Thai Tranny

Thai Tranny


Thai Tranny
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Curious on who makes our list of most beautiful transwomen in Thailand? Well, read on!
Thailand is known for its vibrant transgender community. So it may not come as a surprise that you will find some of the most beautiful transwomen in Thailand. 
As such, it’s not easy to make this list. To be totally honest, beauty is subjective so take this with a grain of salt. We can put every Thai transwoman on this list but here are just some that (we think) are a cut above the rest.
They're such head-turners that it didn’t take long for them to become popular on social media and gain millions of followers. From actresses to models, and beauty queens--here are some of the most beautiful transwomen in Thailand.
In 2017, beauty queen Sirimongkolnawin made headlines when she won the prestigious title of Miss International Queen.
Before winning the title, Sirimongkolnawin was a dental health student but later decided to pursue a career in fashion. She continues to model and make television appearances, all while juggling to keep her almost 150k Instagram followers updated.
Another beauty queen that made it to our list of the hottest transwomen in Thailand is Miss Mimosa Queen Thailand 2015--Nadia Wiruntanaki.
Working as a freelance model and dancer, Wiruntanaki’s more than 6k followers on Instagram are regularly treated to modelling photos, as well as her equally stunning travel photos.
Actress-model Yoshi Thurapan appeared in several movies and even in a music video of famous Thai singer Baitoey Rsiam. With a babydoll face and skin that is flawless, Thurapan has an impressive 1.2 million Instagram followers.
The former communication arts student regularly treats her many followers to her work (and play!) photos.
Chanchiew is a professional model and a former contestant on the third season of the modelling reality show The Face Thailand . Her face is the epitome of a bronzed goddess.
Although a clear fan favourite, she was eliminated during the early stages of the competition. But the dusky beauty continues to do add to her already strong portfolio with a string of modelling jobs.
She studied communication arts, which equipped her with the skills to produce her own short film series. Beauty with brains? YES!
She is signed by modelling agencies in both Bangkok and Hong Kong and keeps her 137k Instagram followers updated on her jet-setter/model lifestyle.
Ditsayamethanont was once a spokesperson for a South Korean plastic surgery hospital.  What we like most about Pynk is that she's both beauty and brains, as she golds a degree in Communication Arts. Now, she regularly posts a mix of selfies and motivation quotes, much to the glee of her almost 50k followers. 
Petcharat is one of the most popular Thai transwomen and has a legion of followers (2.5m IG followers!) in Thailand and China, thanks to her roles in several Chinese films.
She is the epitome of sexy and cute combined. (Who knew there was such a combination?) She has appeared in movies since 2010 and was once included on TC Chandler’s list of most beautiful faces in the world in 2014.
Chuthatus turned heads when she showed up to her military draft and made waves online when the recruits took photos with her. I mean, who wouldn't?
Look at that super innocent face and charming smile. We think she has a lot of potential, especially with those cute poses. 
Yuemcahai solidified her Chinese fan base by delivering a single line in Mandarin in the Chinese film Lost in Thailand .
What we love most about this stunning face are here eyes, it pierces through you, and it has that auto-smise look. Tyra would be proud. 
Rounding up our list of the most beautiful transwomen in Thailand is Blossom Runpetcharat. Like Chanchiew, Rungpetcharat was also a contestant during the third season of The Face Thailand in year 2017.
We find her really beautiful because she has perfect facial structure and glass-like skin. We want to know her skincare routine--STAT!
While this just scratches the surface of the list of the most beautiful transwomen in Thailand, these 10 ladies certainly make a strong case to be included.
Their beauty may have paved the way for them to be noticed, but there's so much more to them than meets the eye. 
They’ve certainly carved their niche in society and it’s exciting to see what these gorgeous transwomen have in store for the future. 
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A Behind the Scenes Look at Thailand’s ‘Ladyboy’ Sex Industry
“I got into this type of work to provide for my family. Not just my parents, but my grandparents as well."
22-year-old Earth stands out the front of the bar. All images by the author
Thailand is well known for its sex industry. From gogo bars, to massage parlours, karaoke joints, and brothels, the land of smiles is also very much the land of sex. And "ladyboys,” as they’re known to foreigners, are seen as a culturally unique part of Thailand's sex trade.
But who are these people? Most foreigners rarely question how trans people get into sex work, or why.
To find out I headed for Bangkok's bars, where I found a trans woman named Earth willing to talk. Earth is a 22-year old who describes sex work as liberatingly lucrative, despite the significant stigma and danger attached.
