That S Why Young Nude

That S Why Young Nude


That S Why Young Nude
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Once upon a time (read: the '80s), movie fans could count on the fact that at some point, someone in the movie would randomly drop trou or rip off their shirt for no apparent reason whatsoever. And frankly, it was great. After all, why worry about things like plot or character development when you can have some good old-fashioned gratuitous nudity instead?
Nowadays, of course, such moments are rare, usually happening only for comic relief or in grade-Z, video on demand dreck. Thanks to Internet porn, there's kind of no reason for movies to bother, right?
Once in a while, though, there's still a shining light — or shining headlights, if you will — such as Rosario Dawson's turn in the new Danny Boyle thriller "Trance," which already has people buzzing and whipping out their iPhones to grab a quick screenshot. So with that in mind, we thought we'd take a look back at some of the most infamous moments of gratuitous nudity in film history. Because, honestly, we'd all feel a little more comfortable with this shirt off, don't you agree?
Whether or not the nudity in the opening sequence of the classic horror film "Carrie" is gratuitous or necessary to the plot is a question that has been debated since the movie came out. There's no question that it's shocking, as a naive Sissy Spacek experiences her first period right in the middle of a crowded high school locker room. On the other hand, to some viewers, this kind of seemed like a sneaky way to open your film with a bunch of girls naked in the shower. Pretty clever of director Brian De Palma, if you ask us. One note: Spacek was actually 27 at the time, so it's not quite as pervy as it sounds.
Speaking of nude scenes that some people don't consider gratuitous, the mega-hit "Titanic" featured one of the most famous — and tastefully executed — nude scenes in film history. Leonardo DiCaprio's budding artist talks his uber-crush Kate Winslet into reclining in the buff on a couch so he can draw her. Of course, every art major in the history of higher education has tried this exact same line at one point or another with no success, so some serious suspension of disbelief is needed. Along with a pause button for your Blu-ray player.
We're not sure this is the most gratuitous nudity ever seen — actually, given that it's number eleven on our list, we're sure it isn't — but it sure is the most surprising. When the Wolf Pack hears something banging around in their trunk in "The Hangover," they pop it open, only to have a completely nude Ken Jeong leap out and assault them both physically and psychologically. The scene proved so popular (?) that they made Jeong's junk into a running joke, bringing it back for a sequence in "The Hangover Part II."
At least the shower scene in "Carrie" actually sets the tone for the whole film with its creepy high school horror vibe. "Starship Troopers," on the other hand, has a co-ed shower sequence that's basically just a bunch of people chatting. Which they could have done, you know, clothed. But why stage a conversation around a table or in a living room when you can use it as an excuse to show beautiful young people lathering up and washing each other? Why, indeed.
Harvey Keitel is a bit of a repeat offender when it comes to gratuitous nudity. In fact, he's so well known for it, urban legends have even grown up around his habit of going buck wild on movie sets (go ahead, google Keitel in "Eyes Wide Shut" if you're really daring). So it was hard to pick just one of his films, especially since his nude scene in "Bad Lieutenant" is so well-known. But we'll go with "The Piano" just for pure shock factor. After all, how many Best Picture nominees give you male full frontal? Now we know what "Lincoln" needed to put it over the top.
If you haven't seen "Wild Things," here's an overview of the plot: Denise Richards and Neve Campbell have a crazy three-way with Matt Dillon. And ... actually, we're not even joking, that's a major part of the plot. So it's safe to say that we find the entire movie gratuitous, not just the part where Richards takes her top off and everybody goes to town on her. And as a side note, "Wild Things" also gets bonus points for having a completely random shot of Kevin Bacon's junk as well. Equality!
In "Trading Places," Jamie Lee Curtis plays a tough-minded hooker who helps Dan Aykroyd gain revenge on the rich jerks who destroyed his life. Naturally, in the process she randomly rips her shirt off right in the middle of a speech about how she's just another businesswoman. It just happens that her breasts are her business — and business is very, very good. We do wonder if this scene was also intended to refute the long-running urban legend that Curtis was a hermaphrodite. If so, well, it worked.
Once upon a time, actress Erika Eleniak was best known as one of the lifeguards on the cheesetastic hit TV series "Baywatch." That abruptly changed forever when she appeared in probably the most memorable scene in the Steven Seagal flick "Under Siege." The film starts with Seagal's cook preparing a big birthday bash for his ship's captain. After the ship is taken over by terrorists, he's wandering the halls when he comes across a giant fake birthday cake — and Eleniak suddenly pops out, topless, and begins dancing around, apparently unaware of anything except the music in her head. Surreal? You bet. But still not quite as bizarre as ...
In the zombie flick "Return of the Living Dead," Linnea Quigley plays a punk chick named Trash. And when zombies go on a rampage and start killing everyone, what does a girl named Trash do? Well, obviously she heads to the cemetery, strips naked and does a bizarre, suggestive dance for no apparent reason. We'd put it higher on the list if it weren't for the fact that we do the same thing after watching each episode of "The Walking Dead."
