The Biggest Areolas

The Biggest Areolas


The Biggest Areolas

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Dr. Jasmine Shaikh, MD

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Pallavi Suyog Uttekar, MD

What Is It?

What exactly is the areola?


What is the color of areola?

Size Change Over Time

Can the size of the areola change over time?

Bumps On Areola

What are those bumps on the areola?


How Big Are Areolas Usually? Center

Can the size of the areola change over time?
What are those bumps on the areola?

John Hopkins Medicine. Normal Breast Development and Changes.

Sanuki J, Fukuma E, Uchida Y. Morphologic Study of Nipple-Areola Complex in 600 Breasts. Aesthetic Plast Surg. May 2009;33(3):295-7.

When is it time to wean your baby from the breast or bottle to solid foods? Learn how and when to wean your child from breastmilk to formula, and from formula to solid food.
The breast, or mammary gland is made up of lobules, milk producing glands, and a system of ducts to transport milk. Both males and females have breasts. Abnormal enlargement of breasts in men is referred to as gynecomastia. In women, during pregnancy the breasts grow larger and produce milk. Common medical conditions that affect the breasts include breast cancer, breast lumps, fibrocystic changes and cysts, mastitis, and benign tumors (fibroadenomas).
The breast refers to the front of the chest or, more specifically, to the mammary gland. See a picture of Breast Anatomy and learn more about the health topic.
Is breast cancer genetic? Should I get tested for the BRCA gene? What every young women should know about breast cancer. Discover the signs and symptoms of breast cancer and other crucial breast cancer facts.
Learn about breast cancer causes, symptoms, tests, recovery, and prevention. Discover the types of treatments such as surgery and drug therapies as well as the survival rate for breast cancer.
Paget's disease is a rare form of cancer that forms in or around the nipple and frequently coexists with breast cancer. The exact cause of Paget's disease is unknown. Symptoms and signs include redness, scaling, and flaking of the nipple skin. A biopsy and imaging studies are needed to diagnose the disease. Treatment may include surgery, radiation, and adjuvant therapy.

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health & living health center / how big are areolas usually center / how big are areolas usually? article

The size and shape of areola and nipples vary greatly amongst females. Women usually have larger areola and nipples than girls who have not yet crossed their puberty .
The human areola is mostly circular, but many women have large, oval-shaped areolas. The areola of sexually mature women averages around 1.5 inches but can be as big as 4 inches.
Lactating women and women with particularly large breasts may have even larger areolas.
The areola is the circular dark-colored area of skin surrounding the nipple of the breast in females.
Areola has glands called Montgomery’s glands that secrete lubricating oil. The oil protects the nipple and skin from chafing during breastfeeding .
The color of the areola can be anything from:
The areola looks pale among people with lighter skin tones and darker among people with darker skin tones.
It is not uncommon for the size of your areolas and nipples to change throughout your lifetime.
During puberty, your ovaries begin producing the female hormone estrogen, which causes your breasts to grow. As your breasts continue to become big after puberty, your areola will appear smaller in proportion.
During pregnancy , your areola may become darker and appear bigger due to the hormonal surge to prepare your breasts for breastfeeding.
The areola is part of the skin, which means they can stretch when you gain weight. As your breast gets bigger, your areolas may grow big too. Your areolas may or may not return to their previous size after you lose weight .
Montgomery glands are normal skin glands that appear as small painless bumps on the areola. Every person has Montgomery glands though they are more apparent in some others.
©1996-2022 MedicineNet, Inc. All rights reserved. Terms of Use. MedicineNet does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. See additional information .

