towards the belly ring that adorned her navel. It was the same one she'd bought from that shop a few days ago. She hadn't even realized she'd kept it on this entire time, and hadn't even thought to change it when getting into costume. Looking at it now there was no need. It seemed to fit perfectly well with the rest of her outfit and accessories. "Dancer number 24," a voice and a knock came from outside the dressing room door. "You're up soon. Please be ready to go in five minutes." "Oh crap," Annette gasped. She'd lost track of time somewhere. She turned back to the mirror to finish applying her make up. "Whatever," she thought to herself when her eyes lingered back down to her tummy. "Probably just imagining things." Minutes later, Annette was being led down the halls to the stage where she'd be performing. Other girls, likely other contestants, stood off to the side and chatted away. Whether they were gossiping about Annette and her overblown figure or not, Annette couldn't tell. She was focused now, in the zone, ready to win this thing by wowing the judges with her slick moves and sensual curves. The trek down the hallway was otherwise uneventful. Strange, Annette would have expected Shannon to show up to try and psyche Annette out before her turn, but in all likelihood the fact she was being escorted by a contest official probably scared Shannon off, which wouldn't have been a surprise. Finally, Annette arrived at her destination. She strode out onto the stage, boldly planting herself out in the lights where the judges could see her. "Hello!" She called out to the judges. With a confidence that could only have come with much rehearsal in front of her bathroom mirror, Annette introduced herself and her dance routine to the judges. With a momentary pause, music began to play over the stage's speakers and Annette began her performance. Like always, she started slow, utilizing small, controlled movements starting lower in her body and working her way up, going faster and adding more complexity to her dance as she went. As she danced she couldn't help take notice of the way her body jiggled and wobbled with her movements. She felt her breasts bounce and shake with the movement of her shoulder shimmies and her hip drops felt like they had more oomph to them. Annette had been worried the extra jiggling would cause her to become self conscious when on stage. But now that she was up here, shaking her thing and moving with the music, she felt great! The energy and grace of her dance wasn't lost on the judges, it would seem, as before long she could hear them clapping alongside the beat of the music. At that point Annette realized she had them, and decided to cut loose. She lost herself in the music and the dance, allowing both to take her wherever they may. Annette felt a wave of euphoria as she got swept up in the moment. She might have continued in this manner, lost in her dance, if it weren't for the clapping of the judges slowly diminishing and becoming replaced by frantic whispering. "My eyes aren't playing tricks on me are they?" "I could have sworn..." "Is she...?" "But that's impossible." Annette continued to dance, having been trained to retain her composure in spite of any distractions or hardships, but turned to look at the judges. They were talking in frantic, hushed tones amongst themselves, shooting glances at Annette every few moments before turning to talk amongst themselves again. "The heck? is-" Annette's train of thought was cut off when she felt a heavy bounce come from her body. Even if she was a bit chubbier than normal, there was no way her body should be bouncing. With a wave of dread suddenly spreading over her, Annette cast a slow, hesitant look at herself. ------------- I do commission art too! Click here to learn more!
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The Cursed Belly Ring Part 2 Published: Jun 7, 2013
In hindsight, visiting that shop when dance class was in 30 minutes probably not the best of ideas. Although Annette had been drawn in by the shop keep's sales pitch and the mysterious glowing that the belly ring had emanated, the price tag had been enough to bring her back to reality. This woman had to be insane if she thought she could get away for selling that thing for $70, and doubly so for trying to justify the price by insisting a matching belly ring needed to be included! If she only had more sense, Annette would have simply turned around and walked out of the shop right then and there. Instead, she remained and haggled and argued, and argued and haggled with the shop keep until 30 minutes became 20, and 20 minutes 15. Panicking, Annette finally agreed to buy the solo bellying for a reduced cost of $50 and found herself dashing out the door without a second though, running full tilt down the block until- "Ooof- hey watch it!" Annette was broken out of her reminiscing when she bumped into one of the other women in the class. They'd been practicing part of a routine when Annette let her mind wander and as a result she missed the instructor telling them to stop. As a result she'd turned to the left and wound up smacking the girl next to her in the back with an outstretched arm. "Oh... uh, s... sorry..." Annette replied sheepishly. "I'll pay more attention from now on." Although she managed to avoid bumping into anyone else, Annette couldn't help but keep replaying the events earlier that evening in her mind. And the more times she ran through them, the greater her sense of buyer's remorse grew. How could she allow herself to be taken in by some sparkling gems like that? There hadn't been anything mystical about it at all. The shop keep probably had a small light hidden in her hand that she used to make the belly ring glow, that's all. Stupid stupid stupid! Finally, the hour was up and class ended. Still fuming with regret and self loathing, Annette didn't bother to chat with any of the other dancers as she retrieved her gym bag from her locker. She just wanted to get home and drown her sorrows in some root beer, ice cream and whatever movie she could find on demand. "Hey there Little Annie!" a voice called to her. Annette's shoulders tensed and her jaw clenched as she heard it. Her body slowly turned to face whoever had called to her, but it was merely a reflex. She knew without looking it belonged to the enemy. "Shannon," Annette practically spat the name. "What do you want?" "Oh nothing!" the other girl stated nonchalantly. "Just wanted to see how you were doing is all. After all you were bumping and tripping over the others all class today. Feeling distracted maybe? Having any performance anxiety?" "Hah, you wish!" Annette replied. "I am more than ready to kick your butt at that dance competition this weekend." "Oh Annie, you don't have to be embarrassed. It's only natural to be nervous. After all, by the time the contest is over I'll have danced so many circles around you it'll have created a nice little shame hole for you to hide in." "Gosh, it must be wonderful to live in your own little fantasy world Shannon, but it's time you woke up and faced reality. I am going to CRUSH you!" "Crush me? Well, I can certainly see that happening. All you'd have to do is trip up like a klutz again are and fall on me!" "Oh it'd be easy, all I'd have
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