The Change in Me

The Change in Me

** Hello!! So this is my first werewolf story that I have ever written. Thank you for taking the time out to read it. Makes me so happy! Any feedback good or bad is greatly appreciated to help me learn to become a better writer. Enjoy!**


The world has changed since when our parents and grandparents were little kids. Werewolves, the things we only believed in the stories we were read, are real. They started coming out of hiding in the year 2050. Slowly at first, but then by thousands. We never knew there were so many. The government didn't know what to do at first. Capturing some to do experiments on, killing others as soon as they started sprouting fur. We didn't understand why they were the way they were. We were scared of the unknown. So scared that we started a war. A world wide war that killed so many. Its a very sad part of our history. Long story short the humans were losing so we decided to strike a deal. We would live separate, but together. Each live by their own rules on their own lands. Children, in a hope for the future, are to mix up until the age of 18. The werewolves added that if there is a human female or male that is a mate to one of their own that the human stay for at least a year with them in hopes for them to agree to stay forever. If they want to go back with their family after that time and never see their intended mate, they can. The humans added one last thing. If any human, man or woman, get killed or raped when staying with the werewolves that whole pack will be killed.

I start to fall asleep in class. The bell rings loudly announcing the end of our history class practically making me jump up with excitement. Only one more to go before cheerleading happens. They always go over the rules and our history maybe once a week. I really think I could memorize them at this point. My name is Petra. I turned 18 last week making me itch for some actual freedom. Counting down the days till I leave these brick walls and go off on an adventure. I've been looking at colleges as far away as I can get. Don't get me wrong. My family is amazing. Dad is a lawyer, and Mom sells homes all over so I have had a very happy childhood. But I just crave for something different. To get out of this small little town.

"Petra finally your out of there. I feel like I was waiting forever." My best friend Macy looped her arm in mine as soon as I walked through the door. Looking a little funny what with her tall body against my 5 foot small frame. She was gorgeous. Black hair down to her waist perfectly straight. Not one hair out of place. Tan skin that never got burnt, and clear blue eyes that looked like the ocean. She definitely lucked out. "Skip study hall and lets go check out the cute guys in football practice before cheer. I love trying to guess if they are boring humans or hot sexy wolves."

"Of course your dream of being chosen as a mate for one of those guys is still a thing." I roll my eyes as we sneak outside onto the bleachers and sit next to her. My brown curly hair blowing in the wind making me a little frustrated. 

"Oh shut up. Its not like you don't like the idea of being picked up by a wolf stronger than any man and whisked off to their pack. Its so romantic!" She says as she lays her head on mine. 

"Actually no. I don't want that. I want a normal person. But first off I need an actual boyfriend. Cant believe I'm 18 and never have I had a boyfriend. Carl doesn't count!" I can remember Carl asking me in front of all his friends out for pizza on my 18th birthday. Of course I said yes. Practically ran home in excitement that the most popular human guy at our school wanted to go out with me! Telling my mom who shared in my excitement and helped me get ready. I picked out my favorite green dress that made my dark green eyes pop. Braiding my hair so it sat over my shoulder. I couldn't do anything to hide the freckles all over my pale face so I just put some lip-gloss on and I was ready. When he picked me up my parents had to meet him and he was the perfect gentleman. What could go wrong? Everything. The minute we got into his car he drove us to a small party his friends were throwing. When I told him I didn't want to go he got angry hitting his steering wheel. Telling me fine we can stay in the car. Immediately he started kissing me and shoving his hand under my dress touching my lacy panties. I could still feel his hot breath on my neck when he started rubbing me roughly. I was so scared I jumped when he hit my clit. Making shocks go all through my body. But when I tried to tell him to stop he just kept saying then why is my body enjoying it. Finally I bit down as hard as I could on his tongue and when he let go of me I ran. I ran and hid behind a bush and called Macy to come pick me up.

"Yeah I'm sorry hun. That guy was a douche. Too bad he got expelled the next day for beating that one guy up to a pulp. Cant believe people actually do those crazy drugs thinking they will be stronger than the wolves. That's why I'm going to get the real thing. A hunky badass wolf all to myself. If only they would freaking choose me!" I look down at all the football players and notice one in is looking straight at us. Nudging Macy she looks down and almost shakes with excitement. "Today is the day my wish comes true!" Trying to look sexy on the bleachers I try not to laugh at her. 

"Okay you have fun posing for your new love interest. I'm gonna go to cheer practice. It's about to start." So engrossed in what she's doing she waves me off making me laugh louder as I walk away. I don't even hear the little gasp Macy makes when I walk towards the girls locker rooms.

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