The Corona Crisis as a Chance for a War to Transform the World

The Corona Crisis as a Chance for a War to Transform the World

translated by Corona Investigative

In 2008, in an interview with the Wall Street Journal, Obama advisor Rahm Emanuel revealed a wisdom of very special significance: "You never want to waste a serious crisis. It is an opportunity to do things that you had previously thought it could not be done." (1)

Corona Crisis as strategic move to establish world governance. Corona literally means Crown.

I beg your pardon? We always thought that crises are exhausting and painful for our whole society? Thought wrong: What is considered a "crisis" by the average citizen, on the other hand, seems to be a very welcome event for power strategists. Which means that the term "crisis" has to be turned upside down in the political sphere in order to understand it properly. Where one actually believes that a crisis must be solved or ended quickly, the powerful of this world want to exploit crises for their own agenda. Thus their reverse motto is: the more crises, the better. Crises are the mechanism for the totalitarian transformation of the earth.

Although this crisis strategy is evident in the actions of our "elites" alone, occasional confessions support this approach. For example, the then Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble said in 2012 at a forum of the weekly newspaper ZEIT with reference to the "financial crisis": "We need other forms of international governance than the nation state. [...] And today we are creating something new. [...] Despite the crisis, I am basically relaxed, because when the crisis gets worse, the ability to implement change is greater." (2)

Hegelian Dialectic

How is this to be understood? What Rahm Emmanuel and Wolfgang Schäuble describe is the principle of "Hegel's dialectic". According to the theories of the German philosopher Friedrich Hegel, the course of history is determined by conflicts. It follows from this that a preplanned course of history can be created through controlled conflicts and organized crises. It is thus a matter of the controlled application of induced crises and conflicts for far-set goals. The two world wars were already decisive and induced crisis situations that convinced the world population of a centralization of power in favor of supranational organizations like the UN. In the meantime, various other "crises" are looming on the horizon that could lead to a weakening of nation states and the strengthening of the UN superstate. The fact that these "crises" are generated by politics itself or are not based on any foundation whatsoever is quite obvious because they benefit this policy. 

Two of a kind

Since the demonstrable aim is to gradually limit the powers of nation states and shift them towards supranational organizations such as the EU and UN, the elites naturally prefer global crises to national ones. A global problem, which humanity can only solve by joining forces, is an ideal pretext for advancing the idea of world government. Both the "man-made climate change" and the "corona pandemic" fall into this category (as did the migration and financial crisis or the "war on terror" before): both can only be solved through international cooperation.

They also offer invisible enemies: the trace gas CO2 and the "viruses" only visible under the electron microscope. And a war against an invisible enemy can theoretically be protracted indefinitely, because who wants to know when the enemy was defeated? Both French President Emmanuel Macron and Italian Prime Minister Emmanuel Conte already used the terminology "invisible enemy" for "Sars-CoV-2".

A further advantage of these two crises is that they make humanity itself their worst enemy: Humans are declared either "CO2- or virus hurler", who thus represents a potential danger by its existence alone. Corrupt elites, who have been destroying our planet for centuries, are thus taken out of the line of fire. Individual freedom is stifled in favor of fictions or phantoms such as an impending climate catastrophe or a dangerous pandemic. The well-being of "the planet" or "the earth" is placed above the well-being of mankind, whom the radical "environmentalists> sometimes openly regard as a pest. Man is fundamentally bad, according to the narrative supported by "science".

Problem Reaction Solution

The strategy has remained unchanged for centuries: One creates or invents a problem (wars, terrorist attacks, man-made climate change, virus pandemic, etc.), waits for the foreseeable reaction (fear and terror) and offers its already planned solution. Problem-reaction-solution. In this way, the world population can be driven into ever-increasing power constructions with created or invented crises. At this point it should be noted that even invented crises can quickly develop into real crises: Namely, if measures such as bans on diesel driving, increased taxes, renewable energies and much more are implemented. (in the case of "global warming") or quarantine regulations (in the case of the "corona pandemic") can stall the economy and drive millions upon millions into poverty. Then one can blame the crises brought about artificially for the specially conceived phantoms. If, for example, more people than usual die as a result of the crushing corona measures, these deaths can simply be blamed on the virus. If poverty rises due to the anti-market environmental policy, you blame the phenomenon on the market economy, which you want to limit - and you have your self-fulfilling prophecy.

