The Convention

The Convention

Cade Walker sighed as he unconsciously folded the letter and put it back in the envelope.

As his eyes rose, he re-focused on his office manager, Marcy Carruthers, sitting opposite him. Her gray eyes were soft and pleading, her face filled with question marks. Her legs lay slightly apart, showing more of her thighs under the skirt than he wanted to see right now. Not that there was anything wrong with Marcy, oh no. There was a lot right with Marcy and that was part of his problem.

Her presence here wasn't right. He usually brought his wife, but she said she was short-handed at the hospital and needed to stay and work. She insisted Marcy go along.

Marcy's head came up to his shoulders when they stood together. She was all soft curves from her sharply calves to her rounded rear to her large breasts. Her coal-black hair hung softly around her face, draping over her shoulders. Her pug nose sat atop a pair of red and full lips that often screamed for attention. He'd dreamed for years of deeply kissing her, of tasting those luscious lips.

They all had known each other since college when Cade and Fred Underwood played football together. Lanie, Cade's wife, and Marcy, Fred's wife met when Marcy was completing a two-year accounting degree and Lanie was an instructor's assistant.

Fred was the foreman in Cade's small construction company. Marcy and Lanie worked together at the hospital for years. Despite his occasionally short fuse, Fred was a super foreman, talented and knowledgeable, hard-working, and dedicated to the company and his job. Fred's biggest problem was his extreme dedication sometimes pissed off the workers and Cade had to intervene.

Five years ago, when his construction company had been forced to expand rapidly because of the increasing demand for higher-end homes, Cade desperately needed someone to run his office. Lanie had insisted that Marcy be given the job. Cade balked, precisely because of their close relationship. But Lanie persisted and Cade knew now it had been a good decision for business purposes. But for non-business purposes. Well, that was another story altogether.

Cade often felt Marcy's strong attraction to him. She was always careful and stayed a respectful distance at work. But, during their private gatherings, she often put her arm around his waist. She never objected when he patted her rear. Sometimes she even put his hand on her butt. More than once she backed that curvy rear end into his crotch and ground him until his erection bloomed. He had kissed her lips lightly more than once. It was usual for them to give each other tight hugs when they arrived and when they parted.

Lanie, who was the type of woman who didn't like public displays of affection, seemed not to mind when Fred hugged her. She never encouraged physical contact with Fred, but she didn't push him away either when he kissed her cheek, rubbed her arm or shoulder, or put his arm around her. The two of them loved talking with each other about subjects that didn't interest either of their spouses.

He and his wife Lanie often joked about their flirty relationship with Marcy and her husband. But, as Lanie said, as long as no one did such things in public and none of the four objected, then "You're the one I'm sleeping with at night."

After last Christmas, they had extensive discussions. Their Christmas party was held at the Underwood home and Marcy had hung mistletoe in at least four locations. The most used spot was right outside the bathroom and it seemed like every time he came out of the john, Marcy was right there waiting to be kissed. One time Lanie had disappeared and when he looked down the hall, she and Fred were kissing. Even hotter, Cade had caught Lanie and Marcy lip-locked in the kitchen on one occasion.

When they got home that night, he had questioned his wife extensively. She repeated her mantra, saying it was all in fun. And now, she didn't want to swap spouses. They'd done that once and it hadn't turned out well at all.

Cade sighed. He often contrasted his wife, Lanie, and Marcy. Lanie's kissable mouth met him perfectly at 5 ft. 8 in. She weighed between 120 and 125 pounds, depending on the time of the month and her recent food consumption and activities. Her measurements were 34B-26-36. Marcy barely reached 5 ft 4 inches. She weighed in about 130 pounds, slightly more than Lanie, and packed a 38D-30-40 body. Fred was 5 ft 10 inches and weighed around 220 pounds, all solid muscle.

