That Was Being A Ass

That Was Being A Ass


Yeah, I know... After the title you probably think "what the hell?", but it really is something I have come across with a lot.
Have you ever noticed most of the rich people are not the most warmhearted persons? I do not personally think they are poisoned by their money, not everyone. Some of them are just cold and unpleasant.
This does not include all rich people and I do not declare that all cold and intolerable people would be rich. No. They just have the qualities, that make it easier for them to not fall into despair and easier to climb up.
Doing rotten things to others...just because you can. (See this)
They really just focus on themselves, in its very primary meaning. This is of course a good quality if you aim high in life. Less empathy, less people to focus on. This allows the assholes to talk openly about what they think, sometimes honestly and sometimes not- just to get something in their way. In other words, they are willing to hurt other people if it helps themselves further in life.
Basically, assholes make more money. Often, a lot more money.
Now, it’s easy to lament that this is just more evidence of how fucked up the world is, and how the meanest and cruelest in our society are always the ones who get ahead - Mark Manson
I was researching for this subject on the internet and found an interesting article about it. Mark Manson writes that he thinks being an asshole is really valuable and does not mean the person is bad just because they act mean. He also claims that we need a fair share of assholes in this world. (See this)
Maybe, but I do not agree that a person behaving like an ass is not a bad person. Because if I have understood the concept of being a bad person right, this is exactly what it is.
Manson also writes that he thinks it would help many people to have the courage to act like an ass. In terms of business I can understand it, but I never think being pure mean makes any good come out of it. Almost none, at least.
In another article, they tell that acting like you are the smartest person in the room will make you more powerful and reliable. It also says that being immodest results easier to an higher salary or position. On contrary being modest and agreeable does not result in such ways. Even though we think we see those as good qualities they are often repelled. (See here)
But however, psychopaths do not usually succeed very good in their career all in all, even though they might act a lot like a jerk. (See this)
I would not say so. Not in everyday situations at least. Being just a little more selfish in some situations is actually helping us, so maybe this is completely fine. This however does not mean you should forget about all manners and just straight away be mean and hurtful. It is probably easier to just be an ass, but healthier to take the golden mean.
Last but not least, if you are a sensitive person like me, being an ass might be tough. It requires so much energy to be hurtful or selfish, when you feel much empathy.
It was actually interesting to read about this guys week of being a jerk:
1.3K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic.
Lol depends on the type of asshole, yes narcissists do do when but that is because they only focus on themselves, when some assholes are just plain mean that really has no benefit at all, other assholes have no filter so they aren’t afraid to speak their mind, that can be a blessing and a curse, so basically there are different types of assholes some are beneficial some are not
If taking less shit from people around me and putting my feet down when someone crossed a line then being an asshole is important. I once worked in a company where many told me that I'm sure be treated badly as everyone else had. I wasn't and was even respected for speaking my mind
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376 opinions shared on Society & Politics topic.
Well, Ass is meant to take a dump
SO I will never do that , being nice and kind get me good in life , I never regret it
Nice take though

True true, but many people make shit come out of their mouths too
927 opinions shared on Society & Politics topic.
This is why I get condescending when I see people online whining about narcissists and the like.
Without us, society wouldn't function so quiet yourself please. xD

Good Take.
Haha, i wouldn't say society wouldn't work without them, but they have their function in this kind of society we have.
11.2K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic.
1.3K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic.
Very thoughtful, sometimes its good to be a hard ass, that is stand up to those mean spirited asses, being a smartass can be funny, you can mix it up with parody and satire, there is a complicated science in being an ass.
I agree, but I do show empathy, however, I do turn my feelings off when I want something and happen to do alright in life, I'd say I am only 50% asshole and that's enough for me.
263 opinions shared on Society & Politics topic.
It works for a while eventually people will get tired and avoid you maybe even quit work just to get away with you studies have show being a asshole manager works short term not long term for a company and that's make sense look at all the retailers that are failing or closing shop now!. I fully believe that Trump is not going to have work after he run as president most of the world doesn't like him anymore I remember years ago people admire him and he never act the way he act people respect him. But now he keeps showing he a bigot and it's 2018 don't tolerate that bs anymore.
It really sad too because if you are a nice person born that way you have to honestly stop being nice to everyone overall because these assholes keep taking advantage of your kindness this happen to me recently which is why I don't want to help anyone out anymore because people want you to make them successful and mooch off it. Lucky the ex friend was a idiot and kept being rude to me and sexual harassing me now I won't help him out in business I wouldn't even care if he goes bankrupt he should had thought about that before he pull his shit with me.
Tomorrow morning, I'm making waffles...