The global strategists are now taking a significant step forward. Mobilization as in war, is the radical motto. This applies both to the alleged "man-made climate change" and to the "Corona Pandemic". Before Corona it had been the young climate icon Greta Thunberg who had long been the focus of world attention. She had become famous above all for her radical speeches. A good speech is the key to manipulating the masses, as we have known at least since Cicero. Greta's speeches were apparently so good that they frightened thousands of children in Europe and drove them out into the streets waving flags. But where do these speeches come from? "It is hard to believe that Greta, who recently turned 16, actually wrote her well-composed speeches alone," even the mainstream media website wondered. (3)

Greta's whisperer?

"I want you to act as if your house is on fire, because it is. [..] I want you to panic, I want you to feel the fear that I feel every day," Greta told the World Economic Forum in January 2019. (4) But the comparison with the "burning house" did not grow on Greta's crap. These motives come from a year-old strategy paper for climate activists, which was published by a psychologist named Margaret Klein Salamon at the end of April 2016. The title: "Putting the public in emergency mode: A new strategy for the climate movement". (5)

Klein Salamon is quasi the "psycho-strategist" of the climate movement and belongs to an illustrious network of climate prophets. Whoever takes the time to read through the 30 pages of text will be amazed. Before one lies the plan to spread climate hysteria and panic-mongering - three years before "Fridays For Future" was to conquer Europe. And right at the beginning of her strategy paper we also find Greta's idea of the "burning house". In large letters it says: "Imagine a fire breaks out in your house. What do you do? What do you think?" This comparison runs like a red thread through the rest of the text. On the basis of this author Salamon explains how climate activists can use fear-mongering to draw attention to the "climate crisis" and achieve "total mobilization" of society. But not only Greta's speechwriters probably took the "fire slogan" from this document. The radical "climate savers" and anti-capitalists of the environmental group "Extinction Rebellion" already published a song called "Emergency" on their Facebook page on November 20, 2018. Salamon's essay is reflected in the very first verse:

"[...] This is an emergency. / Your house is on fire. / And if we don't get up now. / All this will turn to ashes" (6)

On August 22, French President Emmanuel Macron also twittered in the wake of the alleged "Amazon fires": "Our house is on fire. The Amazon rainforest - the lungs that produce 20 percent of the oxygen on our planet - is burning [ ... ]" (7) Almost as if he was in direct contact with Ms. Salamon.

Salamon's death program

Klein Salamon founded the influential institute "The Climate Mobilization" in 2014, which aims to achieve a total mobilization of society to fight the allegedly man-made climate change The alleged grassroots organization "Climate Mobilization" demands, similar to FFF, to reduce the emission of all so-called greenhouse gases by 100% within ten years, i.e. to zero. Which means nothing else than a death program. Because since Co2 is produced in every life process of humans and animals, the end of this program is the exit of everything and everyone: No Co2 emissions, no mobility, no economy, no production, no life, is the suicide program. It is nothing other than the attempt to let humanity participate in its own demise.

Salamon describes in detail how and why the population should be put into "emergency mode" in the service of political strategies: "In this paper I would like to introduce the concept of emergency mode. I will explain that the goal of the climate movement must be to move the public from normal to emergency mode. "To fight the alleged "climate crisis" it demands no more and no less than the total general mobilization of society. Its model: World War II, in which American society was completely turned inside out in a very short time and driven to "maximum performance". 

All hands on deck

At that time "all hands were on deck", she enthuses. Three years later at Event 201, the same terminology. Ryan Morhard, representative of the World Economic Forum WEF, in a speech on the initially fictitious pandemic, demands: "Mitigating the risk and the extent of this pandemic requires an approach in which all hands are on deck". (8) Is it all just coincidence or are identical terms intentionally used repeatedly in both international 'crises'? 

In her strategy paper, Klein Salamon enthusiastically refers to the USA and the Second World War: "Young men sacrificed their lives in the fight for their country. Women flocked to the factories to produce war material. In the name of war, scientists and universities made enormous efforts, which led to enormous technological and intellectual breakthroughs. To pursue a 'war job', more than 10% of the population was resettled - often across national borders - and more than 40% of the vegetables were grown at home in 'victory gardens'. During this perennial emergency, the United States has also managed to maintain, and in some cases even expand, its infrastructure, education, health care and childcare, and to meet the basic needs of the civil economy on a large scale. Soldiers and civilians have had to balance hard work with their leisure time and relationships. But the whole country was filled with national motivation and energy."

