The Crocodiles Families

The Crocodiles Families

The Crocodiles Families

Crocodiles are any species belonging to the family Crocodylidae. Their classification name can include all members of their order like caimans and alligators. These are aquatic animals that live in the tropic of Africa, Asia, Australia and America. They can also be found in fresh water bodies like big lakes, big rivers and wetlands. Their existence dates back to 200 million years and survived the great extinction unlike the dinosaurs which became extinct 65 million years ago.

Crocodiles are hunters and wait for fish or unsuspecting land animals to come close to their habitats. They then attack by the use of their tails that are hooked and very powerful. The animals swallow their predators without chewing. The digestion is done through the secretion of strong bile acid that helps ease food absorption. They also swallow stones called gastroliths that act as ballast to help their bodies in crashing food. They have a very slow metabolism and can survive long periods without eating. They can attack large sea creatures like sharks and kill them.

Crocodiles are very dangerous to man. Though they cannot keep up with the human's speed, they can attack so swiftly before a person can react. The most dangerous of the animals include Saltwater and the Nile Crocodiles that kill thousands of humans every year in Africa and South-east Asia. The Nile crocodiles are natives of many African countries like Kenya, Uganda, Senegal, Sudan and others. The Saltwater are common in Asian countries. However a species known as Mugger Crocodiles and Black Caiman are very dangerous to humans

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