The Arrangement Ch. 04

The Arrangement Ch. 04

This is the fourth installment of 'The Arrangement' series. If you have time to leave me a comment or feedback please do so, so I can continue to grow as a writer and bring you great content. Thank you and I hope you enjoy!


Someone was kicking the bed. Only one person would kick my bed.

"Sarah, I'll kill you," I muttered burying my face further into my pillow. Wait, that was flesh. Luke was still here. Luke was still naked!

I sat up and searched for a blanket, fortunately it was already covering most of Luke, and thankfully me where my skirt of my dress was still hiked up. Luke's other arm was thrown over his face to block out the light and his mouth was set in an annoyed expression.

"Well I came by to see how the date went, but I have my answer," Sarah said with a shit-eating grin.

"She has a key," Luke stated. There was no point in making it a question, the answer was obvious.

"Can you get out of here so we can get decent?" I snapped at her, tugging the blanket up higher. Like it mattered, the evidence of our coupling was all over the apartment and in the air.

"Sweetie, decent flew the coop! But, fine, hurry. I have breakfast!" Sarah sang as she left my bedroom. A moment later she tossed Luke's clothes through the door, "You'll be needing these!"

I looked over at Luke who only looked amused now. "Your friend is something else."

"She really is."

After a quick shower I left the bathroom to Luke, sad that I couldn't stay in there to join him and found Sarah in my living room surfing channels and munching on a sausage biscuit. I poured myself a cup of coffee and joined her.

"Was the food good?" She asked not looking away from the TV.

"We didn't eat."

"Never made it out of the apartment?"

"We did, but we made it back pretty quick."

"The need was that bad?"


"You know, I was thinking," Sarah said as she dropped the remote and looked at me, "There are two others who I'm hoping look half as good as he does. You should introduce me!"

"I would except there is one problem," I laughed.

Sarah looked at me confused and then mock slapped her head, "oh that's right, I'm a lesbian," she heaved a dramatic sigh, "tis a pity."

I rolled my eyes at her dramatics and scooped up the remote and took over surfing channels. Luke shuffled in a moment later, looking very much like he was not a morning person. I bet he would have been had it been me waking him up the way I had wanted to. Damn Sarah. "Food's in the kitchen, creamer is in the fridge."

"You seem pretty relaxed with him," Sarah noted.

"It's kind of hard for him to judge me now when I had three cocks stuffed into me a day ago, one being his," I remarked, shocked I would let something like that drop so easily out of my mouth.

Sarah looked shocked as well. "I like this new Ann!"

"What new Ann?" Luke asked, he was barefoot, his shirt unbuttoned, a cup of coffee in one hand and a breakfast burrito in the other. I had an insane desire to bite his chest.

"The one that, when you ask her what's up her ass, she actually has something to report back," Sarah quipped. I slapped her playfully. Luke snorted and winked at me.

"So, Luke. Tell me about yourself," Sarah demanded, muting the TV after I had finally found something to watch.

"What do you want to know?"

"Give me the elevator speech."

"Born and raised right here, went to school here, work here. There's not a lot to know."

"I'm sure there's something there," Sarah pressed.

"Then you'll have to be specific."


"Reading, working out, travelling, hanging out with friends, video games, Ann."

I choked on my coffee. Did he just list me as a hobby?

"That last one is new," he quipped. Yep, he had. I wasn't sure how I felt about that, I chalked it down to a joke.

Sarah laughed, "I guess that's one way to put it."

"So no, 'if you hurt my friend' spiels?" Luke asked, reclining back on the couch and throwing his arms over the top of it.

He looked unbelievable just sitting in my living room, his legs wide. I could drop my shorts and straddle him; in a moment I could have his cock free and buried deep in my snatch...

"No, that kind of thing is childish anyways. She knows what she's getting into," Sarah responded, pulling from my daydream.

"Fair enough," he winked at me and my stomach flipped. I needed to get a grip.

"Ok, stop grilling him. We're just enjoying each other's company. One night remember?" I said, breaking the line of questions.

Sarah shrugged, "by my count it's two." She muttered before taking a skip of her coffee, looking quite a bit like the Kermit the frog meme.

I shot her daggers, but she took no notice. Luke just winked at me again, he didn't realize how in danger of being jumped he is.

"If you don't have any plans today Ann, I'd like to take you by the house. I think Sam will be there and he wanted to hang out with you again. Platonic of course, unless you wanted something more," Luke said.

