Texas Mileage Map

Texas Mileage Map

Checking out this Texas miles calculator also will help you estimate travel time for a highway trip or long journey by automobile.

It's simple to estimate time and gas cost when you see an accurate distance between towns in Texas, as presented here. Obviously, interstates and major highways are preferred, so you can rest guaranteed the mileage listed below reflects the actual route you are likely to take when you hit the road. If you're organizing a vacation or perhaps figuring out how much time your next business or sales trip might take, knowing the mileage is important. Whether you're traveling on the holidays to visit family or simply searching for a weekend getaway that's within reach, knowing the accurate distance is the first step for any would-be journey planner.

If you know how far you will need to drive, you can factor rush hour into the equation when determining how to travel between one Texas place and another. However you choose to travel, our distance chart will help you get started. Our Texas mileage chart is even useful for short trips or even multi-point journeys. There are all kinds of use cases: maybe you're planning a family vacation and would like to fit in as many fun places and experiences as possible. Or even you're thinking of moving to a new area and need to figure out your weekend options or your commute.

The fastest way to determine the driving miles between Texas places is to verify our mileage chart below. Here we show the road mileage between 2 destinations which you have chosen, covering each of the major towns in the area. You can keep the cost of travel down by understanding your options. Examine the mileage below so you're not caught by surprise with high fuel prices.

The Texas driving distance table can be found below. Have a nice trip!

  • Laredo - Brownsville: 202 miles
  • Garland - Irving: 24 miles
  • Corpus Christi - San Antonio: 144 miles
  • Dallas - Fort Worth: 32 miles
  • Garland - Lubbock: 363 miles
  • Irving - Dallas: 11 miles
  • Lubbock - San Antonio: 387 miles
  • Plano - Corpus Christi: 449 miles
  • Fort Worth - Arlington: 15 miles
  • Dallas - Amarillo: 363 miles
  • Arlington - Garland: 37 miles
  • San Antonio - Amarillo: 509 miles
  • Arlington - Plano: 37 miles
  • Garland - Austin: 214 miles
  • Lubbock - Dallas: 345 miles
  • Garland - Corpus Christi: 447 miles
  • Arlington - El Paso: 619 miles
  • Houston - Fort Worth: 268 miles
  • Irving - Austin: 205 miles
  • Amarillo - Irving: 353 miles
  • Brownsville - Arlington: 562 miles
  • Laredo - Austin: 235 miles
  • Austin - Amarillo: 503 miles
  • Fort Worth - Lubbock: 314 miles
  • Lubbock - Brownsville: 663 miles
  • Lubbock - Amarillo: 122 miles
  • Irving - Laredo: 455 miles
  • Houston - Garland: 252 miles
  • Dallas - Brownsville: 559 miles
  • Dallas - Garland: 15 miles

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