Driving prohibited

Of course, people have sacrificed not only their time and strength, but also their money: "The citizens have invested their available cash reserves in war bonds. In particular, taxes were also increased significantly, most notably those of the high earners, who paid a high 'victory tax' with the highest progression in the history of the United States. The top tax rate of the highest earners was 88% in 1942 and reached a record 94% in 1944. [...] Driving for fun was banned, the Indy 500 car race was suspended, and a national speed limit of 35 miles per hour was introduced. In addition, comprehensive wage and price controls had been established "to fight inflation. This is exactly what we need to prevent a global catastrophe. So, to sum up, this woman

  • to put people in fear,
  • Putting millions on the streets for a kind of "climate revolution",
  • Rationing resources and food,
  • change the production,
  • leverage the market and control prices,
  • Resettle and uproot people,
  • and engage them with 'climate tasks',
  • Initiate expropriations in the form of massive tax increases and emergency bonds,
  • Restrict driving and meat eating
  • and much more.

In short: To combat the alleged climate catastrophe, Klein Salamon planned an emergency regime. She wanted to turn the state, economy and production upside down and at the same time commit the greatest robbery in history by raising taxes and issuing emergency bonds. Through a planned economy, internationalism, regulation, controls, tax increases (expropriation), state investments and the involvement of each individual in the great task - in other words: the establishment of a totalitarian rule and planned economy, which for the next decades imagines itself in a "state of war".

A new Pearl Harbor 

But that is not all. Of course, it could be difficult to frighten enough people quickly enough through propaganda alone to establish the emergency regime. Wouldn't it be better if "a catastrophic event" were to occur, "which would serve as a catalyst - a new Pearl Harbor", as it was called before the attacks of 9/11 in a strategy paper of a US think tank, which thus already in 2000 anticipated the attacks of 9/11? In the state of alert after 9/11, this think tank saw all its goals realized, for example a new, more dominant role of the United States in the world. The alleged surprise attack by the Japanese on the U.S. naval base Pearl Harbor in 1941 had been the ticket for the U.S. entry into World War II. And after the "new Pearl Harbor" of September 1, 2001, the wars that the aforementioned think tank had been demanding for years could finally be waged, especially against Afghanistan and Iraq. (9) And lo and behold: Salamon, too, takes pleasure in the thought of a "new Pearl Harbor". For in 1941 the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor ended American isolationism and provided the example "for an America in emergency mode". In other words: an America in total mobilization. 

"The surprise attack on Pearl Harbor caused the United States to push the button to tip over the mood and go into emergency mode in an incredibly powerful, productive way," Salamon enthused: "In keeping with the scale of the threat, we want to wake America up. We want to wake up 'America' to recognize the scale of the threat and the need for mobilization, just as America woke up immediately after the attacks on Pearl Harbor and recognized the need for World War II." In other words, it sounds like Salamon and her circles are planning some kind of "climate-Pearl Harbor", let's say: some catastrophic (natural) event that could traumatize people and put them into emergency mode.

Parallels to Corona

The "Corona pandemic" actually led to a worldwide "emergency mode", as Klein Salamon wanted: fear and terror, bans, emergency loans, conversion of production, etc". At Event 201, Ryan Morhard (World Economic Forum) even makes a connection between "man-made global warming" and a new pandemic: "Today, there are 200 epidemic events every year, and it wasn't always like this. The number is increasing, driven by globalization, climate change, urbanization, deforestation and other trends of our modern world. In other words: We are in a new era of epidemic risk." (8) Just before Morhard Klein Salamon's phrase "all hands on deck" was adopted, the link between Corona and climate change was made. However, the exercise did not explain the scientific basis on which Morhard's link was established. Instead of the "climate mobilization" - the name of Klein Salamon's organization - is there now a "pandemic mobilization"? Or will both mobilization plans be linked in the future?