Inside joke.
214 opinions shared on Society & Politics topic.
You don't have to be an a-hole to gain wealth and power. Julius Caesar is a prime example of that.
He wasn't a bad person but he wasn't a saint either. In addition it is not impossible to be a good person, who is successful.
True. But he attempted reform to help those who weren't elites.
Yeah, but it is a good thing that not everyone who succeeds has to be an ass.
to all: its not about being a jerk, rather learning to ad1 truth of life ad2 to survive. and if you want to punish assholes you gotta be stronger than them.
Probably because women have different types of asses. I prefer the white ass.
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There is a character trait called agreeableness. If you're low in this (guys usually are), you can walk over people who are willing to agree.
Is the asshole effect.. oldest trick in the book for immature little girls...
This was not about those assholes, but yeah, the same probably applies there.
becuz nobody wants to put up with an asshole
97 opinions shared on Society & Politics topic.
That's not exactly true, but sometimes it feels like that.
904 opinions shared on Society & Politics topic.
1.1K opinions shared on Society & Politics topic.
most rich people are cold and heartless
very few aren't
100+ opinions shared on Society & Politics topic.
I reluctantly agree. I have also come to the conclusion that many women adore jerks.
No, I've seen t go well into adulthood.
You are the one to tell then... :DD
being an ass, does NOT work

i do not like trump. i do not like hitler, i do not like stalin

why should i like someone who is a mean person?
A sad fact is, that it worked for them to fulfill what they wanted to make. It does not mean they are likeable.
no, actually it didn't work. he was UNPOPULAR

he won the electoral vote because he's in trouble, and he knows it
Yet he is the president and has the wealth.

