The Best Way To Poetry

The Best Way To Poetry

Best Way To Poetry

It is forbidden to cry without learning,

Getting up one day not knowing what to do

Be afraid of your memories.

It is forbidden not to laugh about problems

Don't fight for what you want,

Abandoning everything out of fear,

Don't make dreams come true.

It is forbidden not to show love

Make someone pay for your doubts and bad mood.

It is forbidden to leave friends

Not trying to understand what they lived together

Call them only when you need them.

It is forbidden not to be yourself in front of people,

Pretend they don't matter to you,

Be kind just so they remember you,

Forget those who like you.

It is forbidden not to do things by yourself,

Not believing in God and making your destiny,

Being afraid of life and its commitments,

Don't live each day as if it were a last breath.

It is forbidden to miss someone without rejoicing,

Forget your eyes, your smile, just because your ways


Forget your past and pay for it with your present.

It is forbidden not to try to understand people,

To think that their lives are worth more than yours,

Not knowing that each one has their own path and their luck.

It is forbidden not to create your story,

Stop giving thanks to God for your life,

Not taking a moment for those who need you,

Not understanding that what life gives you, also takes away.

It is forbidden not to seek happiness,

Don't live your life with a positive attitude,

Not thinking we can be better,

Don't feel that without you this world wouldn't be the same.

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