The Benefits of PEX Pipe

The Benefits of PEX Pipe

Known for its durability, PEX is the piping material of choice for many new homes, commercial projects and renovations. It is more affordable than copper and can be installed quickly. PEX pipes can be run with fewer connections, which helps to reduce the risk of leaks. It also insulates well, which can help cut energy costs.

In addition, because of its flexibility, it requires less joints than other types of pipe. This reduces the potential for stress fractures and improves water pressure. In some cases, PEX pipes can even be used to replace old galvanized steel plumbing pipes.

There are several different types of PEX, but the most common is PEX-A. It’s designed to handle all your home water supply needs. This type of PEX is the most flexible and has the highest resistance to freezing temperatures. A 10-foot piece of PEX-A costs between $3.50 and $7.50, depending on the brand and diameter.

Another popular type of PEX is PEX-B, which has a higher bursting strength than PEX-A and greater resistance to chlorine. It’s also easier to work with because it can be coiled more tightly, which can make it less likely to develop kinks. It can be coiled by hand or with a special PEX coiling tool.

While it has a lot of benefits, it’s important to take care of your PEX pipes. Keep them away from UV light and rodents, and regularly inspect and maintain them.

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