Thailand Prostitute Prices

Thailand Prostitute Prices


Thailand Prostitute Prices
The temptations of Thai prostitutes...
Bangkok and Pattaya have Russian hookers available.
Advantages of the single life… daytime drinking!
Before delving into the whole Thai hooker prices, ethics and safety
thing, let me start by stating that you will easily be able to find great value for all your adult pleasures if you know how to behave… and you'll get it without any undue safety risks.
Why bother with the bar girls and hardcore hookers when you
can meet someone much better online? If you prefer a more slow paced and
intimate way of meeting ladies for sex and romance, you might be
interested in checking out:
On the other hand, if you ignore local sense and sensibilities and behave like an irresponsible drunken moron, then sooner or later you will run into someone who you'll wish you hadn't.
To skip down the page to the prices, click: Thai Hooker Prices
In the majority of cases where trouble has erupted for a western
visitor, it is because that visitor has unwittingly stirred up some
resentment and anger for something that would have gone unpunished in
his/her own country.
This is not always the case, sometimes
innocent victims land themselves in trouble just as they do in any
country, but in Thailand it is relatively easy to cause offense without
intending it.
Your first instinct might be that cultural
differences shouldn’t matter all that much, but just look at it for a
moment from the Thai perspective.
I personally don’t mind admitting that in my own country I get quite annoyed when foreign immigrants disregard British culture.
of respect for the local culture is made worse when these foreigners
refuse to speak English, fail to integrate into society, and replace
British values and customs with their own.
Now, I can imagine that
I might feel a whole lot worse about these people if they were also
substantially wealthier than the British and then used their wealth to
employ the services of slim, young British women...
Being seen with some Thai girls is unlikely to raise anyone’s blood
pressure, but it still makes sense to behave respectfully when in their
company. Don’t go grabbing their curvy bits or planting kisses on them
when in public. Thais hate this sort of thing.

Always pay her what’s owed when the time comes to part ways, and if
you begin to suspect that a lady might have a jealous boyfriend
lingering around in the background (and yes, despite what they might
tell you, many Thai hookers do have Thai boyfriends), cut her loose and
don’t see her again.
You should also do your utmost to keep your Thai
prostitutes away from each other, because they can get very jealous. Believe it or
not, you can land yourself in an awkward situation if one of your
regular ladies 'loses face' amongst her colleagues because you have been
seen with another girl...
I’ve written all about the benefits of
regular Thai girls and how to impress them on other pages, but for guys
who have no interest in any sort of lasting relationship the working
girls do have a lot to offer.
For expats in Thailand the single life tends to lose its appeal after
a while, and endless nights of drinking and partying pose a serious
threat to your long-term health, not to mention your finances.
you are retired in Thailand then, at some point, you’re going to need to
learn how to live a normal life here rather than trying to maintain a
constant holiday experience. When this point comes, it’s all too easy to
move into a semi-serious relationship with a lady whom you had
previously paid by the hour… and you really should try to avoid that!
Okay, I’ve got no doubt whatsoever that some guys who have partaken in
the joys of the P4P industry in Thailand will be looking over the price
list below in some disagreement. That is because the costs are baseline
amounts, and only give a general idea of costs.
There are tens of thousands of Thai girls searching for romantic adventures with western men online. You can easily find good-looking girls for casual sex and fun times, or someone suitable for something more serious with:
Thai prostitute prices in any given situation are not the same, and what you will actually pay might be different because:
If you approach a girl who quotes a price that is too high, let her
know how much you are prepared to pay and leave your phone number with
her. She’ll call you when she’s ready so long as you don’t offer too
small a payment. Make sure that you do this in a nice & friendly
way, assholes will not be tolerated...
Freelance Thai hookers are
more likely to be flexible on prices than bar-girls. Bar-girls don’t
want to lose face in front of the other girls by accepting a low price,
so keep negotiations private if you want a reasonable chance of getting a
cheaper deal.
