The Blaring Horns on Broadcast Drive 

The Blaring Horns on Broadcast Drive 


(9 Mar) Police Commissioner Chris Tang, who learned how to become a cop from Jackie Chan and Alex Fong, endorses only his type of humour. However, he refuses to tolerate the satire in RTHK’s TV programme Headliner because it has not criticised rioters over these months.

His words infer that only "balanced" reporting could be considered fair. But every programme’s design speaks to its own traditions and styles, not to mention that Headliner is a personal opinion programme. According to his logic, he would not be satisfied unless both parties are equally criticised. Now, let’s shift our attention to RTHK’s most biased, one-sided and longest-running shows, the Police Report. Over forty years, the Police Report reconstructed crime scenes for the audience. It indirectly showcased the police's bravery, effort poured into solving crimes and care towards citizens. Tang owes the RTHK gratitude for their advanced skills in repainting the picture.

For the sake of “balance”, the Police Report should add a new segment introducing the Police Force’s new tactics, like combat techniques that involve stepping on and hitting the heads, necks and bodies of protesters who have already been pinned down. They can also justify the traffic officer who knocked down protesters while driving in figure eights and describe the noble sentiment behind using firearms to blind a reporter and then refusing to admit it. The Police Report can learn from Tang’s sense of humour and have him demonstrate his skill of twisting the negative into positive; dubbing citizens “cockroaches” and calling to “break out the bubbly” during a protestor's memorial are just attempts to pump up the atmosphere.As for the crime scene reconstruction segment, the Police Report should not forget the sexual assault cases by officers in the police station nor the beating of Ken Tsang in a dark corner by seven officers years ago. More recently, officers destroyed the belongings of the homeless in Sham Shui Po. These cases demonstrate the new paths the police pave for themselves by continuing the best of its traditions. If the Police Report could make these reforms, it would be truly balanced and fair.

As the horns blare on Broadcast Drive, we can expect more cases of government officials beinginconsistent and upholding double standardsWhile the Communications Authority has allowed TVB to not broadcast RTHK programmes, the government continues to benefit TVB by exempting it from licensing fees and exploiting taxpayers' generosity. The airwaves are meant to be public. If bid upon, the market price for the spectrum of radio frequencies may reach 400 million dollars. To be exempt from the cost of using these valuable frequencies, TVB is required to create certain news and social welfare programmes, broadcast announcements in the public interest and show RTHK programmes. Removing RTHK, the thorn in TVB's side, is no different from eschewing part of its social responsibility while still being exempted from licensing fees. This only shows the government’s preferential treatment of TVB.

The government's talents include using administrative means to sway public opinon, openly assisting allies and quashing dissent. Now that TVB is no longer broadcasting RTHK shows, housewives can finally enjoy some peace. At the same time, TVB can arrange programmes more flexibly in accordance to advertisers' demands to save the company. In the short term, RTHK ratings will drop, which will assist the government's suppression of voices of accountability. But the public is often misled – commercial broadcasters work for profit, so they air shows palatable to mainstream tastes to ensure a large audience and use ratings to judge their success. RTHK is a public broadcaster that exists as a counter to that. It provides alternative programmes and a variety of choices, catering to the demands on the minorities. It should never answer to viewership ratings.

RTHK, this your time to soar. You lost a mere few ratings points from the 6pm shows that housewives watch while cooking dinner or trimming their nails, but you stand to gain the entire world.

Source: InMediaHK

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