Thanksgiving Bondage

Thanksgiving Bondage


Thanksgiving Bondage

Thanksgiving Trilogy -M/F, F/F - Part 1

This story contains : spanking, enema, mouthsoaping, tights punishment,
rectal temps, domestic discipline and early bedtime punishment

E-mail: (Janice)

E-mail: (Nick)

This story was written and inspired by the Trinity series
(presently 6 parts).

Cynthia (age 22) was a very close friend of Gina Marie (age 26) up until
her husband began to implement some discipline into young Gina's life.
Cynthia came into the picture very unexpectedly. One day, she
came over to the house and found Gina Marie in pajamas, standing in the corner in
the early afternoon. She was very curious about the location she found her friend
and had lots of questions, although snotty Gina Marie wanted her to leave before
she learned all about Michael's problems with his young wife. He was away
on business trips for at least a week at a time and Gina the brat (as he
titled her), was constantly displaying laziness and didn't keep on her school studies
as she promised. In addition, she had a bad habit of spending his money on very
expensive clothes that filled her closets to overflowing.

This exceptional amount of clothes also forced their resting place to the nearest chair seat or bureau top which annoyed Michael and made the house appear in an almost constant state of disarray.

Cynthia offered to move in for awhile and volunteered to help
Michael. She quickly reminded him, that since Gina was her best friend, that
anything she would implement would only be done for Gina Marie's own good. Michael
knew that Cynthia and Gina Marie were best friends for the last fifteen years
so he quickly agreed.

His major complaint is that Gina Marie acts most times as if she
were about twelve years old and that warrants the type of discipline that you
would use on a naughty child of that age The problem that Cynthia had to eventual
face was

that the more she disciplined Gina, the more she became that child.
Cynthia told Michael of a former roommate that she would consult
with on a regular basis for guidance in structuring Gina Marie's life, so that
she may achieve her greatest potential. She liked her friend very much, and that
is why she offered to help Michael set Gina on the right pathway of life.

Michael was happy to hear that Cynthia felt that with her
specialized help, his wife could achieve all that she was capable of. If her immature
attitude and serious procrastination problem towards things could somehow be changed,
Cynthia was the one who could do it.

This story takes place over a four day Thanksgiving Holiday
weekend. The result is a very changed and peaceful household.


Cynthia sighed with relief and great pleasure that the day was
finally going to be peaceful and quiet. It was the beginning of a long holiday weekend
in late November, and she wanted to be prepared both mentally and physically for
it. She had invited some family and friends over throughout the
weekend, and that meant a spotless house and well prepared food. She was pleased
that she would be strictly supervising those activities and acting as
"hostess". not have to perform any of that work. She would have another set of immature
but still very capable helping hands do that. Standing in the kitchen, she was very pleased that the lunch dishes were washed and stacked neatly, and the kitchen was very, very spotless. Walking over to the sink, she took a dish and inspected it under the merciless glare of the bright kitchen lights.

"Very good, Gina", she thought. "You finally learned how to
hand wash dishes to a good, clean shine. I guess my constant and close supervision
finally did some good. I can't wait to enjoy your good home cooking too!....So
much to do and so little time...."

Cynthia finally had a good laugh and a welcome sigh of relief,
then added to her thoughts, "I firmly enjoyed standing over you and smacking your
sassy little Scilian bottom with my hand, as you carefully hand washed each and every
plate in the house. It was that one week of special "potscrubber" training that
did the trick. As I thought it would. But I won't mind giving you a several
day refresher course every two or three months to make sure you keep up your high
standards. And to think, you use to leave mounds of unwashed dishes and old food on
the counter for days, not to mention those UGH!.... McDonald's and Wendy fast
food leftovers too.... WELL dear those days are over for good!.."

She looked at the clock and smiled contentedly. At noon, Cynthia
put Gina Marie to bed for a nice, restful nap, which was exactly one half hour
ago. Now she could get some matters taken cared of without Gina Marie's almost
constant need of attention from her governess.

GinaMarie was destined to continue her mis-behavior if she was
left unattended and therefore honestly needed her life to be totally
restructured and controlled by someone else. Once her lifestyle change to "controlled
child", was accomplished, Gina Marie could probably never go back to living
unsupervised and most likely would need have to have someone living and correcting her for the rest of her life. It seemed at least for the moment, that the more
discipline she introduced into GinaMarie's life, the more she resented her presence.

She laughed when she remembered that she promised Gina, a
stinging "date" with Mr. Hairbrush for the spanking of her life as soon as Cynthia
woke her from her nap. That would be the only "date" a naughty little girl like
her would be allowed to have. After her talk with Michael, those late night expensive
dinners and ballroom dancing would have to come to an abrupt end. Little girls do
need such things. She glanced over at the refrigerator and at Gina's
Chore and
Proper Conduct List.

She removed both of them and decided to revise quite a few items.
upon one last overall final review, she would take the lists to Michael
at the
appropriate time for implementation into Gina's daily life.