When Cade and Lanie first met, she was a mousy, shy woman, often poorly dressed and styled a classic egg-head introvert. An actual virgin, she had never even played with herself. He had seen that underneath all the self-effacement, she burned with an unreleased passion.

As Cade showed her how to experience new things sexually, her self-confidence in every phase of her life had blossomed. While she was an even-keeled, strong-willed leader, in her personal life she remained shy except with him and now, sometimes with the Underwoods. Other people often viewed her as remote and guessed she might be frigid. He knew better. When they were together, she was a tiger with a strong sex drive. They made love three or four times a week and she often turned those times into an adventure, dressing in sexy lingerie, giving him blowjobs in the kitchen, and tempting him into sex in the shower.

Knowing her powerful needs and his often-busy schedule, Cade had told her several times that he didn't mind if she had another lover. They'd even had a full-blown argument one time, one of their few major disagreements. But Lanie always refused, and Cade loved her even more for her decision. She did tell him she liked to play with herself when he wasn't available. It had taken them several years, but now she would do it in front of him and he loved it. Sometimes she said she had wondered what another man's penis would feel like, but she wasn't seeking for that to happen.

During a bad stretch several years ago, Cade couldn't give her much attention, for which he felt bad. Several employees quit, a major sub-contractor walked off the job, an important supplier had supply issues, and local building inspectors decided to be even more difficult. Fred and he had worked 12-16 hour days, six, sometimes seven days a week, and only came in two days late on the house. Lanie always awaited him when he got home with a big kiss, hug, and hot food. If he were too exhausted for sex, she'd sometimes put on a display for him and bring herself to climax with her fingers, hands, and every so often, with sex toys.

She and Marcy talked about sex a lot and about the sex they had with their husbands. Cade knew that for a fact because Lanie shared extensively.

Conservative Fred, Lanie told him, almost prude Fred. He declined to provide oral sex for Marcy and flat-out refused any sort of anal play between them. He loved blow jobs from her though. Sometimes he would screw her from behind, but his favorite position was the missionary. Marcy loved those times because Fred, being all muscle, was a powerful lover with formidable stamina. Lanie had said Marcy craved having her butt played with but Fred flat-out refused.

Cade even knew their comparative penis size. He was slightly longer but Fred was bigger in circumference.

Even with all that said, Cade had hesitated for years especially once Marcy worked directly for him. He sometimes felt like he was the linchpin to an explosive situation. He knew that with Marcy's strong attraction to him, she would hop into his bed anytime he asked. Lanie had said she would sleep with Fred under the right circumstances.

The big problem was the potential negative changes that almost certainly would occur. Fred and Marcy were key parts of his business and he didn't want to disrupt their work. He wasn't so afraid of losing Lanie because of their love as he was afraid of damaging Marcy and Lanie's friendship.

For right now, he was comfortable with the minor displays of affection they displayed as friends. The Carruthers weren't worried about any of them being handsy, or touchy-feely when they were together as long as Fred and Marcy went to their bed together and Cade and Lanie went to their bed together.

Now, Lanie had made a decision that torpedoed that situation. If there were a group of people together, almost always Lanie soon became the leader. She was a first-class organizer and leader.

"Hey, Marcy, let's get checked in and we can go to our rooms and call our spouses. Lanie said you knew how the letter read and that Fred was getting something similar from you. I need to think about this, and I need to check with Lanie to make sure that's really what she wants."

Marcy gave a deep sigh of relief. As she rose to her feet, her legs parted more. Cade saw the white flash of her panties before he pulled his eyes to her face. Her pleased smile made him aware that she'd made that move on purpose, knew where he was looking, and wanted him to look.

Cade helped carry some of her luggage to the side-by-side third-floor rooms they had booked. Once the door was unlocked and her bags inside, Marcy opened herself to him and tilted her head upwards. Cade instinctively knew she wanted to be kissed. He was still hesitant but finally said to himself, "What the hell. It won't be any more than I often do." Bending over, he planted his lips on hers, but when he tried to pull away after a second, he found he couldn't. When her tongue pressed between his lips, he parted his and soon they found themselves dueling with every emotion within them.