Thai escort prices tend to be non-negotiable, but
they do tend to be the same across Thailand which means that you won’t
need to pay extra in Bangkok.
During the slower summer months
when wealthier western and Japanese customers are in short supply, and
the more price conscious Indian visitors arrive in larger numbers, Thai
prostitutes will be much more open to negotiation and their initial
asking prices may well be lower.
I’ve even heard a young, good-looking, freelance hooker on Pattaya Beach
Road quoting a mere 600 baht for her services during the low season –
that was during daylight hours when custom is at its lowest point.
Questions about prostitution in Thailand, as regards the morality of
engaging in it or not, are impossible to answer conclusively regardless
of circumstances... but that has never stopped anyone from forcing their
subjective opinions on the world before.
I’m not going to make the same mistake.
I’m not going to try
and steer you one way or another, because it's for you to decide. I
will, however, to try to clear up some of the common fallacies
surrounding the whole thing.
Okay, before continuing lets deal with the legality question first.
Hold on to your hats... prostitution in Thailand may be about as common
as spicy food but, technically speaking, it is against the law!
I think
it fair to say that, at the current time, this particular law is not
exactly being strictly enforced under a zero tolerance policy, but for
how long this remains the case is anyone’s guess.

If the current direction of travel with regard to the law is anything
to go by then the recent crackdowns on certain naughty bars in Bangkok
and Pattaya may herald a very different sort of future.
I think
that so long as men are interested in sex, and women are prepared to
provide it for financial gain, then there will always be a pay for
pleasure industry. I hope that Thailand does not intend to go too far
and drive this sort of activity underground, because that has never been
in anyone's interest.
Diverging opinions regarding moral & ethical conduct arise from
the Thailand prostitution industry, and especially the participation of
westerners in that industry. Aspersions are frequently cast by people
with an agenda... or an axe to grind.
One of the most common
arguments employed against western participants is that they are acting
in an immoral manner by using their financial means to exploit local
prostitutes in a land where people are not so economically fortunate.
I don’t see why anyone should regard the geographic origins of the men
that participate in the sex scene as having any relevance at all.
the objection is one of differing financial fortunes then what about
poor westerners who save up their spare cash all year for a single
annual vacation – should they be excused from this objection... and what
about wealthy Thai nationals who participate?
Related to the
exploitation argument is the mistaken sentiment that the girls involved
have other realistic employment options if only they could break free of
prostitution. This is nonsense in most cases, Thailand is getting more
and more developed, but it is still a poor country by western standards.
from 2020 (the most recent available) show a GDP per capita (average
income per person) of less than $7,200. To put that into perspective,
the USA enjoys over $63,500 GDP per capita. In the poorest rural areas
of Thailand many people work for as little as $10 per day, and that
doesn’t go far when you’ve got a family to support.
The girls who
enter the P4P industry often do so because it is the only way to raise
the necessary cash in order to be able to provide for their parents,
siblings or children.
There’s little free healthcare, no state retirement fund, and these
girls often have no realistic alternative way of earning a sufficient
income. In other words, if the Thailand prostitution industry is a bad
option for the girls working in it, it may well be that the alternatives
are worse.
I've had simpletons criticize me on this point, with
argument that I wouldn't want members of my own family working as
hookers. Of course I wouldn't, but that misses the point. I also
wouldn't want my own family members to be suffering such hardship that
this sort of work is the only realistic way out!
I have noticed a common factor amongst the naysayers when it comes to
participating in the Thai P4P scene – they all exhibit an irresistible
compulsion to attach western, Christian values to it.