War rhetoric also connects Klein Salamon with the protagonists of the "Corona Crisis" - be it fictional or real. At Event 201, we hear from a member of the US CDC, who is strangely dressed as a general: "Governments must be willing to do things they have never known historically. We must put ourselves in a state of war. A massive mobilization of resources is necessary to cope with this situation." (10)

This is reminiscent firstly of Klein Salamon's "Climate Mobilization" and secondly of the statements made by numerous high-ranking decision-makers in recent weeks and months. For example, France's President Macron, who had already adopted Klein Salamon's terminology of the "burning house" during the alleged "Amazon fires". In mid-March 2020, the FAZ wrote: "It sounded like a general mobilization, which the French president announced in his television address to the sounds of the Marseillaise. France is at war against an 'invisible enemy', he told his compatriots, and so that no one would overhear the message, he repeated the word about war six times." (11) Even the Queen of England, Queen Elizabeth II, in her address of April 6, evoked a memory of 1940, when, at the age of 14, she had given a radio address during the German air raids, addressed to the evacuated children of her kingdom. (12) 

As a historical parallel, the Marshall Plan was already mentioned at Event 201, with which, according to official historiography, a Germany lying in ruins had been rebuilt: 'A kind of Marshall Plan that is realized can stimulate this change very quickly,' says Brad Connett, representative of the medical company Henry Schein. (13) Today it is Ursula von der Leyen (14) and Geostrategist Henry Kissinger (11), among others, who speak of a new Marshall Plan. Do they want to rebuild a destroyed world according to their preferences? Create a new order out of chaos?

The Corona Mobilization

When a nation declares war, its government has completely different powers and authority than in peacetime. As long as COVID-19 is treated as a huge problem by the rulers of the world, and as long as the majority of people simply swallow this lie without question, government influence will continue to expand and civil rights will continue to be restricted. In times of war, the state has the various powers it does not have in times of peace. In the event of war, for example, it is possible to force the various branches of industry in the national economy to convert their production to required war material. In the fight against "corona" this means that large companies can be forced to shift their production to protective masks, respirators, vaccines, etc. Still in March, Trump activated an old law from the times of the Korean War in 1950. (16) This so-called "Defense Production Act" endows the president with those potentially far-reaching powers over the country's private sector that would actually only be justified in a military defense case. In the concrete case of Corona, however, this step means nothing more than an unspeakable, highly dangerous concentration of economic and political power in the hands of a few. Unlike Corona itself, such powers are anything but harmless.

Operation Warp Speed

The Trump government is not afraid to make use of its newly won powers over the private sector. In May, the White House launched a project called "Operation Warp Speed", which is intended to further advance the development of a vaccine against the corona virus. Cost to the taxpayer: about 10 billion dollars - a planned economy pure and simple! In the course of this project, Trump also tried to use the war economy from the last World War: "Since the Second World War, no one has seen anything like what we are doing now in our country. Unbelievable." Work on the vaccine is proceeding at "record speed." So we're talking about a kind of general mobilization. The goal is to have developed a vaccine by the end of the year. As soon as such a preparation is available, the military will be involved in order to organize the rapid distribution of the vaccine in the country. (17)

Green New Deal

On the climate front, too, everything is moving towards total mobilization, as recommended by Klein Salamon in 2016. Since 2019, many members of the Democratic Party have been calling for the "Green new Deal" for the future. A program that requires a radical change in industry to bring C02 emissions to near zero in the future. Of course, as with Corona, this would also include far-reaching powers for the government to transform the USA "climate neutrally". (18) After all the previous rhetoric about planned economies, one can hardly speak of coincidence when the "New Deal" of all things is used as a reference.

US President Franklin D. Roosevelt faced the severe economic crisis that had prevailed since the stock market crash of 1929. Roosevelt responded with the state program "New Deal", which entailed massive interventions in the free market. For example, a state unemployment and pension insurance scheme was introduced, taxes for small and medium-sized businesses were massively increased, and the government tried to boost the economy by means of large economic stimulus programs - just like Corona is doing at the moment. Franklin D. Roosevelt removed the US dollar from gold in 1933 and banned its private ownership, which finally turned the dollar into "fiat money", uncovered paper currency, and massively destabilized the economy. Under Roosevelt, all gold in private hands was confiscated, except for a small amount per person; consequently, from 1933 until the lifting of the gold prohibition on January 1, 1975, the US population was forbidden to own gold in any significant quantity. Roosevelt's "New Deal" was nothing more than the socialist transformation of America. (19) The U.S. citizens could actually have recognized this when their government diplomatically recognized the Soviet Union in 1933, at a time when millions of Ukrainians were dying there of organized starvation.

EU mobilizes with 'European Green Deal

The European Green Deal is a concept presented by the European Commission under Ursula von der Leyen on 11 December 2019 with the aim of reducing net emissions of greenhouse gases in the European Union to zero by 2050, making it the first continent to become climate neutral.