The need to breathe finally forced them apart, even though they still held each other's arms like they were afraid the other would escape. He so wanted to do that again and more. But he held back. He still wasn't sure Lanie meant what the letter said. He'd never cheat on her.

Cade finally dropped his hands and pulled away from Marcy as her face fell. He turned abruptly and strode to his room, opened the door, and shoved his bags inside. Before he went into the room, he glanced back to her, still standing in her doorway, and thought he saw her eyes glistening from his rejection. But he had to get someplace where he could control his emotions better. He needed to talk with Lanie to hear from her lips that she was okay with what was happening.

He realized he was still breathing like he'd run a 100-yard dash at full speed. He plucked his phone from his pocket, intending to call his wife before he realized he wasn't sure what he would say. He laid the phone down and pulled the letter out to read the words another time.

"My dearest Cade. I love you with every inch of my body and all my soul. I've loved you since the day we first met. Every day I love you more. I intend to love you forever. Don't ever doubt that. I owe you so much.

As you suspected, there was another, unspoken reason, why I insisted you take Marcy instead of me to the conference. I made a unilateral decision recently that we need to quit talking about our relationship with Marcy and Fred and do something to satisfy that itch and curiosity. This is one of those cases where I'm asking for forgiveness after the fact because I know you would never consent otherwise. We've talked and talked and bumped right up against action and never taken another step many times. It festers between us all. 

So, here's the deal. You have carte blanche to do anything with Marcy that you want to this weekend, provided she agrees, of course. She says she will agree to about anything and has some ideas for what she wants. You have a free license this weekend. Afterward, I won't ask what you've done, and I won't get mad about anything if decide you want to tell me. Or not tell me. Of course, I'll be curious, but I promise not to cause problems because of this weekend.

I'm asking you to give me the same kind of open weekend with Fred. Marcy and I agreed to this proposal. She's written a letter to Fred that I'll give him about the same time as Marcy gives you this letter.

I do think it's extremely hot. You asked once if I wanted another lover. I don't, but I think I'll enjoy a different lover for a short time. 

This came to fruition between Marcy and me several months ago. We were having lunch and for some reason, she wanted to play the "if I would I" game we sometimes use between you and me to jazz up our sexual activity. You know, "If I were single and if I had no obligations, would I sleep with that person." Marcy and I often play the game because we know it will get us excited and we'll attack our husbands when we get home. 

It was my turn to pick a guy out and ask her the "if I would I" question. I couldn't find anyone suitable in the room, so for some reason, I asked her if she would sleep with you. 

The table was silent for so long I had to look at her. Her face was rigid with shock and her mouth hung half-open. "What's going on," I asked her. 

"Please don't make me answer that question," she said. "You'll hate my answer and you'll hate me." Well, you know me. Sometimes the more obstinate someone is, the harder I push. 

Finally, she stuttered yes. That wasn't surprising the way we act around each other. But what did surprise me was what she said next. "And I don't care if I have other obligations. Sometimes, I think I would give up our friendship, I would give up my marriage, I would give up my children, and I would give up my job. All I can think about sometimes is having sex with Cade. It often takes everything within me not to just throw myself at him. If I knew for sure he wouldn't reject me, I'd say to hell with everyone and everything and jump his bones.

"One day at work, I reached out to feel his erection. He turned away unawares at the last second and I shamefully realized how close I had been and dropped my hand. This is terrible because I love Fred more than anything, but sometimes when I'm home alone, I get my toys out and bring myself off thinking about Cade.

"I'm sorry Lanie." Her head drooped and I saw tears forming. Her admission had shattered her.

I knew there was an attraction there. I didn't realize it was so strong. I also realized I felt strongly enough about Fred that I could have sex with him if the opportunity arose. We've always been good friends and have been able to talk about many subjects. 

