The 5 Common Skin Care Mistakes You’re Probably Making – And How To Fix Them

The 5 Common Skin Care Mistakes You’re Probably Making – And How To Fix Them

Aziz Q Shaikh

When it comes to caring for the skin to ensure its health and radiance, there are many things we do right – good diet, exercise, daily skin care routine – but also many things we might do wrong. The things you do wrong in terms of skin care can offset your skin’s age by several years and lead to various skin conditions.

We outline the 5 most common skin care mistakes and what to do about them:

#1 Not following a daily cleansing and moisturising routine.

This is one of the most basic steps in skin care, and cleansing and moisturising your skin daily gives you supple, clear and radiant skin. However, you might have been put off by the incidence of acne after using a certain moisturiser, or the product might leave your skin feeling hot and heavy. However, daily cleansing is important to remove all traces of dead skin, dried oil and moisture, dirt and grime, etc. so that the pores may breathe freely. With surface and epidermal impurities removed, it is time to lock in hydration by means of a good moisturiser.

Fix it: Consult a reputed dermatologist in Dubai to understand which cleansing and moisturising products are best for your skin. Clean and moisturise twice a day every day of your life to see the best results.

#2 Not taking acne seriously, or treating it wrongly.

Acne is often seen among teenagers, and among adults undergoing hormonal changes. It is often caused due to a build-up of excess oil and grime on the skin, causing an inflamed growth on the surface of the skin. Most acne fades away on its own, but it tends to leave marks. If you have had clear skin for years and have recently started seeing stubborn, red acne on your skin, it may be time to consult a dermatologist. It might be cured by a simple tweak to your skin care and diet – or it may point to an underlying medical condition (PCOS/PCOD, certain cancers, etc.)

Fix it: Undergo a detailed skin profile from a reputed dermatologist in Dubai to know why you have developed acne and what you can do about it. Do not waste time with home remedies or self-medication.

#3 Using the wrong beauty or makeup products.

We are often influenced by glitzy advertising and beautifully packaged beauty products. But each person’s skin composition is different. It automatically follows that what works for one person may not work for another. Instead of buying expensive products and trying them on your skin one after another, stop the impulse to try out new products if you have problem skin.

Fix it: If you suffer from skin conditions like acne, Psoriasis, eczema, tanning, excessive sebum secretion etc. then only an expert dermatologist should recommend skin care and makeup products for you. Let the doctor examine the ingredients of the product before giving you the go-ahead to use it.

#4 Not cleaning off makeup before sleeping.

Another basic skin care mistake most of us make – and it is an all too common cause for bad skin or aging skin. Makeup sitting on the skin for too long clogs the pores and doesn’t allow the skin to breathe. Left overnight, it can excessive oiliness, get into your eyes and mouth, and seep into your clothing. Those who habitually leave makeup on for hours are prone to acne, dull skin and early aging.

Fix it: Run a cotton pad damp with Micellar water on your skin. The Micellar water replenishes lost hydration and is effective in gently and quickly removing makeup. Once the makeup is removed, wash your face with cool water and do not apply any cream overnight.

#5 Not helping the skin’s repair process with retinoids.

As you age, your skin’s ability to renew itself becomes quite reduced. It needs help with skin supplements or creams rich with nutrients that help in the repair and restoration process. Primary among the restorative ingredients for skin is the class of Vitamin A compounds, known as ‘retinoids’.

Fix it: Your dermatologist can recommend products and treatments using Vitamin A as a restorative and healing agent. It can treat almost all skin complaints, from acne to scarring.


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