The Benefits of Molecular Hydrogen

The Benefits of Molecular Hydrogen

Igor Gurko

In 2015, Springer published the work "Hydrogen Molecular Biology and Medicine".

The book was edited by a group of Japanese scientists, Atsunori Nakao, Shigeo Ohta, and Xujan San.

Dr. Xujan Sun is a professor of military aeromedicine at the Second University of Military Medicine, and is member of editorial board of the scientific journal Medical Gas Research. His research focuses on hydrogen therapy and has published over 40 papers in this area.

Dr. Shigeo Ohta is a professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology at Nippon Medical School. He is considered to be an expert in the study of mitochondria and the founder of hydrogen research.

Dr. Atsunori Nakao is Associate Professor of Emergency, Disaster Relief and Critical Medicine at Hyogo Medical College Hospital. He is on the editorial board of the journal Medical Gas Research. Specializes in the study of gas molecules. Dr. Atsunori Nakao has been a reviewer for over 100 articles in various scientific journals.

This work is a well-structured introduction to hydrogen biology and medicine.

In 2007, Japanese researchers discovered that the use of hydrogen has a therapeutic effect on various diseases and injuries, which has generated widespread interest in the biomedical field.

Since that time, hundreds of peer-reviewed papers and clinical studies have been published on reputable international resources (PubMed, Sciencedirect) reporting the positive effects of hydrogen on many human diseases, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, sepsis, and cancer.

Including the treatment of COVID (link).

The author provides readers with a brief overview of the biological effects of hydrogen application based on published clinical studies.

Anything highlighted or underlined is a clickable link to the clinical study itself.

Hydrogen neutralizes free radicals that cause disease and aging

It has a beneficial therapeutic effect on the condition of the skin, nails and hair.

Facial skin — local application of of H(H2O), using a special nozzle, prevents UV-induced skin photoaging processes and instantly slows down the aging process of human skin.

Represses wrinkle formation and, more than 2 times, increases collagen synthesis.

Hair — reactive oxygen species (ROS) damage keratinocytes, which produce keratin — the main building material for your skin, nails and hair.

This study shows that molecular hydrogen protects from oxidative stress and prevents stress-induced cellular injuries in human keratinocytes.

Hydrogen therapy includes:

- inhalation with molecular hydrogen;

- daily intake of hydrogen enriched water (HRW);

- local (external) application of hydrogen for skin rejuvenation and hair restoration.

Hydrogen-rich water (HRW) - is a "water of life", antioxidant water, donor of electrons to your body.

This clinical study shows that the length of telomere increased after 6-month of hydrogen-rich water intake by older adults aged 70 years and over.

Hydrogen-rich water improves mood and autonomic nerve function in daily life (clinical study) and also improves hydration levels (up to 6 times better than regular water).

Significantly reduces the manifestations of the metabolic syndrome, thereby reducing the risk of developing concomitant diseases (clinical study).

Obesity is a serious disease that that can be a key factor in heart disease, cancers, dementia and and more.

Inhalations inhaling molecular hydrogen gas is one of the most effective and rapid ways in reducing oxidative stress in the body.

Daily hydrogen inhalations improve the quality of life, being the alternative method of medical therapy.

Hydrogen inhalation has been approved by the Ministry of Health in Japan as an advanced method of medical treatment and is widely used in hospitals, clinics and even ambulances.

Healing at the cellular level

Molecular hydrogen selectively reduces cytotoxic oxygen radicals. Binds them and turns them into water.

Water leaves the cell along with metabolic products, thereby cleansing the cell from the inside.

The smallest molecule

Due to its microscopic size, molecular hydrogen H2 removes toxic free radicals from their main source (mitochondria) and the cell nucleus (protecting DNA from oxidative damage).

Conventional antioxidants show only limited effectiveness. The molecules that make them up are too large to enter cells where free radicals cause damage.

Moreover, by regulating gene expression, molecular hydrogen acts as an anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and anti-apoptotic molecule, and also stimulates energy metabolism.

Hydrogen has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antitumor effect. Absolutely safe and non-toxic at any dose.

Molecular hydrogen revitalizes mitochondria, creates energy and improves blood circulation.

No other known antioxidant has this kind of effectiveness.

Since 2007, when this discovery was made by Japanese scientists and published in Nature journal, hydrogen therapy has become an everyday and familiar occurrence in the life of Japanese people.

Japan is the world leader in the number of centenarians - there, on average, people live 84.3 years, 30% of the population is aged 65 and over.

How is hydrogen linked to preventing disease and aging?

Hydrogen protects mitochondria (energy stations of cells) from the action of free radicals.

Oxidative stress in mitochondria is one of the main causes of diseases and premature aging of the human body.

Currently, beneficial effects of molecular hydrogen on various diseases have been documented for more than 60 disease models and human diseases (cardiovascular, oncological, neurodegenerative, metabolic and other).

Over 1,000 scientific studies show that molecular hydrogen has therapeutic potential for essentially every organ in the human body.

Supplementation of hydrogen-rich water improves lipid and glucose metabolism in patients with type 2 diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance (clinical study).

Beneficial effect of hydrogen

What other arguments do you need to start using molecular hydrogen right now?

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