Sarah's jaw dropped. I guess it was one thing hearing me tell the story, it was another having Luke offer up a threesome in front of her.

"Um...sure. Where's John?"

"Working. I go on shift tonight so I'll need to get a nap in later today so we should go this morning."

Sarah stood and stretched, "I can take a hint. I'll catch you later." She said and headed for the door. Not even giving me the chance to reject his offer. Apparently, she had no issue giving up our usual Sunday breakfast routine.

I watched her leave and when I turned back around Luke was beside me, "your friend is great, but I couldn't wait for her to leave," he said crushing his mouth to mine. My fingers roamed over his chest, up his back, but just as quickly as he had grabbed me, he let me go.

"If we are going to go to the house though, we really do have to go," he sighed.

I nodded, "let me grab my stuff." I responded. Sam was waiting there, would I have them both again? The though sent thrills through my body. I was still sore from yesterday, but nothing a little natural lubrication wouldn't allow me to overcome.

Twenty minutes later we were pulling up to a house on the outskirts of town. The house was a one-story farmhouse style with a large front porch and a pond in the back. I let out a whistle, "this is nice, you guys rent this?"

"Actually, I bought it and we share it but if they move it's mine," Luke answered. "It's four bed, three bath, and sits on about twelve acres. It's nice being a little way from the city.

"Quiet," I answered. Before my divorce I had lived outside the city and that was the one thing I missed, the lack of noise.

Luke held the door open for me. The inside was nothing special, your usual style though it was clear the guys had had someone come in and decorate the place to give it a homey feel. I immediately felt comfortable.

"Hi Ann," Sam rounded the corner into the living room, a smile breaking across his face. He came in for a hug and a quick peck on the lips. The boldness surprised me despite what we had done the other night, but I gave him a genuine smile back. He was so nice and happy all the time, I couldn't help but like him.

"Hey, you wanted to hang out?" I asked, dropping my purse on the side table and kicking off my shoes. If Luke wanted to make himself comfortable in my home, I'd make myself comfortable in his. He grinned at me.

Three hours later Sam had absolutely wrecked me, over and over, at some game I couldn't even remember the name of. "I swear I wasn't this bad at video games when I was younger!" I groaned.

I was sitting on the couch in between Sam and Luke with my feet propped up. Sam was laughing at me and Luke was casually drawing slow circles on my leg. I was starting to wonder if that was his tell for when he wanted sex.

I relinquished the controller and stretched; my back and shoulders killing me from sitting for so long. Luke took my hand without a word and stood up, pulling me to follow him. He pulled me into a room—his I assumed—and closed the door behind us.

In a moment, his hands were on my body, his lips pressed against mine, my ear, my neck. His fingers sliding under my waistband, grazing my pussy, suddenly he stopped when he felt me flinch. I could almost feel his shoulders sag as he pulled his hand out.

"I hurt you," he said.

I shook my head and grabbed his hand, but he pulled it back.

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"I'm just sore, I'm not hurt. Please," I begged with my eyes, but it was clear he wasn't budging. "I went from no sex to more sex in 24 hours than I had in the last five years. I'm going to be a little sore."

"And now you're going to get a little rest. Probably for the best, I need you to have a clear head anyways. I'm going to have to bring you home in a bit, but I wanted to ask you something first. Can you hear me out first?" Luke asked, sitting on the bed and pulling me down beside him.

If he asks me to be his girlfriend...

"You asked me last night if I, we, had been with one woman together before and I told you yes. I didn't explain, but now I want to, because I want to make you an offer. On occasion, when we meet a woman, we all enjoy being with we invite her to stay with us. I want to extend that offer to you," Luke paused and I just stared at him. Trying to comprehend what was being said to me.

"You would have the fourth bedroom and the master bath attached. If you are in there we will not go in unless you invite us. That gives you privacy and a way to get away if you just need a break. We handle all the bills and expenses. All we ask is that you be available and willing, and you don't sleep with anyone besides us, unless we talk about it beforehand or plan something out. You can say no of course, we would never take that away from you, but if you're saying no more than yes, we would need to talk about different arrangements," Luke gushed trying to get it all out there. He was so vulnerable looking, so cute, as if he would give the world to me for just saying yes to his request.

He looked so nervous as he waited for my response, "what?" I finally squeezed out.

