That's The Reason Nespresso Capsules Are An Ecological Disaster

That's The Reason Nespresso Capsules Are An Ecological Disaster

We are super pleased that you are here. There are obviously more blogs on coffee pods, coffee and compostable coffee capsules. Other educational materials on sustainable coffee pods are e.g. from leading media publishers, or Moving Beans. Or check out our lead blog on Nespresso pods.

What with George Clooney ending up being the face of Nespresso and numerous elegant, elegant Nespresso ® shops opening throughout the country, it appears the coffee pod market is growing! Have you believed about where all your pod waste is ending up?

A lot of pods, including Nespresso ® are made from plastic and aluminium. They aren't biodegradable and can only be recycled if sorted and recycled correctly. Nevertheless these pods can't be recycled quickly because of their mix of plastic and aluminium materials.

Sure ... Nespresso ® do use a pod recycling plan however it seems very few of us are actually utilizing it. Nespresso ® will not even publish their recycling figures so one can just presume these recycling data are horrendous!

Video: Sustainable and Nespresso Pods by Moving Beans.

If they aren't being recycled then where do they go? That's best folks, land fill! The shocking news is that coffee pods can take up to 500 years to break down in landfill.

Just How Many Pods End Up In Landfill?

It's approximated approximately a billion pods go to land fill every year and with pod sales increasing year on year, this troubling figure is most likely to increase.

Former Nespresso ® manager and creator of the Nespresso ® pods now explain them as a 'dreadful error".

It's considered so devastating to the Government in Hamburg that is has placed a restriction on all single usage coffee pods, calling it 'unneeded resource intake and waste generation'.
Compostable Coffee Pods

We are seeing great deals of brand-new compostable pods struck the shelves which is an excellent news and offers us a glimmer of hope. I can't however help feel this is still a lot of material, production and waste (albeit compostable waste) for every small single 6g serving of coffee.

If you have learn't anything from viewing BBC 2's Blue Planet, it truly does highlight the devastating impact that plastic contamination is having on our world. Therefore highlighting the value to minimize usage, single usage plastics and waste.

Let's make a change. We just have one world and so let's wait, together.

Moving Beans is a company that has been providing compostable Nespresso capsules for a very long time, with much more information at the website of Moving Beans. Or browse a good blog on compostable Nespresso pods. They were one of the first to deliver truly plastic-free Nespresso coffee capsules.

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