The Best Facial Moisturizer For Treating the Dry Skin That Comes With Aging

The Best Facial Moisturizer For Treating the Dry Skin That Comes With Aging

Vogel Villarreal

If you're anything like me, then you've experienced the particular challenges that come with treating the signs of ageing. It isn't bad enough that we have to battle the formation of lines, wrinkles, and sagging, dull skin, but we also have to deal with a new type of dry skin. Make no mistake about it. This isn't the dryness you may have experienced in the past. How do you find the best facial moisturizer for treating the dry skin that comes with ageing?First, try to solve this problem with cosmetic-based facial creams is going to get you nowhere. You may have already had your own disappointing experience with a product claiming to be the best moisturizer for face ageing, mainly if it contained "collagen."You see, most cosmetic-based creams and lotions are not designed to treat the root cause of dry, ageing skin - unhealthy loss of collagen production. The synthetic substances (including "collagen") contained in these products can only provide a temporary, superficial "mask" for the problem.Skin hydrating creams made from unnatural chemicals stifle, smother and endanger the healthy function of skin cells. And the alcohol and fragrance in these products only serve to dry out your skin even more.Furthermore, cosmetic, human-made collagen molecules are too big to be absorbed by the dermis. And even if they could, they are not structurally complex enough to be used by your cells to stimulate collagen production.Have in mind that best facial moisturizer doesn't contain synthetic chemicals or human-made collagen. The best moisturizer for face ageing contains substances that enhance and support the health of your skin cells. is the only way that average production of your own, natural collagen can be restored and maintained for soft, moist skin.Cutting-edge science performed in the research facility of a New Zealand company has advanced healthy, Nature-based skin therapy to new, exciting levels. Bio-active substances are being harvested and rigorously tested for powerful skin cell nutrient properties, as well as molecular compatibility with human skin.Exciting breakthroughs in the development of the best facial moisturizer are being achieved with substances like natural avocado and macadamia nut oils. In addition to its robust nutritional value, avocado oil contains some particular skin benefits. It is high in sterolins, which have been shown to diminish age spots. The sterolins (also called plant steroids) in the oil, also help to soften the skin and create an incredible moisturizing effect.These are just two of many natural substances being used in the best moisturizer for face hydration. You can explore other bio-active ingredients at my web site, where I share the exciting results of my search for the best facial moisturizer for treating the dry skin that comes with ageing. I think you will be pleasantly surprised.

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