"You don't have to decide today. In fact, I don't want you to decide today because I want you to make the decision with a fully clear head. Tell me on Saturday after I finish night shifts."

"I um... I can't process all of this right now," I answered honestly. He was asking me to move in with them, to be their live-in sex toy. I didn't know what was more shocking to me. The request, or that I didn't necessarily want to say no.

"I understand. Come on. I need to get your home," Luke said with a reassuring smile.

I said a quick goodbye to Sam and Luke drove me home, we sat in silence for most of the ride before he finally couldn't take it anymore.

"Please say something," Luke asked. It was odd seeing him so unsure when he exuded confidence most of the time.

"How many women have you offered this to and how many took it?" I asked finally.

"Three and they all agreed. The longest one who stayed was six months," he said, offering a bit more information than usual.

"Why did they leave?"

"One said the fun was gone, the other two met someone," Luke answered. "We're all on good terms still. You may not know us well, but we are good people. We are not going to hurt you or do anything to you, you wouldn't enjoy. We all agreed we like you and it would be nice to have you stay with us."

"I just have to think about it," I answered, my mind was reeling. How could I even consider this offer? This was crazy, and yet all I could think about was the way they made me feel that night in the hotel.

"Of course, I'd be concerned if you didn't," Luke gave a small laugh as he turned into my parking lot. "I'll walk you to the door," he said hopping out and getting my door, ever the gentleman.

"I want you to come in," I said as I opened the door, wrapping one arm around his waist and pulling him to me.

"Ann..." he protested as he crossed the threshold.

"I may not be able to tell you yes or no on your request, but I do know I want this, now, and I need you to give it to me," I said, pushing the door closed and kissing him gently.

"It might hurt."

"Good," I moaned against his lips. Let it hurt, burn, tear me apart. I needed him more than air at the moment.

Luke led me to the bed, shedding clothes as he went. I followed suit, desperate to have him inside me again. He laid me on the bed gently, lavishing my body with kisses as he trailed his way to my pussy. His tongue cooled the soreness as he brought me to a gentle orgasm, my moans announcing my pleasure.

"Please! I need you," I moaned.

He wasted no time in obliging me, entering me gently. He gathered me up in his arms and fucked me deep and gentle. I wrapped my legs around him, holding my body tight to him. No matter how deep he went it would never be enough.

"Ooohhh...Luke," I whimpered, the pleasure unbearable, on the cusp of another orgasm but unable to cross the line.

He continued to pump in and out of me, slowly and deliberately, pressing into my cervix before leaving me empty and wanting before filling me again and again.

"Fuck Ann. Fuck." He growled as exploded inside me, his orgasm sent me over the edge, and I contracted around him, pulling another groan from him as the walls of my pussy milked his cock.

"Yes." I said breathlessly.


"I'll move in."

Luke extracted himself from me and appraised me hard. My body was flushed and his gaze was making it worse. I

was longing to pull him back to me, to have him back inside of me.

"I'm happy to hear you say that. Tell me that on Saturday and I will agree, but I won't accept it now. Pleasure will make you agree to things you wouldn't normally. A week without me or John or Sam will let you think clearly," He touched my cheek gently before starting to dress.

I pulled the blanket around me as I watched him gather his clothes and dress. Feelings of loss and confusion filled the pit of my stomach. Why wasn't now good enough? He had seemed like he wanted me to jump and say yes earlier, now he was making me wait.

"I hope I hear from you Saturday," he said, kissing me gently, setting me on fire once again.

"Wait, you aren't going to talk to me between now and then?" I asked, slightly panicked.

"No, I want you with a clear head when you make your decision," he said and left without another word.

I gaped at the closed door. What the fuck just happened?

My feelings of hurt quickly changed to anger. How could he tell me I didn't know what I want? 'Pleasure makes you agree to things you normally wouldn't'. I ignored flashes of the hotel room, the things I'd agreed to while flushed with pleasure, riding the euphoria of orgasmic bliss.

I threw off the blanket and showered quickly, scrubbing Luke's touch from my skin, and rinsing him from my mind. I had to get myself focused on the work week and forget about Luke, John, and Sam. As my feelings calmed, I was thankful for Luke's instance I wait until Saturday to answer him. I couldn't possibly agree to move in with three men I had only known for a weekend. For what purpose? To be their sex toy? It was absurd, absolutely insane.

This weekend had been amazing, but it needed to be put to rest. I couldn't live my life like that.

Could I?

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