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Let’s get one thing straight, your nipple and areola are two different things. A lot of women tend to get the two of these confused in thinking they are the same. Your areolas are the dark-colored area underneath where your nipple is. Your nipple is the center part of your breasts where your milk is produced. Just as there are different nipple sizes there are all sorts of areola sizes as well. Some women tend to have big areolas and some small. According to Katharine O’Connell White, MD, MPH, director, Fellowship in Family Planning “The areola are as variable as the breast that they’re on,” which means that there is no “one size fits all” when it comes to your breasts, nipples, and areolas.
So, if you are one of those women out there wondering “why is my areola so big” well, you should know that genetics plays a big role in this matter. Just as you inherit certain traits from your parents such as foot size, breast size, hair color, and eye color your areolas are the same. The size, color, and appearance of your areola are genetically inherited. Your areola changes through many stages of your life, such as when puberty begins, pregnancy, periods, and hormones. So don’t be startled if you notice your areola changes in size or color because that is a normal part of your body’s functions. Some women with big areolas may notice either an increase or decrease in size over time.
As I mentioned, your areolas are subject to change in size and color especially if you are breastfeeding. This is a natural part of your body’s functions being that when you are getting prepared for lactation your areola not only grows but changes color. According to Dr.White, The areolas are a target for your baby to locate your breast and get milk. “ Babies have horrible eyesight , so the stark contrast between the areola and the color of the breast helps focus the baby’s eyes on where to look,” she says. You may also notice your nipples getting bigger in size during this time in addition to large areolas. Some women want to reduce nipple size, but this is actually an important time to accept having large nipples and large areolas for the sake of your baby. Small nipples and areolas are not a bad thing either, but they do make it more difficult for your child to spot and latch onto. Some women feel that they have huge areolas that makes them feel less confident, well this is the time to appreciate it.
As many of us women know, no female nipples and or two breasts are ever the same. The same goes for our areolas. One areola may be rounder and a tad bit darker or lighter than the other areola. So if you notice that you have one nipple darker than the other, don’t worry. This is completely normal and nothing to worry about. Your pregnant areola color can change once pregnancy and breastfeeding is complete. If you always had small areolas you may notice that after pregnancy they will actually become larger which means you will then have wide areolas. After you go through pregnancy , they will begin to grow in diameter. If you already have dark areolas you may begin to notice more immediately your areola color fading. In addition, you may notice, one nipple darker than the other. If you are one who has pale nipples or areolas then you actually may notice them darken. These changes are not abnormal, so there is no need to panic. Many women opt for an areola reduction which is not necessary, as your areola size fluctuates. Don’t focus so much on your areola color or size as this may change through time and experiences. 
A lot of women believe that when they see their areola getting bigger that they are automatically pregnant. This is not true, there are many factors that may result in your areolas increasing in size. The female nipple and surrounding area can change many times through personal and physical experiences. When you become aroused, your areolas begin to swell which means they will look larger than usual. When it comes to pregnancy, most women experience an increase in the size of their areolas and nipples getting bigger, but this can happen with or without being pregnant. Same goes for your nipples, mostly pregnant women experience an increase in their nipple size, but truthfully there is no such thing as a normal nipple size which is why we don’t want you to focus so much on your nipple size. 
Your nipples and areolas can fluctuate in size at any point. Typically it happens most when your blood pressure increases. Anytime that your blood pressure or heart rate is being increased then your areolas will expand, this is completely normal. Women with big areolas think they are abnormal, but let me make it clear, they are not. The size and shape do not determine normality, the way your body works is unpredictable, so any women may experience an increase in nipple/areola size. Large areolas can turn to small areolas, large nipples can turn to small nipples. Color changes can occur, the changes are infinite.
The average areola size was shown in one study as 4 centimeters (smaller than a golf ball). Don’t worry if your areolas are larger or smaller than this, this is an average size and does not represent all women. As you can imagine it is really hard to predict the average areola size being that this is something that is constantly changing. Women with big areolas are not any different than women with small areolas, because over time this changes. Although you should be mindful of any weird signs of your nipple and areola such as itchiness or becoming extremely sore. Also, if you begin to notice one nipple darker than the other, you should consult with your doctor about a potential pregnancy. Most of the time this is not anything serious, but if it persists longer than a few weeks you should seek medical attention. Most of the time this just means that your areolas are dry and need to be moisturized. Also, keep in mind, if you change your detergent you may notice your nipple and areola to be more sensitive than usual because the female nipple and surrounding area can react to fragrance changes. 
The simple answer is yes, but we would highly recommend not doing such a procedure as an areola reduction. As if you haven’t noticed, nowadays there is a cosmetic procedure for almost everything under the sun. So technically you may get a surgical procedure to reduce the size of your areolas if you are insecure about having large areolas. You may be looking for ways how to make your nipples smaller at the same time as looking for ways for your areolas. Sometimes the issue is not necessarily about your areolas or your nipples, but rather the size of your breasts. If you have smaller breasts you may feel as if you have big areolas when in reality they are normal size.
You may think that you have wide areolas but this may just be because they are not proportioned to your chest size. Many Bust Bunny clients have come to us first with this issue not realizing that enhancing their breast size would help with their concern of having big areolas. The larger your breasts are, the more proportioned they will look to your areolas and nipples– If you already have small nipples, you can still use natural breast enhancement. We urge people to steer clear from painful and traumatizing surgeries like areola reduction surgery, by going the natural route. We suggest that you try naturally enhancing your breasts before resulting in something that is as life changing as an areola reduction. Although there isn’t a straight answer for what is a normal areola size, you may feel as if your areolas are way too large for your small boobs. You can take a breast enhancement supplement to help increase the size of your breasts which will then make it look like you have a more normal areola size and having large areolas won’t seem to be a bother. 
We know that no one knows your breasts better than yourself, although it’s important to keep an eye out for anything unusual, it’s also important not to panic at the sight of everything. Our breasts go through a lot of changes, and understanding that there is not one person who has a normal nipple size or a normal areola size is especially essential when we judge our bodies. Areola changes are a standard part of a woman’s body’s changes, most of you women aren’t alone out there. So if you are one of those women who is wondering “why are my areolas big” or “why are my nipples big” then you need to take into consideration all of the many possibilities of this. Sometimes one of the biggest factors of an increase in your areolas or your nipples can be irregular period systems.
You can tell a lot about your body as you begin to notice things that weren’t a certain way before. Regulating your menstrual cycle is a healthy and important part of every woman’s life. Taking herbal supplements is a great way to feed your body proper nutrients and also maintain a healthy figure. Bust Bunny was created to help women achieve larger, fuller, perkier breasts but most women notice that it has helped them regulate their menstrual cycles better. This may help the issue of your areolas fluctuating in size and even help with your areola color as this can change with an irregular menstrual cycle. 
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