The Balance Blog Review

The Balance Blog Review

Looking for the best Free backlinks blog online? You've come to the right place. We've compiled a list of the best free blogs that you can read on your computer, mobile device, or whatever else you prefer to read on. All of these blogs are completely free; they don't require registration or subscription fees of any kind. The great thing is that most of these blogs also have a very generous supply of backlinks to share with you. Why? Most of these blogs are established specifically to link to and from other authoritative sites. When a new blog post is published, it's often accompanied by somewhere in the region of 10 to 20 links back to other sites. Now is the perfect time to grab those backlinks, build your blog following, and begin monetising your content. You can also use these free blogs to host your affiliate products, as many of them allow you do do so. We've discussed a few of the best free blogs below.

The Balance Blog

If you're looking for a free holistic health blog, then you've come to the right place. British journalist Kate Bowler chronicles her adventures in dietary freedom as she adjusts to a vegan lifestyle. While The Balance Blog doesn't offer much in the way of content, what it does offer is extremely valuable. For example, you can gain access to the raw vegan recipes that Kate has collected over the years. In addition, you'll find a number of completely free health articles that will guide you along the way to a healthier lifestyle.

What we like most about The Balance Blog is the way that it presents important information in an easily digestible format. The content is clearly presented and broken down into easily accessible blog posts, with each post featuring a collection of delicious vegan recipes. Furthermore, the site is also well-stocked with powerful and helpful health advice that is every bit as practical and informative as you could want for in a health blog.

The Kitchn

For those of you who love to cook, why not put your talents to good use and create delicious nourishing recipes that everyone will want to try? The Kitchn is the place to do so, with journalist and chef Anthony Bourdain creating a platform for fellow cooks to share their recipes with the world. While The Kitchn doesn't offer any content, it does feature a number of incredible recipes from amateur and professional chefs alike. In addition, you'll also find a wealth of information on cooking techniques, meal planning, and more.

This is great for anyone who enjoys baking or cooking, as well as those who want to learn more about this fascinating subject. Not only that, but the site is also well-stocked with vegan and vegetarian recipes from around the world, so you're sure to find something to inspire your culinary creativity.


For those of you who want to create engaging, shareable content then BuzzFeed is the perfect place to do so. The viral content creator invites users to contribute content that is mostly focused on quizzes, lists, and infographics. Despite what the name may suggest, BuzzFeed is also home to some incredibly creative and innovative content, as evidenced by popular franchises such as Thrillist and Here On Earth.

As with most online marketplaces, the more content that you contribute, the more that you'll attract potential partners and customers. In addition to this, all content that you publish becomes automatically searchable, so if anyone happens to stumble upon your content while googling for something completely different, you'll receive a surge in visitors. While this is all well and good, we can't help but feel that BuzzFeed is a little bit of a goldmine when it comes to content, and with that comes a responsibility. Remember: content is king, or rather queen.

Civilization Of Scale

If you're looking for an educational and scholarly blog, then you've come to the right place. Chef Richard Kenwright explores the history of food and drink through a collection of penetrating essays, infographics, and well-designed graphics. Whether you're an enthusiast or a professional, you're sure to discover something that interests you on this blog.

In addition to this, Kenwright also curates an annual competition that invites amateur chefs from around the world to submit their best culinary creations. This year's competition theme is "build a better burger." We couldn't think of a better way to celebrate the end of the year, especially since burgers are kind of the ultimate comfort food. Not only that, but the chefs who participate in the competition will gain invaluable experience that will ultimately benefit them and their careers.

The Nibble Blog

If you're looking for a lifestyle blog that focuses on pets, specifically dogs, then you've come to the right place. British journalist Kate Harrison explores the world of dog food, reviewing the latest trends, talking about celebrity dogs, and much more.

In addition to this, The Nibble Blog is also home to some brilliant advice on how to feed and care for your dog. Whether you're interested in discovering the perfect recipe for your dog's favorite steak or want to know which dry food is best for senior dogs, Kate has you covered. We've discussed a number of the top-notch resources that you can rely on for all things dog, from toys and gear to diet and training tips.

You might also be interested in checking out the Nibble Blog's sister site, The Bark, which offers similar content but with a more natural slant. After all, what is a pet food website if not for the pets?

Red Food

We can't end this list without including one of the most popular vegan blogs of all time. While this blog doesn't exactly fit into one of the above categories, we couldn't help but include it anyway.

The great thing about Red Food is that it allows us to explore a new side of veganism, one that isn't often associated with the diet. Founder Nava MD explores the science of plant based nutrition and how it can be used to improve athletic performance. In addition to this, the blog is also host to a number of incredible food photographs that will have you craving the delectable dishes of the featured chefs. To explore this site, all you need to do is click on the image below.

Despite its popularity, Red Food is rather lacking in content. It was originally created as a hobby by a pair of vegan chefs who were looking to expand their personal culinary repertoire. In addition to this, the site is also home to a number of sponsored posts, which are essentially advertisements for brands that the website's owner and founder, Nava MD, promotes. This isn't a problem by any means, but we would recommend that you're a little more skeptical about these types of posts than you would be about an article that offers some good, solid advice on how to be vegan. For example, a brand that sponsors an article telling you how much they love animals may be trying to sell you something, but it doesn't necessarily have to be.

With that, we have compiled a list of the best free blogs. This is by no means an exhaustive list, as there are hundreds more that we could have included. When it comes to finding the best free blogs, there are many sources that you can consult, and this is by no means an exclusive list. It is simply intended to serve as a starting point for your research.

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