And I actually dislike him too.(if you didn't notice from the gifs I chose)
but he didn't work for it. he was given it
he's a scam artist. he was given that money, and then was a FAILURE, in his businesses. he ran for president, as a racist, and won the electoral vote. HE IS NOT POPULAR, IT DID NOT WORK
Yeah... maybe he was born with it because he is a bigger asshole than most people
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If you’re like most English learners, you’ve probably heard the word ASS used very frequently in English speaking songs, movies, and TV series.
In addition to its most common use (butt), you’ve probably even heard the curse word ASSHOLE, or seen people use LMAO (Laughing My ASS Off) in internet chat.
But did you know that ASS has a multitude of distinct uses that mean completely different things? Although you should definitely be very careful with all uses of this word, did you know that the use of this word is often not bad, but in fact it is often neutral or positive?
If you’ve had contact with English speaking pop-culture, you know that native speakers use the word ASS in many informal and social situations. Let’s face it, as English speakers, a good part of our English practice and use may take place in informal situations.
While it’s important to emphasize that we need to be careful with this word, but this does not mean we should ignore it. If you close your mind to this important word and all of its meanings and never learn how native speakers use it, you will miss so much!
Here’s a little joke that exemplifies just 7 of the major uses of ASS. The footnotes correspond to the definitions provided.
Life is all about ASS. You are either covering your ASS17, laughing your ASS off9, kicking ASS4, kissing ASS2, busting ASS10, trying to get to get a piece of ASS8, or behaving like an ASS1…. or…. you live with an ASS1.
The most common and literal definition of ass is a donkey, and then the human butt/buttocks (1). It is used in a very literal sense (fall on your ass), and sexually (that guy/girl has a nice ass). It can also be a person who is being an inappropriate jerk (2). Neither of these are formal or polite, but their use is extremely common.
This definition of ASS is the root of many of the rest of these expressions, and although it is a moderately bad word, it’s everywhere in pop culture with varying degrees of appropriateness.
Example: (1) “He tried to kick the ball but missed and fell on his ass.” (2) “My friend drank too much and started acting like an ass (or making an ass out of himself)”
In Other Words: (1) Butt, Behind, Bottom, (2) Jerk, Jackass, Asshole
Appropriateness: (1) NOT offensive, (2) Disrespectful
The literal definition of asshole is anus (1), but it is most commonly used to call somebody a jerk (2) (a mean person). This is a bit disrespectful and a profane, but sometimes it is merited.
Asshole is more commonly used to describe men, while bitch is the female synonym of this (in most cases, bitch does not mean prostitute.) Read more about the word BITCH.
Example: (2) “The waiter was such an asshole that I decided not to leave a tip.”
In Other Words: (2) Jerk, douche (male), bitch (female)
Appropriateness: (1) dirty sexual word, (2) disrespectful
To kiss somebody’s ass is a verb to describe someone who is complimenting/praising somebody in an exaggerated and undeserved way (1), while a kiss-ass or ass kisser is the person who does it (2). This is common in high school (but sometimes used in other contexts).
Example: (1) “The entire class thought that John only got a good grade in Math because he kissed the teacher’s ass all year.”
In Other Words: (especially in school): brown-noser (n) or teacher’s pet (n), suck-up (n), suck up to (vb)
Appropriateness: (1) offensive in a formal environment (not with your friends)
A disrespectful thing to say to someone you are angry at and don’t want to communicate with. This is different than kissing ass (#3).
Example: An aggressive driver who is angry at another car might yell kiss my ass out the window.
In Other Words: Fuck off (stronger), Screw you, Go to hell
Appropriateness: Very disrespectful, offensive and profane
Literally the cousin of a donkey (1), but it is commonly used to describe somebody who is a complete idiot or a fool with little common sense (2). There is a little bit of overlap with asshole too. There is a famous movie series with this name about a few guys who do stupid stuff and hurt themselves. 
Example: “I hate it when a good party is ruined by somebody being a jackass.”
Appropriateness: Disrespectful, but can be used amongst friends
To kick somebody’s ass (vb) is to beat them at something by a lot or hurt them (1), while to kick ass just means to be awesome or successful (2) to describe someone or something as kickass (adj) is to say that it is awesome.
Example: (1) “I can kick your ass in bowling,” or “How dare you touch my girlfriend. I’m going to kick your ass” (2) “That was a kickass movie.”
Synonyms: Awesome, Cool, Impressive, Kick BUTT
Appropriateness: These are informal, but they are not offensive or profane.
Similar to kickass, badass is a noun and adjective used to describe something that is awesome (1), but the connotation here is a bit more heroic, admirable, and a bit of dark justice. The word badass is actually quite positive in a dark, macho way.
As a noun, a typical badass would be an action movie character like Vin Diesel in Fast and the Furious, Arnold Schwarzenegger in Terminator, or even Liam Neeson in Taken. A Common collocation for exactly this use is the acronym B.A.M.F. (Bad Ass Mother Fucker).
Example: (adj) “Neymar is a badass soccer player” or “He speaks 9 languages. What a badass!”
In Other Words: fearless, intrepid, bitchin’
Appropriateness: Informal, but not offensive or profane.
Get some ass is to hook up or to have sex. It’s usually used by men (although not always), and is talked about as an achievement. It’s often shortened to “Get some.” Get a piece of ass is a bit more of an objectification of the person providing the sexual experience (again, commonly used by men).
Example: (vb) “The only reason a lot of people go out is to get some ass.”
In Other Words: to have sex, to get laid, to have sexual intercourse (literally).
Appropriateness: Informal and common amongst men and/or friends talking about sex.
The common textspeak (internet/digital acronym) term to describe laugher. Given the fact that the original term for it, LOL (laugh out loud), lost its power with time and overuse, LMAO and LMFAO (Laughing My Fucking Ass Off) became popular for sincere humor. [verb] + your ass off is a common generative formation that is used with other verbs too:
In Other Words: LMAO– lol, laughing hard / [verb] + your ass off – a lot, very much
Appropriateness: The acronym LMAO is informal and non-offensive textspeak, while the construction “_________my ASS off” is informal and non-offensive amongst friends.
(1) to bust your ass is to work very hard (2) to bust or rip ass is to fart (to flatulate), but generally in a loud and probably embarrassing way.
Example: (1) “I busted my ass studying for that test.” (2) “he busted ass in front of the whole class.”
In Other Words: (1) work hard, work your ass off, Bust your BUTT, (2) fart, flatulate
Appropriateness: (1) informal and non-offensive/non-profane, (2) informal and distasteful/profane
Somebody who is not intelligent or is acting like an idiot. The implication is foolishness, but depending on the tone and the context, it is often used interchangeably with jackass or ass. Its use is clearly disrespectful.
Example: “He never pays his debts. Only a dumbass would loan him money.”
In Other Words: idiot, fool, jackass
Appropriateness: Informal and disrespectful.
Somebody who is very lazy and never does anything productive. Like most other languages, the word lazy has no official noun attached to it, so the rich English language had to compensate.
Example: “He just stays home watching TV like a true lazyass.”
In Other Words: good-for-nothing, slacker, couch potato
Appropriateness: Informal and not necessarily offensive.
To do something when you’re tired and without energy to do it. It is most commonly used in the present continuous as Dragging Ass. Think about somebody who is walking with their ass literally dragging on the ground.
Example: “I’ve been dragging ass all day because I didn’t sleep last night”
In Other Words: drag one’s feet, drag around, do something inefficiently
Appropriateness: Informal and not usually offensive.
To do something with less (or far less) than your best effort. You don’t care that much about quality or attention to detail, you do it mechanically, and the result reflects this poor performance.
Example: (adj) “Don’t do a half-ass job with your English.” (vb) “she half-assed the homework assignment and only got 65% on it.”
In Other Words: (adj) incompetent, inadequate (vb) do something without care or effort
Appropriateness: Informal and depending on the tone, it’s not inherently disrespectful.
A poetic, childish, and sometimes playful way to threaten somebody saying “I am going to get you.” Basically, you are going to be dead because your ass (you) is going to turn into grass when you are dead because I’m going to kill you (and then the “I’m going to mow the grass with a lawnmower). Kids used to say this all the time and you’ll probably see references to this in pop culture, like this one.
In Other Words: I’m going to get you/ I’m going to hurt you
Appropriateness: It can be threatening or playful, it’s a traditional slang expression for kids.
To risk yourself for another person or thing. Your ass is a way to say yourself.
Example from How I Met Your Mother (Marshall): “I put my ass and probably other parts of my body on the line to come here and party with my bro.” Learn English with How I Met Your Mother!
In Other Words: Risk everything, Put your BUTT on the line (less severe)
Appropriateness: Common in an important situation (informal), inoffensive
To protect yourself or someone else or getting into trouble in a problematic situation (protect yourself from risk), usually within an organization or something related to the law.
Example: The police officer didn’t want to fill out the report. He only did it to cover his ass so he wouldn’t get in trouble later.
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Urban Dictionary: being an ass
Why Being an Ass Usually Works - GirlsAskGuys
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That Was Being A Ass

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