When you’ve
lived your life in a western culture there is no escaping the influence
of Christian values, even if your views are secular (non-religious).
values underlie much of our instinctive feelings towards every day
matters e.g. attitudes towards monogamy and the guilt that is attached
to promiscuity. It has even verged on the ridiculous... people in some
countries, e.g. the Philippines, are still told that contraception is
This sort of nonsense demonstrates the prudish mentality
that runs throughout the west; it’s almost as though the act of sex is a
dirty thing that we should be ashamed of. When you step outside of
western culture and head to Thailand, you find that people don’t have
the same sort of hang-ups about sex, and that includes the P4P scene.
matters in Thailand due to different cultural preconception is common
even for expats, as the story below demonstrates:
I’m not saying that the Thailand prostitution industry is regarded as
being a respectable career choice for young women, it isn’t, but it has
nothing to do with the exchange of cash.
The extent of the P4P
industry and its facility with western men is particularly grating for
some people due to their moral objection to the purchasing of flesh. In
their eyes this is simply wrong on any level, but in Thailand this sort
of thinking simply doesn’t exist.
Paying for sex is not looked
down on for its own sake; the reason why prostitutes in Thailand are
seen in an unfavorable light is because it runs counter to the Thai
perception of what decent women are. A good woman in Thai culture is
deemed to be someone who is very reserved, shy and pure.
It’s the
over-familiarity of prostitutes and the way that they solicit themselves
in order to get customers that causes disgust. Sex workers are seen as
being the antithesis of what a good, decent, virtuous woman should be.
Now, I've no doubt that the gender-neutral left-wing morons in the west
who argue that everything is a social construct will have plenty to say
about the woes of attaching roles to what women should be, and how
'toxic masculinity' and the 'patriarchy' are to blame for it all...
My suggestion to these fools is to at least try to cast an objective
eye at the Thai people, and then ask themselves who are the happier -
your average Thai girl or your average 'liberated' western girl?
a nutshell, if you feel that it is wrong to exchange cash for sex, then
don’t do it, but accept that your feelings are not universally shared
and that they certainly aren’t shared by the girls working in the
Thailand P4P industry.
Don't misunderstand me, I'm not stating
that Thai people have an anything goes attitude towards sex, regular
people are usually very conservative in their views, but the exchange of
cash for sex is not reviled in the way it usually is in the west.
The last objection to the whole P4P scene is, in my opinion, the most
difficult to dismiss. There’s no doubt that many of the women who enter
into this sort of work do so with a naïve idea about quickly meeting a
rich benefactor who will marry them and provide financial security for
their family.
This dream only comes true for a very small number of sex-workers.
unclear whether or not the low self-esteem and psychological issues
that afflict some of the girls are due to spending a lengthy period of
time working in the prostitution industry or whether those issues were
there to begin with.
Much of a person’s feeling of self-worth is
developed in childhood; sex-work might be the symptom rather than the
cause of poor mental health.
I would encourage anyone who is considering a liaison with a
working-girl to consider whether or not the lady seems to be of a
healthy mental disposition. If you get the impression that something is
not quite right then perhaps it would be best to look elsewhere.
Obviously there are sexually transmitted diseases in Thailand that
should never be ignored, but I’m not going to write much about these
because we all know what they are and what the consequences may be.
need to exercise a great deal of self-discipline here… it’s quite easy
to take silly risks after a night out on the town, especially if there’s
a significant amount of alcohol in your bloodstream.
There have been numerous reports about the dangers posed by street-freelancers; most frequently with regard to theft.
risk level of a hooker behaving badly towards you is more or less
inversely related to the prices they ask. Freelance girls are the most
risky because they can’t be traced back to a place of employment. Agency
girls are safest because online reports often have a scoring system
based on the girl’s behavior and performance.
Thai ladyboy hookers
are known for crotch-grabbing as they try to tempt you into their bars.
You shouldn't get your knickers in a twist about this in Thailand. My
opinion is that anyone who can’t handle this sort of thing should not be
out in the Thai nightlife scene in the first place...
Of course,
there seems to be a growing movement amongst some westerners to be
offended at every opportunity. That's your choice - let me know how that
works out for you!
The dangers posed by those girls who work as freelance hookers
(particularly street-freelancers) is worth restating. The possibility of
being drugged and robbed is much higher because she will know that she
cannot easily be found were you to register a complaint with the police.