Don't act surprised by the statement that I'd sleep with him. He's different, and, I guess, I wonder sometimes about how a different lover would act and how I would feel. You taught me some much and I want to share.

That was the day she took the afternoon off and the same day I tried to rape you when you got home. We drove to the park and talked all afternoon. 

Cade paused in his reading. Yes, he remembered that day. He tried worming out of Lanie why she was even more aggressive than usual, but she had given him a lame excuse. Marcy had refused to tell him why she had to take the afternoon off on such short notice. He knew something weird was going on, and he'd dug around, but couldn't determine what it was.

Returning to the letter, he continued reading.

We talked and talked and talked about the situation and what to do. We suspected that if we tried to start something when all four of us were together, you guys would let your male pride and your sense of marital obligation get in the way. When this conference came up, we knew it was the perfect solution. Fred and I would be here. You and Marcy would be there. Neither pair could interfere with the other until the weekend was over.

So, there's the story. I want this festering situation cleared up one way or another. I want to see if Fred is as powerful a lover as Marcy says he is. And I know you'd love to play with Marcy's big tits and fuck her senseless. So again, you have carte blanche this weekend with Marcy. 

Both Marcy and I are scared as hell about this. Both Marcy and I are excited as hell about this too.

If you need to call me for any reason, I'll be waiting. Don't wait too long because I may be busy. I promise I won't tell you it's a mistake. 

Your eternal lover, Lanie.

P.S. Just so you know, both Marcy and I are clean. She says Fred is clean. And we're both on good birth control. Have a lot of fun bareback. EEW.

Cade knew he needed to make a pit stop before he called his wife. He expected a long conversation. Returning to his chair, he stared at his phone for several minutes before initiating the call.

After one ring, Lanie answered, "Hello lover. I'm so glad you called. I'm assuming you've read the letter and have some questions."

"Elaine Elizabeth Williams? Are you sure you want to unleash all these emotions? There are some potentially terrible outcomes if things don't go well. Remember the problems we ran into with Chewy and Rachel in Texas?"

"Yes, I'm sure about this weekend. And this is different and more dangerous at the same time because of our closeness. When Chewy and Rachel got upset, we simply didn't have to go there anymore.

"I want only the best for you. I want you to be happy. I've suspected for a long time that you wanted this. The situation wasn't making you unhappy, more like something was missing. I think your time with Marcy will scratch that itch, fill that void in you and you'll be an even better lover and husband."

"I never would have asked you for this," Cade said. "I wouldn't cheat on you in any way just like you wouldn't cheat on me."

"It's not cheating if we both give our consent. It's good friends with benefits, benefits that I think both of us will enjoy. And we never have to do it again, or even bring the subject up, if we don't want to.

"Oh, damn. Hold on for a minute, will you? Fred isn't taking this situation very well which is surprising to me. He's screaming at Marcy and I need to intervene."

"Wait. If he doesn't consent, the whole thing is off. I won't proceed unless we all agree," Cade told his wife.

"Understood," she said. "I feel the same way. Look, I'll call you back in a few."

After 10 minutes with no return call, Cade relieved his tension by walking to the connecting door to Marcy's room. He suspected he shouldn't call Lanie back. After he rapped, several seconds went by before she opened the knob enough to let him in and retreated further inside. He could hear Fred's voice on the phone still agitated. Marcy shrugged her shoulders before speaking into the phone.

"Cade just walked in. I'll let you talk to him if you want. Maybe he can help you understand." She handed him the phone.

"Hello, Fred."

The volume coming out of the phone increased. "I don't want you or anyone else fucking my wife, do you hear me. She's married to me and I'm pissed she would even consider fucking someone else." Fred rattled on in the same vein for several more minutes.

Cade made a sorry face to Marcy as he spoke. "Fred, remember several weeks ago when we were talking about women. Right out of the blue you said you'd like to fuck someone tall like Lanie with small tits."

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