The man who played Obi-Wan Kenobi has developed quite a reputation over the course of his career for whipping out his lightsaber, so it was hard to pick just one example. We'd say he's basically the modern day Harvey Keitel, except Keitel is still doing it, too. But even Keitel had to be impressed (if that's the right word) with Ewan McGregor's performance in "Velvet Goldmine," where his glam rocker character goes completely nuts on stage and swaps the guitar for the skin flute, if you know what we mean. Hey, Michael Fassbender: This is how it's really done.
Back in 1982, the thought of Phoebe Cates emerging from a swimming pool all glistening wet and then taking off her swimsuit was the stuff of fantasy for boys everywhere. Literally: The sequence in "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" where she does exactly that is framed as a figment of Judge Reinhold's overactive imagination. And naturally, he ... how do we put this ... takes full advantage of his powers of fantasy with some serious alone time. So there are two mental images you'll never be able to get out of your head.
Technically speaking, Sam Raimi's supernatural thriller was a vehicle for Cate Blanchett, who starred as a psychic trying to figure out who killed Katie Holmes. In reality, the only thing anyone remembers about "The Gift" is Holmes whipping off her clothes. Holmes, of course, was still starring in "Dawson's Creek" at the time, so the sight of her nekkid was a major coming-of-age moment for millions of teen fans around the world. It was also a calculated attempt to shed her girl next door image ... and yep, it worked, as Tom Cruise can attest. Talk about a plan backfiring.
Just how infamous is Halle Berry's topless scene in "Swordfish" ? Fans and industry insiders alike were already buzzing about it months before the movie even came out. That's because when the studio approached Berry about the possibility of appearing nude in the movie, she agreed on one condition: They had to pay her an extra half-million dollars up front. Naturally, they paid up, with the result that the marketing for the movie basically became "See Halle Berry's breasts!" Of course, there was no reason in the story for this, so they simply had her randomly reading a book topless while Hugh Jackman stares with the same WTF look on his face everyone in the audience had. Classic.
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From Anne Hathaway in Brokeback Mountain to Kristen Wiig disrobing in Welcome to Me, take a look at 13 of the most unexpected nude scenes of all time.
Nude scenes. We've all seen them. We all want to see more of them. Even more interesting are when they come as a surprise. Why are they a surprise? Well, there's the obvious reason that the actress in question most likely has never done a nude scene before. Then there's the nude scene that just doesn't make any sense. And then we have the nude scene that makes sense...But did we really ever need to see that person in the nude? Yeah, nude scenes! Whatever the case, nude scenes have been with us since Adam and Eve. They aren't going anywhere and as a result we give you the 11 Most Surprising Actresses Who Ever Went Nude...And we start with a nude scene that isn't on everyone's radar just yet, as the film only just opened in limited release:
Kristen Wiig is one of the biggest, most sought after actresses in the world. She does chick power movies like Bridesmaids and art films like The Skeleton Twins . Quite simply, as one of the world's biggest comedy stars, she doesn't need to go nude. But we're not gonna stop her if she tries again. Her raw, powerful full-frontal moment in Welcome to Me is (dare we say) needed in this dramedy, though. Let's just hope she keeps her clothes on for Ghostbusters .
When you blast on to the scene in a Disney film it is only a matter of time until you do a nude or scantily clad scene in an art film. (See Vanessa Hudgens in Spring Breakers if you don't believe me). What made Anne Hathaway 's nudes in this film so unexpected, was the fact that it didn't seem like anybody was talking about it. I guess this makes sense, this was a movie about two of Hollywoods hottest male actors making love with one another. Still, Anne Hathaway showing her stuff was unexpectedly great.
So we have this supernatural movie that was pretty darn good (considering the sad state of supernatural/horror movies at the start of the new millennium), Oscar caliber actors AND a wonderful shot of Katie Holmes ' breasts. This scene was truly unexpected because no movie watcher saw it coming. I recall both saying and thinking, "Did I just see Katie Holmes breasts?" This moment was that unexpected and it made the literal reveal so much better because of it.
Okay, she showed us in Closer that she was essentially a perfect physical specimen. So one expected that when she did show more, it would be in an arty movie with class. You can check all of these boxes, but the movie in question is a short film that is a prologue to The Darjeeling Limited . Okay, we get it. George Lucas? She wears as many layers as possible. Wes Anderson? Darren Aronovsky? The girl can't wait to show some skin.
When you go from moving films like The Man in the Moon and the lily white virgin in Fear with Marky Mark , to showing your breasts in a Paul Newman thriller, that is pretty darn unexpected. It is interesting that Reese Witherspoon did this so early in her career. Was she trying to make over her image? Was she looking to get into Playboy? Did she even care that she was doing this? Who knows...I think we're all glad she did, though. 