Gina Marie didn't always have regular afternoon naps. They were
scheduled for her when Cynthia found that Gina Marie used to get very
disagreeable in the late afternoons. Cynthia reasoned that the cranky
nature of
her best friend, was due to lack of proper sleep. Cynthia knew that her
was a late night party hopper from their college days. Her suspicions
confirmed after a conversation with Michael, in which he told Cynthia
that was
one of the reasons that she was so lazy.

Her suggestion to Michael was that afternoon naps should be
tested on
Gina for a week to see if they would improve his wife's late afternoon
Michael immediately noticed a much more cooperative Gina Marie when he
returned home from work every day that week so he ordered that afternoon
become an integral part of Gina Marie's day. Gina was not pleased with
this at
all. She had thought that if she showed that she was more agreeable, that
Michael and Cynthia would drop the issue once and for all!....

Cynthia was also responsible for insuring that Gina Marie would
finish her
complete chore list by her assigned times, and she observed the house
rules that
she and Michael agreed to, both in letter of the law and even more
important, its
spirit. One rule that Michael had no problem with was to put Gina to bed
early if
any of the rules were broken or she failed to complete an assignment on

Gina had a screaming fit while Cynthia was on the phone that

She was warned nicely by Cynthia to stop her errant behavior at least
times, or she would be put to bed for the entire afternoon.

Cynthia was making plans for Saturday's brunch, in which several
were to be invited. Gina however, did not approve of the company Cynthia
so carefully arranged to be invited to their home on Saturday.

That led to a heated exchange of words between the two former
friends, but now the argument was more between a governess and her
And as always, when those two people do battle, the child ALWAYS comes
the loser.

Her misbehavior resulted in Gina being sentenced to an extra long
afternoon nap. This was an appropriate punishment for her offense of
contradicting her elders, Cynthia sternly warned Gina Marie as she
prepared the
naughty woman for bed.

Cynthia fully believed that sentencing a child, even an overgrown
one, to a
long time in bed was a very effective discipline method and was only too
to oblige Gina Marie's hostile "request" for an extra long nap that day.

The order of nap time for Gina Marie by Cynthia for the entire
resulted in whining and foot stomping tantrum by her bratty charge, so
prescribed and administered a high volume punishment enema to be given to
Gina before her nap as well.

The enema utilized the bardex catheter retention nozzle and its
use forced
Gina to retain it, standing in the corner with her panties around her
ankles and
her tender bare derriere facing the center of her bedroom. Gina stood in
corner with the bardex attachment still secured between her haughty ass
pouting and bawling like a baby as the enema quickly filled her tummy.

Gina always resented enema treatments, and made Michael very
of her displeasure of his continued touching her anus for such purposes.
Knowing how sensitive she was to the issue, Cynthia realized the
importance of
how to make them more frequent to compliment her discipline.

After a full twenty minutes of bulging enema punishment, Cynthia
led a
very repentant little girl to the bathroom and then her bed for her extra
long daily


The sun was shining brightly as Cynthia walked down the stairs
putting Gina Marie to bed. It was a beautiful summer's day to be
appreciated by
good girls to the fullest. "Girls that have been naughty for their
however, have to nap through such nice days. That is at least one of the
associated with acting naughty for your governess", mused Cynthia.

Cynthia had every intention to sit down and read a novel, but
wanted to
revise those chore and conduct lists while she had many very good
thoughts that
were still fresh on her mind.

She sat down at the computer table and observed that Gina's
personal E-
mail box was left open accidentally. Gina apparently had forgotten to
close it due
to her telephone tirade, thought Cynthia.

Cynthia had no real intention of prying into Gina's personal
affairs, but
something she glanced at on the computer screen got her attention and she
decided to pursue it. She lowered her eyeglasses onto her nose and raised
brows, as she read some of her friend's personal mail. And she did not
like what
she read....."NO, NOT AT ALL".

Cynthia knew she had to have a long talk with Michael, telling
him exactly
what she accidentally discovered. The damning Email evidence that Cynthia
would show Michael would cause him to fully agree with her implementation
her punishment ideas on Gina, and she was also sure that Michael should
to give her full reign over "Gina the brat's" life. She nodded her head
and smiled.
"And she would make sure that Michael felt that the punishments that she
inflict on his wife for even thinking about the contents of those
Emails would be just what the brat deserved. She envisioned a thought,
GinaMarie you will be getting a lot of early bedtimes, that you can count

She smiled contentedly and thought, "Let's see now, I already
her to one hour of TV time per day. Maybe I should strictly limit her to
suitable for the age that she reflects the most. Of
course!.....children's shows!

Cynthia began to think "Sesame Street is a great choice, so is
She smiled as she wrote it on the revised list for the refrigerator. "I
am sure my
Gina Marie would just love to spend her only hour of television she is
allowed to
watch each day, learning her ABC's and watching a very stupid, purple
sing popular song ripoffs."

Cynthia then thought of how Gina Marie spent her "out of bed"
time and
how she could use that time to enhance her control over her best friend.

