The 7 commandments to dye your hair yourself

The 7 commandments to dye your hair yourself

You want to try coloring at home. Beware young Padawan, you need to know a few things before you dye your hair.

Deciding to change your hair color is already a big decision.

But then dyeing it yourself, at home, it can seem as complicated as one of the 12 works of Hercules.

No, just prepare well, faith girl who has experienced a lot on the capillary side.

To be realistic

This is the most difficult command to integrate. Accept that certain colors are not for you.

I'm sorry, but if you are dark, you will have work to dye your hair pink (but it is possible!)

Just like if you're a dark chestnut don't hope to be as blonde as the model on the supermarket coloring box either.

Sometimes you have to mourn certain desires, at least if you want to do everything yourself.

The ideal is to know your natural color and your hair type. Don't panic, everything is almost possible, but maybe not the green and blue tie & dye that you saw on Pinterest.

For my part, I have often changed color while I am chestnut. I did a lot of so-called natural shades: brown, red, black, platinum blonde, Venetian blonde.

You can't imagine the color palette that is available to you.

Be well armed

Dyeing your hair yourself requires preparation. I promise, with practice it will seem like a breeze.

What color to choose?

First you need your coloring. Better too much than not enough. If you have long hair do not hesitate to take a coloring supplement.

Read carefully what is indicated on the products. Do colouring hair wax prefer a colo without amonic or vegetable? A perm ? A semi-permanent? A temporary coloring spray? A color to mask gray hair?

Example of my life: I wanted to test a fairly dark brown but not black.

I did not find my happiness in the perms so I turned to a temporary brown coloring which serves as a base to conceal the white hair. The rendering was perfect, it lasted 3 good weeks before fading, and I was very happy with it.

A stopwatch at your fingertips

Remember to prepare a stopwatch or your phone next to you in your bathroom. Time is very important during a dye.

It is necessary to leave more or less long pose according to your chosen color, that your basic hair, and according to the product. It is best to refer to what is indicated on the box.

Beware of discoloration, if you leave it on for too long, your hair may burn and be very damaged.

The few essential accessories:

an old napkin that you’ll be afraid to screw up with color.

An old t-shirt so as not to damage your clothes.

A plastic bag to put on your hair for the time of the pose (not on your face please, it's super dangerous).

Rubber or plastic gloves if not supplied in the staining kit.

Mild solvent to clean up the rest of the colors that will enhance the top of the forehead and the ears.

Besides, to prevent the tips of your ears and your forehead from becoming the same color as your hair, you can apply a little petroleum jelly. The coloring will not be in contact with your skin and will be easier to remove from your skin.

A friend at hand to dye your hair

Although it is not mandatory, the presence of a support person is strongly recommended, especially if this is the first time that you are getting started.

It will allow you to reach complicated areas, like the back of the skull, it will be your second pair of eyes to spot the forgotten places on your scalp.

It will also be an opportunity to have a good laugh when you have a colored hood head with a plastic bag on your head.

Watch tutorials

The Internet and especially YouTube is a DIY gold mine.

Do not hesitate to draw on the experiences of videographers to reflect on your color and to observe the coloring process.

However, beware all the same. One person can successfully achieve a purple color and another will have to fade bland blue hair for 2 weeks.

So don't expect to get the exact same result from this YouTuber that you love so much. Maybe she’s more used to it or maybe very lucky.

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