“I went to university and graduated with an accounting degree,” Earth explained beneath the pulsing lights of the bar. “But even then I still couldn't find a job anywhere. Even with my degree, employers kept rejecting me almost immediately. It became clear that I didn’t have a lot of options, so my mother sent me to hairstyling school.”
After working at the salon for some time, Earth decided she simply wasn’t making enough money and began contemplating making a shift to sex work. She had friends who'd transferred to sex work and they encouraged her to do the same.
Outside a dressing room at a gogo bar
For many transgender people in Thailand, the question is this: why work eight to 10-hour days in a cafe, salon, or restaurant, only to struggle to make ends meet? It’s hard enough to find work as a trans person in Bangkok, even when you're earning peanuts. So Earth decided to give sex work a shot.
“I got into this type of work to provide for my family. Not just my parents, but for my grandparents as well. It’s important for us to know that we can provide for ourselves. We don’t need to rely on anyone else anymore. We make our own money. This job allows that to happen.”
Earth speaks fantastic English, and it’s clear she’s intelligent, but even with a strong work ethic and smarts, transgender people have a hard time making a liveable wage in Thailand. As in most countries, simple economics turns them to sex work, even if the market is completely unregulated.
Ryan Figueiredo, Founder and Executive Director of Equal Asia (EQUAL AF), an inclusion advocacy organisation, says it’s incredibly important that the rights of trans sex workers are not overlooked, even though sex work is illegal. “The biggest challenge for the LGBTQ community in Asia is ensuring that no one is left behind," he told me. "This includes transgender persons, refugees, persons who sell sex, persons who use drugs, the disabled, the elderly, and others. Our call for action shouldn't be limited to a small set of civil rights for the privileged in our community, but a broader push for sexual citizenship.
In 2016, a study titled Same Same But Different was the first to properly unpack the experiences and dangers for thousands of trans sex workers operating in Thailand. The study compiled material through 60 interviews with transgender sex workers, providing a basis for understanding the unseen vulnerabilities, exploitation, and often physical and sexual abuse transgender sex workers endure on a regular basis.
Researchers found that 81 percent of interviewees turned to sex work due to financial desperation. They also discovered that transgender sex workers were uniquely vulnerable to physical and sexual violence, finding two-thirds of interviewees admitted to being victims of sexual violence within the past year, and one in four had been raped.
When I raised these stats, Earth told me about an experience she'd encountered. It was a guy she agreed to meet who already had a bad reputation in the community. The client wasn’t known to use physical violence, but was instead suspected of intentionally spreading HIV by nipping the top of condoms with a knife. “He would fold and then cut the tips of the condoms to spread the disease, ” she explained, demonstrating how he made the cut with a paper receipt. Then, after sex, she noticed the condoms they'd used were neatly cut across the top. Terrified, she quickly left the room.
After the incident, she immediately visited an anonymous clinic to get the pre-HIV exposure prophylaxis known as PrEP. Since then, she’s become incredibly cautious and inspects every condom before use. “It was really scary, because I knew he would get away with it. I couldn’t go to the police without fear of them coming after me for my work,” she explained.
It’s important to note that it’s not only transgender sex workers who experience marginalisation in Thailand. Transgender people in general are persecuted, despite Thailand’s image of being a LGBTQ safe haven. Thailand is often seen as a beacon of inclusivity for the LGBTQ community, especially in comparison to places like Brunei—where the death penalty was recently implemented for anal sex, then rescinded due to international pressure—or in parts of Indonesia—where they still carry out whippings and canings for breaking Sharia laws. But the trans community in Thailand still say they are not truly accepted, just tolerated .
The stigma and marginalisation that accompanies working in the sex industry effects boys and men as well, said Celeste McGee, founder of Dton Naam, an organisation that focuses on boys and transgender sex workers. “Many cultures view females as 'more vulnerable', whether that implies a belief that girls have a weaker physique, a more timid logic, an expected sensitive persona, or some other contrived fragile flaw,” she told me. But she said this isn't the case at all—and that boys, men, and LGBTQ sex workers are just as susceptible to abuse.
“In a way, boys and transgendered people are actually more vulnerable than girls because they are both so ignored,” she said. But despite the stories of abuse, Earth doesn’t want that to be the image of her work, and she doesn’t want to be pitied either. Although she has plans to save money and open up her own beauty salon one day, she recognises that sex work as an important mode of survival; a temporary phase where she can be proud to not only support herself, but her entire family.
“I know a lot of foreigners look down on us and don’t like what we do," she says. "But I want them to know that we’re also trying to provide for our families as best as we can. Our work shouldn’t be looked down on. We do it to support our ourselves and our families.”
This article originally appeared on VICE ASIA.
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