"Perhaps I should also limit her computer time as well!..What if
I change
the level of authorization on this Internet program?...Let's see, OK,
there it is!..

Level 2 Authorization - Allows the user to access only
educational or kid
friendly sites. No news group access at all and all E-mail is checked
inappropriate content. Under this level of access restriction, if the
detects the user is attempting to send or receive E-mail containing any
content, it will automatically notify the assigned mail monitor of the
E-mail content
and refuse the user read access to the E-mail message.

That's wonderful!. I will just make myself Gina's new E-mail
She also checked the box that indicated she wanted the computer to
automatically send her copies of all incoming and outgoing messages in
private mailbox. In addition, some needed changes would have to be made
about her normal routine.

Besides limiting both TV and computer time, Cynthia entertained
the idea
of "home tutoring" for Gina. Perhaps about an hour per day with at least
hours of assigned HomeWork. She reasoned that home tutoring would allow
Gina to spend more time on her actual schoolwork, rather than a quarter
of the
time on her schoolwork and three quarters of the time sitting in the
hangout talking to her flighty friends.

The idea of home turtoring led Cynthia to also restrict what
would be allowed to read. She decided that the trashy novels were out
completely and that only classic material and newspapers like the Times
be read. She giggled when she thought, "If she gives me a hard time about
then I'll subscribe her toa book club like Sesame Street or other classic
series and she'll have to read for me daily!...."

Cynthia would change Gina's housework list, which would be much
demanding in terms of amount and acceptable level of work. She would
add time constraints to each item to insure that Gina didn't dawdle
either while
completing a chore or in between chores. Then she had another neat idea.
in case Gina completed each item before the time allotted, or completed
HomeWork well before the two hours allotted, she would simply ADD that
time to
her next punishment bedtime, instead of allowing Gina to do as she

Her ideas began to flow to the point that she needed to jot them
down, so
she opened up the word processing program and began to make some
necessary changes to Gina's Proper Conduct and Chore List. Changes that
would be beneficial to Gina's well being and discipline.

Cynthia giggled with delight as she carefully spelled out each
and every
change to the two lists. She felt like a "governess" now, not to a small
child, but a
twenty six year old self-centered, lazy, unmotivated and undisciplined


It became readily apparent that Gina was very stressed and
over Cynthia's interest in Michael's discipline of her. Gina, in the
past, always felt
that it was a private matter between her and Michael, and even if Michael
decide to punish for being bratty, she could get out of her punishment
most every
time by turning on her charm. And offering him something to take his
mind off
punishing her mischief.

Michael would almost never refuse her offer of sex when she was
deemed naughty by him, and he would at most times forget all about
her for her naughtiness after a good rumble in the bed that would leave
exhausted and feeling very, very good.

Cynthia simply interfered with Gina's quite effective method for
punishment avoidance. Cynthia would not fall for her friend's tricks and
would find herself getting all of her well deserved punishment. Gina did
not want
to be punished at all. She just wanted her own way and Cynthia saw right

It was obvious from the early beginning, that Cynthia was a
at heart . She learned a great deal from Charlotte as they shared very
views with respect to the proper way for young ladies to behave in
private and in
public. Cynthia was pretty sure that Gina would be very resentful of her
at first.
She was Gina's lifelong friend, although Gina recently had referred to
being her
"friend" in the "past tense". She knew she could easily replace the
"friend" part
of her relationship with Gina and replace it with "disciplinarian".

Cynthia mused when that once these lists were approved by Michael
be implemented, "Gina the Brat" would find out the changes as Cynthia
administered them to her. Since Gina acted irresponsible like a child, it
not be necessary to review the changes with her. She would only be
expected to
comply with the changes, not be privileged to discuss them

Cynthia spent the next ten minutes rereading her notes and insure
that all
the needed corrections were made to both lists. She shut down the
and got up to stretch and reflect for a brief moment. She then walked
over to her
easy chair and sat down with her book, contented that she was doing the
thing that would most benefit her best friend Gina.

Also, being a life long friend, she also knew what methods were
on Gina in the past and therefore would be the most effective for her
future. This
added intimate knowledge of her best friend's family history would be a
advantage that Cynthia would make use of to the fullest..

The rule that Cynthia felt would cause Gina the most distress is
the one
that set her early bedtimes and make long afternoon naps a daily part of
her life.
Michael allowed Gina to stay up at most times well past 11:00 p.m. every
and Cynthia felt that was way too late for any undisciplined girl to be
allowed to
stay up. Her bedtime should be at least 7:00p.m. on weekdays and 6:00.m.
weekends, and that was only if she behaved herself. Obviously the time
from completing chores earlier would set those times back as well as
behavior. As she would explain to Michael, she would "test" those times
to see if
they were practical. If not, then they would be changed appropriately,
and she
had no problem with that at all!....

Cynthia then would propose to Michael that Gina be given daily
as opposed to weekly ones. Regular cleansing type enemas as well as
punishment enemas with extra soap and lemon juice to cause severe
This type of discipline seemed to work very well for either naughty
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