The Best Green Juice one can Have

The Best Green Juice one can Have

rahul kumar

You must have heard about the merits of adding green leafy veggies to your diet so many times before and they are indeed praise-worthy for all the right reasons. They are naturally occurring, nutrient-dense superfoods that offer a host of health benefits.In the last decade, green juices seem to have topped the charts in the health and wellness domain. A number of celebrities, foodies, and wellness bloggers have been drinking and talking about this green elixir and the benefits of green juice making it widely popular among the masses.

What is green juice? Green juice is simply a beverage made out of mixing a handful of green vegetables that contain a rich source of healthy fibre, antioxidants, phytonutrients and naturally occurring minerals, vitamins, folate, Vitamin C, potassium and much more. 

They have several active plant-enzymes that are needed by the body on a daily basis. It is the most natural and bioavailable type of nutrition that is easily absorbed by the body when taken in the form of juice.

Other than being a refreshing, soothing and cooling drink, this green juice helps to cleanse and detoxify your system boosts overall immunity and restores your PH balance in the stomach too. Let’s look at some of the many health benefits of green juice:

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