Just as called for by Klein Salamon, the EU is thus switching to "emergency mode" and pressing the accelerator: the previous goal of reducing the European Union's CO2 emissions by 40 percent by 2030 compared to 1990 levels is to be tightened to a reduction of 50 to 55 percent.

(Source:, European Green Deal)

First economic crisis, then ... ?

Pure "coincidence" the Corona Pandemic at Event 201 is also compared to the economic crisis of 1929, which made Roosevelt's New Deal possible: "Unlike recessions in normal business cycles and market forces, a recession triggered by a severe pandemic would be historically unprecedented in our modern age - because of the huge losses, both for workers and customers. Perhaps the most fitting comparison would be the Great Depression [1929], but the expected global recession caused by the CAPS pandemic could be much worse," said Dr. Eric Toner of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. (20) It was then of all people the "father" of the New Deal, Franklin D. Roosevelt, who founded the United Nations together with Winston Churchill. And today, the UN holds the reins as a global commanding body in the areas of climate and corona. Which brings us back to the war: The expansion of power through a war against Germany was the almost logical consequence of the "New Deal", since Roosevelt could now use the economic colossus America for his purposes or those of his advisors and whisperers. Today the West seems to be steered once again into a mega-catastrophe similar to that of 1939, and the heads of state even suggest this in their own words. In the course of this "crisis", however, a totalitarian transformation of the world could take place, which could even overshadow the Second World War.

CNN Founder Calls for Climate Mobilization Like in World War II

Ted Turner, the founder of CNN and longtime confidant of Bill Gates, seemed to have internalized the mindset of Ms. Klein Salamon already in 2008. On the talk show Charlie Rose, he first announced a climate catastrophe if there was no switch to renewable energies:

"It is possible that we [the energy system] can completely change over in 15 to 20 years. It is so important and vital that we do it quickly. We have to mobilize the same way we did when we entered World War II in 1945, we have to mobilize everything we have and put it into changing the energy system. Not just here in the United States, but around the world. [...] Not to do so will be catastrophic. It will be eight degrees warmer. In 20 to 30 years, no crops will grow, most people will be dead and the rest of them will be cannibals. Civilization will have collapsed."

And then he demanded that once the catastrophe was over, the few remaining people should no longer be allowed to multiply uncontrollably in a new system:

"After that we must stabilize the population. [...] We are too many people. That is why we have global warming. We have global warming because too many people use too many things. If there were fewer people, they would use fewer things. If we don't get a handle on global warming and nuclear weapons, then we don't have to worry about human rights anymore. There will be no more people."

This article is a translation from the print edition of the German newspaper ExpressZeitung Number 33.

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1., Rahm Emanuel on the Opportunities of Crisis, 19.11 .2008 

2., Zeit-Forum mit Schmidt und Schäuble (Zeit forum with Schmidt and Schäuble), 12.11.2012 

3., PR-Marionette oder Klima-Galionsfigur - ist die Greta·Thunberg-Story zu schön, um wahr zu sein? (PR puppet or climate galion figure - is the Greta Thunberg story too good to be true?9, 29.01.2019 

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6. Facebook: Extinction Rebellion, 20.11.2018 

7., Emmanuel Macron, 22.08.2019 

8. , Event 201 Pandemie Exercise: Segment 1, Intro and Medical Countermeasures (MCM) Discussion, 04.11 .2019, 06:50 

9. Project for an New American Century: Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategies, Forces, and Resources For a New Century, September 2000

10. , Event 201 Pandemie Exercise: Segment 3, Finance Discussion, 04.11 .2019, 16:48 

11., Macron und der sechsfache Krieg (Macron and the Sixfold War), 17.03.2020 

12., Bruch im Leben unseres Landes (Break in the life of our country), 06.04.2020 

13., Event 201 Pandemie Exercise: Segment 3, Finance Discussion , 04.11.2019, 17:15 

14., Von der Leyen: Wir brauchen einen Marshall-Plan für Europa (Von der Leyen: We need a Marshall Plan for Europe), 06.04.2020 

15. wsj .com, The Coronavirus Pandemie Will Forever Alter the World Order, 03.04.2020 

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18., Green New Deal 

19., New Deal 

20., Event 201 Pandemie Exercise: Segment 3, Finance Discussion , 04.11 .2019, 05:56 

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