The local police aren't going to be able to do much if you don't know the offender or their whereabouts.
is rare for serious crimes to happen, but I recall one case where a guy
had his drink spiked and was overdosed, which actually caused his
death, so be aware of this risk. If you stick to short-time encounters
during the daytime when you aren’t drinking, then you should be much
safer with freelancers.
Interestingly, disco freelancers are usually much safer for some reason.
I've written elsewhere, most of the danger in the naughty nightlife
areas comes from other tourists and, if a fight breaks out, Thai hookers
will usually do their best to break it up .
If you want to date a sexy, younger Thai lady that you can put your trust in, don't go looking for her at a bar. Thai bar girls can be lovely, but they're not great at loyalty... online dating is much safer, so check:
If you are sensible you'll be very unlikely to have any trouble with a Thai hooker. Most of them lead a very non-confrontational sort of existence and will only turn nasty if severely provoked.
To be especially safe, just follow the advice given here and behave yourself. The key safety nets are to:
I’ve never even heard of anyone getting into any trouble at all relating to a Thai hooker if they’ve followed these guidelines, let alone witnessed any trouble.
All in all, you’re much more likely to get into a road traffic accident than a prostitute related incident... then again, that’s not much of a statement since the traffic in Thailand is verging on suicidal :)
I do agree that there are a lot of extremely tragic stories that come
to an untimely end in Thailand, and it very often involves a woman from
the wrong side of the tracks.
In most cases the end doesn’t come
from being murdered, it seems more often that a guy chooses to end it
all once his supposed sweetheart walks out, usually immediately after
his money runs out!
Pattaya seems to be the favorite choice for
skydivers, Koh Samui and the surrounding islands seem to be the most
notorious for killings.
It's better to be worth more alive than
dead, and the western guys in Koh Samui and other south Thailand
destinations tend to be more cashed up. Westerners in Pattaya are more
typically baht-stretchers, so there’s little chance of inheriting a
fortune after the demise of a westerner there.
For anyone who
wants to impress the loveliest ladies in Thailand, and win their hearts,
my instruction rich mega book is here for you:
Find beautiful, trustworthy girls for long-term romance, or fun-loving ladies for casual sex with no-strings attached.
Learn all about Thai Dating Culture, what to talk about, what to avoid, how to present yourself, and how to impress.
Comes with my ongoing support, i.e. you'll be able to ask me questions and get my answers.
On my page about avoiding Thai gold-diggers I've mentioned a few of the warning signs to look out for with regard to untrustworthy ladies, and the reason why I’ve done that is because it’s actually very easy to get snared.
Whilst I have managed to escape the clutches of any really bad girls, I do admit that in my early days in Thailand I got involved with bar-girl.
When it comes to a Thai prostitute, you will be doing really well if you can learn from the mistakes of others, but that's not an easy trick to pull. The majority of us just convince ourselves that 'my girl' is different... until she isn't!
Don't go thinking that the less physically attractive girls are any more trustworthy than the stunners. I've never detected any link in Thailand between a woman's beauty and her trustworthiness. If she works in a bar, there's something like a 99% chance that she is completely untrustworthy regardless of what she looks like.
My own learning experience came a good few years ago during my early 20's. I was as green and naive about the whole industry as it is possible to be... I knew nothing at that time.
The girl who worked her magic on me hadn’t spoken more than 20 words to me before her first lie came out. She lied that she was 21 years old when she was actually only 18. A friend of mine who was already a Pattaya veteran had her cards marked within a few minutes, and he warned me not to believe anything she said.
The signs were there right from the word go, and I duly ignored them!
Firstly, she was quite a confident outgoing sort of girl. Nothing like the quiet, shy, and reserved sort of character that most good girls in Thailand have.
Second, she liked a drink and a smoke. She had no concerns over what she was drinking or the cost to me either... Tequila was her favourite, and lots of it. With regard to smoking, she didn't like cigarettes but she was a big fan of shisha (this was back before shisha was banned).
I remember
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