At this time in movies, Keira Knightley was nude at probably the moment she was biggest in her career. Every studio wanted her. She didn't need to display her breasts, yet she did in the opening of this film. This was unexpected. It also felt like a stunt. Don't get me wrong, Keira Knightley can be nude all day long, but in that movie, in that scene, in that context...It just came off as odd.
For a brief moment, during a well done Robert Rodriguez montage, we were given a nicely-shot glimpse of Salma Hayek 's vulumptuous breasts. And then, for many years, until she did an art film here and there, we rarely saw this again. In the context of Desperado it made sense to see her boobs. That it took so long to see them on screen after that (when she was doing movies like From Dusk Till Dawn and dancing on the TV set in Four Rooms), made this whole episode something unexpectedly special.
In the mid-1980s, Molly Ringwald was box office royalty. By 1995, she was a long way from films like Pretty in Pink , Sixteen Candles and The Breakfast Club . Which is why her showing her off her goodies in this straight-to-video title makes her big reveal even more surprising.
Okay, in the first Hostel every girl that was killed was a 10. That movie was a statement on American's traveling to, and humping their way through, foreign lands. Hostel: Part II tried to expand on this. Sure, Heather Matarazzo might seem like the logical choice. Hostel: Part II was trying to be quirky and little bit different from its predecessor. It isn't that we don't want to see Dawn Weiner naked. But... This just clearly wasn't the role for her. Unexpected? Clearly.
Goldie Hawn is another actress whose work in the 1970s and early 1980s made her something of an icon. There was The Sugarland Express , Shampoo and Foul Play, just to name a few coming off her star making turn in the comedy series Laugh-In. So when she got nude in Wildcats , this garden variety fish out of water tale that sees a woman coach a high school football team, it kinda didn't matter. By that I mean, you take the nude scene out of this movie and you essentially have the same movie. Somehow, that made it unexpected.
Ann-Margret had become something of an icon before doing Carnal Knowledge . She had been in Bye Bye Birdie, Viva Las Vegas and other bubblegum-beach blanket flicks. However, Carnal Knowledge was a cool film, with a cool cast (Jack Nicholson and Art Garfunkle) and a cool director named Mike Nichols. Make no mistake, she had been in other good films, but there was something that made this movie special. So when Ann-Margret picked this one to show it all off, it was both surprising, expected and graciously appreciated. And...Quite special indeed.
This might be the most surprising nude scene on this list. We're talking about Mary Poppins for crying out loud! Julie Andrews is an actress from another place, another time. She isn't supposed to show her boobs even if the person directing her to do so is her husband!
There are some actresses we expect to do nude scenes. There are many we want to do nude scenes (if I acted, I would certainly be in this camp). Then there are those that we would never expect that from. Okay, I will admit that the advent of the internet has practically killed all surprises. We go to the theater generally knowing who is going to show what when. However, even knowing that, very little can prepare you for the scene where Kathy Bates takes it off.
There you have it. Those are certainly some of the most shocking and surprising nude scenes to ever come out of Hollywood. What makes an actress decide to go nude? A lot factors into it, we're sure. Do you feel we missed anyone? And who were you most shocked to see bare all in the long history of nude scenes in movies?
Longtime Movieweb contributor that was uploading 1-minute movie reviews to the world wide web via AOL before Youtube or social media existed. I make tons of straight-to-video movies you can find at Amazon & Vimeo. DVDs are back and I like it!


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Getting naked is often thought of as an act that should only be reserved for intimacy—and even then some get squirmy! Many people are more comfortable believing that the more clothes you are wearing the better. However, getting naked more often can have great benefits for you. Here are 10 great reasons to get naked more often:
Your body’s main supply of brown adipose tissue (BAT), or good fat cells, are located around your shoulder blades and neck. When your body is exposed to the elements and is cooler, the BAT proliferates and essentially kills the white adipose tissue, aka bad fat cells. So, not wearing any clothes helps promote this and makes you healthier.
Self-acceptance is hard to come by today. Ask anyone you know and see if they are happy with themselves. Chances are they will say they are too fat, not pretty, and find all of the flaws that they can. In reality, others do not see this. They see that you are beautiful. When you begin to get naked, you learn to appreciate your body and realize how beautiful you really are.
Being naked more often saves on buying new clothing since you are wearing nothing a lot of the time. Be careful when you are in public, though—you may have to put on some clothes!
Being naked and getting exposure to the sun’s rays actually increases your body’s vitamin D levels. Vitamin D is directly related to your immune system. When you have optimal levels of vitamin D, your body’s immune system is impeccable, and you will be better equipped to ward off viruses, including the common cold and flu. So go lay outside naked on your private balcony or in your yard.
People cringe today when you mention the words “get naked.” They are so afraid of it—and today’s children are so ingrained with this—that they must wear layer upon layer to deal with their body image. However, when you are naked, you face your fears o
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