The 3 Best Pieces of Life Advice

The 3 Best Pieces of Life Advice

Инглиш ридинг

What’s the best life advice you ever got?

What are the words you tucked away(спрятали) in your pocket or personal tool kit and have since rolled out whenever you’ve needed it?

Life advice often comes in the simplest packages, in the sharp one-liners key people drop in your lap(колени) at the exact moment you’re ready to hear it.

The 3 Best Pieces of Life Advice I Ever Got

1. All I ask is that you don’t grow up dead.

One day I will “grow up dead”. We all will. But in the meantime(а тем временем), leave the comfort zone. Try things. Take some risks. Not crazy, stupid ones, but bust out(вырывайтесь) of your own cage(клетка) sometimes. All we have is the gap between when we’re born and when time is called on us. Aim to live as well as possible in the gap.

2. The cat sat on the mat.

Living by “cat sat on the mat” makes it impossible to be a perfectionist and it helps you break through procrastination. My newsroom boss taught me this: Just do it. Set a deadline because deadlines help you finish your sh*t. Don’t try to be the best or the coolest or use the biggest words. Be methodical. Cover the basics. Do what’s right in front of you. Be a finisher.

3. What’s going to make the most difference to this person’s life right now?

Whenever I’m struggling(сталкиваюсь с трудостями) I think of this: what’s going to make the most positive difference to MY life right now? Then, I go do that one thing and I almost always feel better.

Taking action in your favoured direction is the first step in building or renewing hope.

And hope is everything.

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