The Biggest Causes of Water Pollution in India

The Biggest Causes of Water Pollution in India

About 71 percent of the Earth's surface is covered by water. Water exists in water bodies, such as oceans, lakes, rivers, etc.; water vapor, icecaps and glaciers, in the ground, and even within our bodies. Water is a resource which is essential for life on earth, and it is quite clear why it is called the elixir of life. We basically need water for everything that we do, from drinking, agriculture and cooking to bathing and washing.

As Earth's population continues to grow, the pressure on different resources on the planet is also growing with it. We cannot overlook the fact that the increasing population is having a devastating effect on our ecosystem, and one of the worst effects of the mushrooming population is pollution.

Let’s take the case of water pollution. Due to human activities like water wastage and water pollution, our oceans, rivers, lakes and other water bodies are shrinking and the water quality is becoming poorer day by day.

Water pollution in India

Many parts of India face major challenges due to inadequate freshwater availability. Add to that, the available water is contaminated by pollutants from industry, agriculture, energy generation, social practices and other activities.

Here are the major reasons of water pollution in India -

  • Urbanization

The process termed as ‘urbanization’ means making an area more urban and dense. In the past few decades, India has witnessed massive urbanization. This in turn has given birth to a number of water problems, such as inadequate water supply, water wastage, poor sewage treatment and disposal. Many new cities have come up on the banks of rivers, adding to the problem of water pollution. Decrease in the ground water level isn’t the only side effect of urbanization; pollution of water bodies is also caused by urbanization.

  • Industrialization

Most Indian fresh water sources are polluted by wastes or effluents from the industries. Industrial wastes are highly toxic, and highly harmful for the organisms that live in the water bodies, and for those who consume this water. Industrial wastes contain pollutants such as lead, sulphur, mercury, asbestos, nitrates and many harmful chemicals. As most industries in India do not have proper waste management systems, they release the polluted water into the water bodies without any treatment. This contaminated water enters the rivers, canals, and even in our supply water.

  • Poor sewage management

The old pipeline sewage infrastructure in India is not suitable for the urbanizing population of Indian cities. Improper sewage management results in unplanned water supply and poor sewage treatment in in large urban areas. According the data released by the government, approximately 62,000 million liters per day (MLD) sewage is generated in urban areas, and the treatment capacity across India is only 23,277 MLD, or 37% of the sewage generated.

  • Eutrophication

Eutrophication is caused by unnatural enrichment of the inland water bodies with plant nutrients, phosphorus and nitrogen. Large amounts of chemical fertilizers are used in agricultural practices, and these fertilizers get drained into the waterways and contaminate the water. This contaminated water is hazardous for the life within it.

  • Religious practices

Religious and social practices are also one of the key causes of water pollution in India. Dead bodies, idols of god and goddesses, and other worship materials are disposed in the rivers, as a matter of religious faith. During festivals, people take dips in holy rivers, which is another potential cause of water pollution in the country. These religious rituals and practices pollute the river water and adversely affect the water quality.

Water resources, in particular, are getting dramatically polluted due to the hugely expanding population. Water across the country is now more polluted than ever.

If you want water which is safe and healthy to drink, then you can start by getting a reliable water purifier for home. Install a water purifier which runs on the revolutionary Reverse Osmosis (RO) technology. RO technology has been proved to remove dust, chemical, hard metal, pathogens, and other pathogens from water, while preserving the essential nutrients. Therefore, install a RO water purifier, preferably of a known brand like Kent today, to be double sure about the quality of water you are drinking.

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