The Basic Full Movie Download In Hindi

The Basic Full Movie Download In Hindi


The Basic Full Movie Download In Hindi

Tom Hardy, an ex-Army Ranger turned DEA agent, is drawn into an ever-widening mystery surrounding the disappearance of the feared and often hated Sgt. Nathan West, as well as several of his elite Special Forces trainees on what appears, at first, to have been a routine training exercise during a hurricane in the jungles of Panama. Only two survivors are found, Dunbar, and a badly wounded Kendall, the son of a high-profile Joint Chiefs of Staff official. Neither is willing to cooperate with Capt. Julia Osborne's investigation. So base commander Col. Bill Styles calls in ex-Ranger Hardy, an old friend and a persuasive interrogator. Osborne disapproves of Hardy who is on leave from the D.E.A. after having come under suspicion of accepting bribes from local drug traffickers. She is also uneasy when she learns that Hardy once trained under West and hates him almost as passionately as his current recruits. With time running out, Hardy and Osborne call a temporary, if uneasy, truce. Hardy cajoles a confession out of Dunbar, who claims that Sgt. West and the missing Rangers have been murdered and their bodies blown away by the hurricane. When they later interview Kendall, he confirms that the other Rangers and West are dead. But, in almost every other way, his story contradicts Dunbar's. What happened to West and his Ranger team? And what were they really doing out there in the jungle? As each layer reveals more lies and greater deceptions, Hardy and Osborne inch towards the horrible truth about the fate of the missing Rangers.
A DEA agent investigates the disappearance of a legendary Army ranger drill sergeant and several of his cadets during a training exercise gone severely awry.
This was a good thriller that didn&#39;t tip its hand too early. Fairly realistic as far as these things go.<br/><br/>The dialogue was well done but the pacing was too slow. As the plot progressed, I kept wondering where it was going. There was a murder to be solved but it kept meandering around it. I can see how there was a lot of material to get through, but I think the plot would have been better if it has moved faster.<br/><br/>Both Jackson and Travolta did well with their roles. Oddly, Nielsen had a Southern accent for some lines and not for others; it was very confusing.
Basic starring John Travolta and Samuel Jackson is one fresh time killing thriller that needs a look.<br/><br/>The good stuff - well, basically the whole story with all its twists. It&#39;s well written and the twist works out. Combined with the fact that it has war elements, it certainly needs a look. Also, Travolta and Jackson. They both have good characters. And besides, Travolta and Jackson..... anyone?! We all have good thoughts when we see both names on one poster, but that&#39;s another story. Just enjoy their performance or probably their quotes like &quot;So pretty. So dead.&quot;.<br/><br/>The strange thing about the movie is that the cast is both a good and a bad point. Giovanni Ribisi for example plays a heavily injured soldier or something like that, don&#39;t clearly remember. Pointless cast decision. It is just necessary. He is not for that movie. It&#39;s not the end of the world, but there are some story points involving exactly Ribisi&#39;s character and I just didn&#39;t like the dialog between him and Travolta/Nielsen. Of course, there are other bad stuff which is normal. Mostly small details, but the viewer notices them.<br/><br/>Overall, worth a look war thriller with good main characters and bad supporting.<br/><br/>6/10
Falls flat on two fronts: It's neither deep and interesting enough to be a brainteaser nor sufficiently thrilling to count as a mindless diversion.
In order to understand the drug operation in this movie, we must first take a look at the people involved:<br/><br/><ul><li>Vilmer: Supplied the drugs, named &quot;Combat Cocktails&quot;, to soldiers such as Mueller and Kendall. He was also running an operation with a partner, probably Colonel Styles, to smuggle cocaine in military shipments into the United States.</li></ul><br/><br/><ul><li>Kendall: Distributed drugs for Vilmer, and was supposedly hired by Col. Styles to kill Sgt. West.</li></ul><br/><br/><ul><li>Mueller: Distributed drugs for Vilmer, and was supposedly hired by Col. Styles to kill Sgt. West.</li></ul><br/><br/><ul><li>West: Found out about the drug operation 1 week prior to the events in the movie, and went to inform Col. Styles about the discovery. Because of Col. Styles&#39; inaction and potential threat to his safety, Sgt. West arranged the training mission in order to preemptively eliminate Kendall and Mueller.</li></ul><br/><br/><ul><li>Col. Styles: Covered Vilmer&#39;s drug operation in order to make millions of dollars from the drug operation.</li></ul><br/><br/>Sgt. West found out that Vilmer was running a drug trafficking operation out of the hospital, and he also found out that Kendall and Mueller were involved in the operation. Not knowing that Col. Styles was involved in the operation, Sgt. West approached him to reveal the drug operation. After some time, the inaction of Col. Styles arose suspicion . Sgt West also suspected that Mueller and Kendall would be ordered to kill him. <br/><br/>Sgt. West then arranges the training exercise in order to confront or eliminate Mueller and Kendall. There is no definitive answer to this question, however there are several possibilities:<br/><br/>1. The Section 8 team needed conclusive proof that Col. Styles was behind the drug operation. So far, Sgt. West and Hardy probably only had suspicions.<br/><br/>2. Dunbar (Brian Van Holt) might have been sent back to base in order to create a cover story for the disappearance of the other team members. a5c7b9f00b

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