The 5 champions with the highest win rates in League of Legends Patch 12.19

The 5 champions with the highest win rates in League of Legends Patch 12.19


League of Legends has 161 champions, each with their own role and unique set of abilities. But while every champ is viable in 토토사이트 one way or another in Summoner’s Rift, some, depending on the patch and meta, stand out above the others.

From the top lane to support, we delved into the champions with the highest win rates for every role in League’s Patch 12.19. The data provided can be found on League stats site U.GG, a comprehensive look at every 먹튀검증커뮤니티 champion, their win rate, and role.

For this article we specifically looked at Platinum and above in ranked Summoner’s Rift, representing the top proportion of players from every region.

Top lane: Singed

Singed has lept to the top of the tables in Patch 12.19. The champion now has a 52.67 percent win rate and a 0.7 percent 먹튀사이트 an rate, edging out Olaf (52.30 percent), Sejuani (52.16 percent), and Shen (52.07 percent).

Jungle: Rek’Sai

Rek’Sai has the highest win rate in the jungle by the slimmest of margins. At 52.48 percent with a 5.3 percent ban rate in Patch 12.19, according to U.GG, the Void Burrower has surpassed Fiddlesticks (52.40 percent), Volibear (52.22 percent), and Olaf (52.20 percent) 먹튀검증업체

Mid lane: Singed

Singed has a ridiculous 54.79 percent win rate in the mid lane. The champion has shot up the solo queue standings in recent patches, beating out champions like Heimerdinger (53.13 percent), Pantheon (52.84 percent), and Tristana (52.68 percent).

Bot lane: Seraphine

Seraphine, who is traditionally a supportive champion, is once again dominating in the AD carry position with a 52.77 percent win rate. She beats out Karthus (52.52 percent), Nilah (51.76 percent), and Miss Fortune (51.65 percent).

Support: Blitzcrank

Blitzcrank reigns supreme in Patch 12.19. With a 54.39 percent win rate, the champion is currently the best of the best in the support position, according to the stats. Taric and Heimerdinger sit behind him with 52.52 percent and 52.51 percent win rates, respectively.

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